Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 32.djvu/327

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LEAKE, JOHN, M.D. (1729–1792), man-midwife, son of William Leake, a clergyman, was born at Ainstable, Cumberland, 8 June 1729. He was educated as a surgeon, but early turned his attention to midwifery, and in 1755 practised at Lisbon, where he made the observation that the great earthquake did not prevent many of his patients from the safe birth of their children at the proper time (Medical Instructions), i. 149). He graduated M.D., at Rheims 9 Aug. 1763, and became a licentiate of the College of Physicians of London 25 June 1766. His house was in Craven Street, Strand, and in a theatre attached to it he delivered an annual course of about twenty lectures on midwifery. His first, 'Syllabus of Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Midwifery,' was published in 1767, and in the same year his 'Dissertation on the Properties and Efficacy of the Lisbon Diet-drink and its Extract.' This is a discreditable production, in which the composition of the remedy is kept a secret, while its efficacy in more than thirty diseases is maintained. A journeyman bookbinder named Walter Leake took out a patent for a pill which came to be called Leake's pill, and, being supposed to have the same efficacy as the diet drink, injured its sale. The next step which he took for advancement was to buy a piece of land near the Surrey end of Westminster Bridge, obtain subscriptions to build a hospital upon it, and get himself appointed first physician to this, the Westminster Lying-in Hospital. 'Practical Observations on the Child-bed Fever,' published in 1774, were made in this hospital, and are of no interest except as illustrations of the fatal results of the clinical impurity of lying-in wards at that period. In 1773 he published in 4to 'A Lecture introductory to the Theory and Practice of Midwifery' and 'The Description and Use of a New Forceps.' It had three blades instead of two, and was condemned by Thomas Denman [q. v.], then the greatest authority on midwifery. Leake replied in 1774 in a 'Vindication of the Forceps against the Remarks of T. Denman, M.D.;' and in the same year published 'Practical Observations on the Acute Diseases incident to Women.' In 1777 he published in two volumes 'Medical Instructions to wards the Prevention and Cure of Chronic or Slow Diseases peculiar to Women.' Both these works are addressed to women and not to physicians, and contain much extraneous matter, such as long poetical quotations and (5th edit. i. 274) a full description of the author's ascent of Skiddaw, 23 July 1780. An 'Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Midwifery' was also published by him in 1777, and in 1792 'A Practical Essay' on Diseases of the Viscera.' Several of his works went through numerous editions. He died in London 8 Aug. 1792, and is buried in the north cloister of Westminster Abbey. His portrait, engraved by Bartolozzi from a painting by D. Gardiner, is prefixed to vol. i. of his book on 'Chronic Diseases of Women.'

[Works; Munk's Coll. of Phys. ii. 275.]

LEAKE, RICHARD (1629–1696), master-gunner of England, son of Richard Leake, was born at Harwich in 1629. According to Martin Leake's biography of Sir John Leake [q. v.], he served under his father in the navy under the parliament, but being a royalist at heart took an opportunity of deserting and entered the king's service. His majesty's affairs proving very unfortunate, more especially by sea, he went to Holland and served in the Dutch army. It does not, however, appear that the elder Leake commanded a state's ship, and the only service of the king at sea that the lad can have entered was the semi-piratical squadron under Prince Rupert. After being some time in Holland he was able to return to England, and commanded a merchant ship in several voyages to the Mediterranean. At the Restoration he was appointed gunner of the Princess, and in her fought in many severe actions during the second Dutch war. In one, in the North Sea, on 20 April 1667, the Princess was engaged with seventeen vessels, apparently Rotterdam privateers, and though hard pressed succeeded in beating them off. She then went to Gottenburg, and in the return voyage was attacked by two Danish ships on l7 May. The captain and master were killed, the lieutenant was badly wounded, and the command devolved on Leake, who after a stubborn fight beat them off and brought the ship safely to the Thames (Charnock, Biog. Nav. i. 161). He was given 30l., and by warrant, 13 Aug. 1667, was appointed 'one of his majesty's gunners within the Tower of London, in consideration of his good and faithful service to his majesty during the war with the French, Danes, and Dutch.'

In May 1669 he was promoted to be gunner of the Royal Prince, a first rate, which carried the flag of Sir Edward Spragge [q. v.] in the battle with the Dutch of 10 Aug. 1673. The Royal Prince was dismasted; many of her guns were dismounted; some four hundred of her men were killed or wounded; Spragge had shifted his flag to the St. George; and a large Dutch ship with two fireships bore down on her, making certain of capturing or of burning her. It is said that Rooke (afterwards Sir George), her first lieutenant and