UTchlon. Alexander (15G9-IB4B) .
Leiuhtoa, A1eimnder(l)t(K)-]g74) .
Leijjhtoa, Cbirles BUir (1823-1SBS.)
Leightod, Sir Elisfat (J. 1GR5)
Lsiiibtoii, LichtflD, or Lvcbton, II
IMO) ,...■.,
Leightan. Htniy (d. I6B9) .
Leighloo, Robert (1611-ieai)
l^ebton, Robert (ian-1869);
Ughtcn, Sir WiUlatn (Jl. 1C03-16H)
Lw'gbloii, WilUara (IS11-1869)
l*lghton,WilltamA]lport (IBOft-lBflB).
Leinster, firet Duke or (.IT22-1713). Sm
Filieerald, James.
Uinater, Earl of (1584 7-1659). See Cbul-
moDdelev, Rtiliert.
LeintwardeTi or LemtwardvD, Thomu, D.D,
(d HSl) . ■ . . ■ . . . ,
I^itch,Wmiain Leighloa (1804^1883) .
Leith,BirJainci(i;63-tai<>) . . . .
Uilh, Thertdote Forbea, M.D. (1746-1819) .
Le Kemc, Hmiv (1787-1868). See under Le
Keui, John.
Lc Keux, John (1783-1840) .
LdLpravick, Robert: (/. 1561-1581 )
Lelaad or Levlond, John, Ibe elder (d. 1429)
LelaDd or UVUnd, John ( 1506 ?-15Sa)
Leland, John'(ie91~1766)
LeIand,Tbomia, D.D. (I73!-lT8a} .
Ldv, Sir Petei (1618-1680) .
m (1544
Le Unrchanl, John Gaenord (1766-181!)
Le Marcbanl. Sir John GaBpard (ieO.')-18T4).
Lemetu, Bdthazar Vm (1637-1704). fiei
Ton Lemeni.
U Meanrier, Havilland (1758-1806)
U MemriBT, HBvilland(lT8S-1813i
UUeauriei, John (1781-1848) .
Le Mnnrler, Paul (1755-18Db). See undei
Le Uesarier. HaTilland (1758- 1800).
U Moiae. Abraham (d. 1757) . . . .
Leni<nne, Uenrv (1756-1812) .
Lemon, George' William (1726-1797) .
Lemon, Mark (18D9-18T0)
Lemon, Robert (1779-1B35) .
Lemm, Robert (180O-IS67) .
Lempriire, John, D.D. < 1765 ?-t824) .
LKnpii^re, Michael ( JL 1640-1116(1)
Lempri^, William ((f. 1834) .
Lempnl, Remi^jius Vnn (d 167^). See Vi
LcDri^, Aufiuste Fredericlt (1826-1889) .
UNoYcJohD (1679-1741) .
L« Neve, Peter ( 16(11-1729) .
Le Neve, »r WiUiam (16O0 ?-16Gl )
Lenev, William S. ( fl. 1780-ISlO) ... I
Leng, John (1665-1727) ;
Lennard, Francis, fourleenlh I^rd Diwre
(161&-lfifl2) ;
Leonard, Samaou (d. 163S) . . . . ■
Leanie, William (1779-1852) , . . . ■
Lennoo, John (1768-1842?) . . . . ■
LenDOi, Dukes and Earli of. See Sifwart.
Lennox. Cbarle?, first Duke of Kichmood
(1672-1728) •
LenBox, Charlca, second Duke at Richmond,
Unnoi and Auhigny (1701-1750) . . 1
Leonox, Charles, third Duke of Itichinond and
Lennox (1785-1806)
Lennox. Cbarlei<. fotirth Duke of Richmond
and Unnox (1764-1819) . . . . •
LenDDi, Charles Gordon-, fifth Duke of Rich-
mond (17S1-1860) '
Lennox, Cbarlotte (1720-1804) ... I
Lennox, George Henry (1737-1805) . . i
I.cnnox, Lord HenryCbarla George Gordon-
(1821-1886). See under Lennox, Charles
Gordon-, flfth Dnkeof RichmDnd.
Lennox, Malcolm, fifth Earl ofLeaDOzllSoS?'
) I
LennoB, Lord WiUiam Pitt (1799-1881) . (
LeKotr.EUzabelh Anm>(l7Sa?-lf>4l) . . 1
Leni, Andrew Benjamin IJI. 1765-1T70). See
under Lens, Bernard (1631-1708).
Lens, Bernard (1631-1708) .... I
Lens, Bernard ( 1659-17253- ^'^ nnder Lena,
Bernard (1631-1708).
Lens, Bernard (1682-1740). See under Lens,
Benieid (1631-1708).
LenlhalC, William.
Lenthall, Waiiam (15B1-1602)
Lenton, Fraads (/. 1630-1840)
Lenton,John( ^.1682-1718) .
LeoTflc (Lat. Uuricua), Earl of Mercia Id.
Leofriu ( Ul. Lefricos) (rf. 1072)
LeoMc of Bourne ( jt UOO) .
I.e0firine (if. 1066) .
Leominster, Lord (A 1711). See Fermor,
Lwni.Uiacomo (1686-1746) . , . -
Leopold, Gnirce Duncan Albert, Duke
Albanv (1853-1884) ....
Leplpra '( Le Piper), Francis (d. 1698) .
U Qoesae, Charles (1811-18.56) .
Lerplniere, Daniel (174B ?-1785) .
Lauenr, Sir Stephen (It. 1586-1627)
Lssler. See also Le.<He and Lnlj.
Leiler, Alexander (16HB-17SS)
Lesley, William Aloysius, D.D, (1641-1704) .
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