Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/168

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not tell' (Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 818). On 6 Sept. 1623 he was admitted a student in the English College at Douay, where he was known by the name of Bolds. He was made professor of classics in 1629, and was ordained priest 6 March 1631–2. He became tutor to several persons of distinction, with whom he made three journeys into Flanders, six into France, five into Italy, and one tour through Holland and Germany. The last person with whom he travelled was Lord Lumley (afterwards Earl of Scarborough). During his residence in England he was appointed a canon of the chapter and archdeacon of a district. He was recommended for the posts of agent for the clergy at Rome and president of Douay College, but he declined all preferments. He died at Montpelier in France in September 1668, and was buried in the church of the Barefooted Carmelites in the suburb of that city.

He was author of: 1. 'An Account of the Journey of Lady Catherine Whetenhall from Brussels to Italy in 1650,' Birch MS. 4217 in British Museum. 2. 'The Voyage of Italy: or a Compleat Iourney t[h]rough Italy; in two parts. Opus posthumum: Corrected & set forth by his old friend and fellow Traueller S[imon] W[ilson],' a secular priest, Paris, 1670, 12mo. Dedicated to Richard, lord Lumley, viscount Waterford. Some copies have a title-page dated London, 1670, 12mo. Edward Harwood says that John Wilkes described this book as 'one of the best accounts of the curious things of Italy ever delivered to the world in any book of travels' (Lowndes, Bibliographer's Manual, ed. Bohn, p. 1314). A second edition, 'with large additions, by a modern hand,' but according to Dodd 'wretchedly defaced and altered,' appeared in two parts at London, 1698, 8vo. A French translation was published in 2 vols. Paris, 1671, 12mo. The work was reprinted by Dr. John Harris in his 'Navigantium atque Itinerantium Bibliotheca,' vol. ii. London, 1705, fol. 3. 'A Method to hear Mass' (1686?). There appeared at London in 1864, 12mo, 'St. George's Mass Book: containing the original preface of R. Lassels, printed 1686, with various extracts, 2nd edit., compiled and edited by Thomas Doyle, D.D.' 4. 'A Treatise on the Invocation of Saints.' 5. 'An Apology for Catholics,' 2 vols. 8vo, manuscript.

[Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 304; Schroeder's Annals of Yorkshire, ii. 330; Holmes's Descriptive Cat. of Books, iv. 60; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. iv. 516.]

LATES, JOHN JAMES (d. 1777?) musical composer, was son of David Francisco Lates, a teacher of languages at Oxford, and the author of a 'New Method of Easily Attaining the Italian Tongue,' London, 1766. The father seems to be identical with 'Signior Lates, late teacher of Oriental languages,' who died at Oxford 28 April 1777 (Gent. Mag. 1777, p. 247, and 1800, ii. 841). The son became a violinist of repute at Oxford, where he was a teacher of the violin and leader of the concerts. He owed much to the Duke of Marlborough, in whose service he was for many years at Blenheim, and seems to have been at one time organist of St. John's College. He is said to have died in 1777. He published: 'Six Solos for a Violin and Violoncello, with a Thorough-bass for the Harpsichord, humbly inscrib'd to Oldfield Bowles, Esq.,' Op. 3; also duets for two violins, Op. 1; duets for two German flutes, Op. 2, London.

His son, Charles Lates (fl. 1794), born at Oxford in 1771, became a pupil of Dr. Philip Hayes [q.v.], the university professor of music, matriculated at Magdalen College 4 Nov. 1793, at the age of twenty-two, and graduated Mus.Bac. 28 May 1794, when he described himself as 'organist of Gainsborough.' His exercise for the degree, preserved among the manuscripts in the Oxford Music School (MS. Mus. Sch. Ex. d. 72), is entitled an 'Anthem—"The Lord is my Light"—for Voices and Instruments;' it was performed 7 Nov. 1793. He subsequently published a 'Sett of Sonatas for Pianoforte,' songs in score, &c. He was a fine organist and extempore player, excelling in the art of 'fuguing.'

[Dict. of Mus. 1824; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Foster's Alumni Oxon. iii. 820.]

LATEWAR, RICHARD (1560–1601), scholar, was son of Thomas Latewar of London. He was born in 1560, and in 1571 was sent to Merchant Taylors' School (Robinson, Register, i. 17), whence he was elected scholar of St. John's College, Oxford, in 1580, and in due course became fellow. He was admitted B.A. 28 Nov. 1584, M.A. 23 May 1588, B.D. 2 July 1594, and D.D. 5 Feb. 1597. In 1593 he was proctor, at which time he was rector of Hopton, Suffolk. In 1596 he was recommended by the university of Oxford as one of the candidates for the first Gresham professorship of divinity (Ward, Lives of Professors at Gresham College, p. 36). On 28 June 1599 he was appointed rector of Finchley, Middlesex (Newcourt, Repert. i. 605), and was afterwards chaplain to Charles Blount, eighth lord Mountjoy [q.v.], whom he accompanied on his expedition to Ireland. He died on 17 July 1601, from a wound received at Benburb, co. Tyrone, on the pre-