Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 33.djvu/15

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ing soon afterwards that the strain on his eyesight was too great to allow him to pursue his studies, gave his collection to the national herbarium at Kew. He died at Lucifelde, Shrewsbury, on 28 Feb. 1889, and was buried in the Shrewsbury General Cemetery. He married, first, in 1827, Catherine, youngest daughter of David Parkes, a Shrewsbury antiquary, by whom he left one son and two daughters; secondly, Mrs. Gibson, by whom he left a son.

[Shrewsbury Chronicle, 8 March 1889; Journ. Bot. 1889, p. 111.]

LEINSTER, first Duke of (1722–1773). [See Fitzgerald, James.]

LEINSTER, Earl of (1584?–1659). [See Cholmondeley, Robert.]

LEINTWARDEN or LEYNTWARDYN, THOMAS, D.D. (d. 1421), chancellor of St. Paul's, was born in Herefordshire, and educated at Oxford, where he became master of arts and doctor of divinity, and was appointed fellow of Oriel College (before 1386), dean, and afterwards provost (1417-21). His election as provost was disputed for nearly two years (cf. Tyler, Henry V.) He is thought to have compiled in 1397 a register of the college muniments, which is still extant {Colleges of Oxford, p. 99, ed. Clark). He supported the archbishop against certain Lollard fellows of the college. Two manuscripts that belonged to Leintwarden are in Oriel and Merton libraries respectively. He was ordained acolyte on 18 Feb. 1390, and deacon 1392 (Register of Braybroke, bishop of London, ap. Tanner). In 1401 he succeeded John Godmanston as chancellor of St. Paul's. He refused at first to vacate his fellowship at Oriel on receiving this appointment, but seems to have done so before 1409.

He was still chancellor of St. Paul's in 1417. At a synod held by Archbishop Chichele on 26 Nov. in that year in London, proposals were adopted with a view to remedying the complaint of the scholars of Oxford and Cambridge that they were excluded from rewards and benefices, and Leintwarden was sent with the dean of Hereford to obtain the consent of his own university to these proposals. But the masters rejected the scheme, because it gave better benefices to the doctors than to them. Leintwarden died probably near the end of 1421. He was author of a 'Commentary upon the Epistles of St. Paul,' in fourteen books, and John Whethamstede, abbot of St. Albans, who highly praised Leintwarden in his 'De granis typicis,' ordered the work to be transcribed for the use of his monastery. The commentary is not now known to be extant.

Tanner confuses him with a contemporary Richard Lentwardyn, private chaplain to Courtenay, archbishop of Canterbury, who was presented by the dean and chapter of Canterbury, sede vacante, to the living of Aldington, near Hythe, in the archbishop's gift, on 1 Dec. 1390 (Courtenay's Register in Lambeth Palace Library; 1391 according to Hasted, Hist, of Kent) iii. 463). This Richard Lentwardyn was collated by the archbishop to Chartbam, near Canterbury, on 20 July 1392 (ib. p. 146). He was still rector of Chartbam in 1396. A Richard Lentwardyn exchanged some other preferment for the archdeaconry of Cornwall with Robert Braybroke on 5 April 1396 (Pat. 18 Ric. II, p. 2, m. 16, ap. Le Neve, Fasti, i. 398).

[Bale's Scriptt. Brit. cent. xii. No. 8; Pits, De Illustr. Angliæ Script. App. p. 886; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib.; Wood's Hist. of Univ. of Oxford, i. 562 (Gutch), Hist. of Colleges and Halls, p. 126 (Gutch); Newcourt's Repert. Paroch. Londin. i. 113; Wilkins's Concilia, iii. 381; Hook's Lives of Archbishops, v. 110, ed. 1867; information from Oriel College Archives supplied by C. L. Shadwell, esq.]

LEITCH, WILLIAM LEIGHTON (1804–1883), water-colour painter, was born at Glasgow on 22 Nov. 1804. His father had been a sailor, but about the time of Leitch's birth became a soldier. Leitch soon developed a strong inclination for art, and used to practise drawing at night with David Macnee, afterwards president of the Scottish Academy. After a good general education, he was placed in a lawyer's ofiice; but neither this employment nor that of weaving, to which he was next set, was agreeable to him, and he was apprenticed to Mr. Harbut, a house-painter and decorator. In 1824 he was engaged as a scene-painter at the Theatre Royal, Glasgow, and married Miss Susannah Smellie, who bore him five sons and two daughters. The theatre failing, he spent two years at Mauchline, painting snuff-boxes, and then came to London, where he made the acquaintance of David Roberts [q. v.] and Clarkson Stanfield [q. v.], and obtained employment as a scene-painter at the Queen's (afterwards the Prince of Wales's) Theatre in Tottenham Street. He had some lessons from Copley Fielding, and was employed by Mr. Anderden, a stockbroker, to make drawings for a work he was writing. The same gentleman provided him with funds to visit the continent. After exhibiting two drawings at the Society of British Artists, 1832, he set out in 1833, passing through Holland, Germany, and Switzerland to Italy. After an absence of four years, during which he