Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 33.djvu/89

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Vertue, appeared at London in 1750, 6 vols. 8vo. Separate reprints of Leslie's apologetic writings have also appeared from time to time, of which the principal are the following: ‘The Short and Easy Method with the Deists,’ Edinburgh, 1735, 8vo, London, 1745, 8vo; ed. Randolph in ‘Enchiridion Theologicum,’ Oxford, 1792, 8vo; in ‘The Scholar Armed against the Errors of the Time,’ London, 1795, 1800, 1814, 1820, 8vo; ed. Jones, London, 1799, 12mo: ed. Jackson in ‘The Christian Armed against Infidelity,’ London, 1837, 8vo; ed. Lorimer in ‘The Christian's Armour against Infidelity,’ Glasgow, 1857, 12mo; ‘Deism Refuted; or the Truth of Christianity Demonstrated by Infallible Proof from Four Rules which are incompatible to any Imposture that can possibly be. In a Letter to a Friend,’ London, 1755, 8vo, Dublin, 3rd edit. 1758, 12mo; ‘The Short and Easy Method with the Deists; together with the Letter from the Author to a Deist [Gildon] upon his Conversion by reading his book and the Truth of Christianity demonstrated,’ Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1832, 1865, 12mo; the same (except that only extracts from the ‘Letter’ are given) with an ‘Introductory Essay’ by David Russell, Edinburgh, 1838, 12mo. Abridgments of both the ‘Method with the Deists’ and the ‘Truth of Christianity demonstrated,’ by Francis Wrangham [q. v.], appeared at York in 1802, and were reprinted separately, and in ‘The Pleiad; or a Series of Abridgements of seven Distinguished Writers in Opposition to the Pernicious Doctrines of Deism,’ 1820, 8vo, and by the Religious Tract Society, 1830, 12mo. Other abridgments of the ‘Short and Easy Method with the Deists’ are ‘A Letter to a Noble Duke on the Incontrovertible Truth of Christianity. With a dedication to the Duke of Leeds,’ 2nd edit. London, 1808, 12mo; ‘The Truth of the Scripture History abridged from Mr. Leslie's Short and Easy Method,’ London, 1820(?); ‘Leslie's Four Marks. An Extract from that Author's Work entitled “A Short and Easy Method with the Deists. Illustrated by two Diagrams,”’ ed. Sir E. Denny, London, 1874, 16mo. An American edition was published about 1724, and reprinted at Windsor, Vermont, in 1812, 12mo. An abridgment appeared in Uzal Ogden's ‘Antidote to Deism,’ vol. ii. Newark, U.S. 1795. A French translation, with slight variations, was published as a posthumous work of the Abbé Saint-Réal as ‘Méthode Courte et Aisée pour combattre les Déistes,’ in his ‘Œuvres,’ ed. 1757, ii. 95 et seq., and long passed in France for the original (see Biographie Universelle, ‘Saint-Réal;’ Hallam, Lit. of Europe, ed. 1839, iv. 164). Other French translations are: ‘Courte Démonstration de la Vérité du Christianisme,’ Paris, 1831, 12mo, and ‘Le Déisme réfuté par une Méthode Courte et Facile,’ Paris, 1837, 12mo. There is also a version in Spanish, ‘La Verdad y la Divinidad de la Religion Cristiana demostradas al alcance de todos, por la Realidad de los Milagros de Moisés y de Jesucristo,’ Bogotá, 1858, 8vo, and another entitled, ‘Demostracion de la Verdad de la Religion Cristiana,’ 1863, 12mo. Of ‘The Short and Easy Method with the Jews’ reprints appeared at London in 1737 8vo, 1755 12mo, 1758 12mo; in ‘The Scholar Armed,’ &c., vol. ii. London, 1795 8vo, 1800 8vo; also under the auspices of the London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, London, 1812, 8vo, and of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, 1825, 12mo. A reprint of the ‘Case of the Regale and of the Pontificat stated,’ with the omission of the preface and supplement, appeared at London in 1838, 8vo. ‘The Churchman Armed against the Errors of the Time,’ vol. ii. (London, 1814), contains a reprint of ‘The Case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England,’ of which an abridgment appeared at Edinburgh in 1835 under the title ‘A Short Method with the Romanists.’

[Life prefixed to Oxford edit. of Leslie's Theological Works; R. J. Leslie's Life and Writings of Charles Leslie, 1885; Leslie's Life and Times of the Right Reverend John Leslie, D.D., 1885, p. 288; Colonel Leslie's Hist. Records of the Family of Leslie, iii. 326–8; Hist. Reg. 1722, Chron. Diary, p. 21; Salmon's Chron. Hist. ii. 122; Dublin Graduates; Biog. Brit.; Ware's Writers of Ireland, ed. Harris, i. 282; Noble's Continuation of Granger's Biog. Hist. of England, ed. 1806, i. 140; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. iv. 847; Cotton's Fasti Eccl. Hibern. iii. 259, 361; Clarendon and Rochester Corresp. i. 577, ii. 279, 317; Hist. MSS. Comm. 1st Rep. App. 118, 2nd Rep. App. 232, 234, 236, 245, 8th Rep. App. 392; Hearne's Collections, ed. Doble (Oxford Hist. Soc.), i. 36, 40, 57, 234, 243, ii. 5, 152, 297, iii. 36, 44, 221; Luttrell's Relation of State Affairs, vi. 440, 609, 615, 627; Somer's Tracts, viii. 638, 667, 676; Burnet's Own Time, fol. ii. 436; Macpherson's Orig. Papers, ii. 134, 174, 210, 215, 430–1, 445; Tindal's Rapin, ii. 357 n.; Boyer's Queen Anne, 1735, p. 697; Stuart Papers, ed. Glover, i. 24 n., 37; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. i. 195, iv. 80; Lathbury's Hist. of the Nonjurors, 246, 283, 365; Secret Memoirs of Bar-le-Duc from the Death of Queen Anne to the Present Time, Dublin, 1716, Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ix. 324, 575; Abbey and Overton's English Church in the Eighteenth Century; Stephen's Hist. of English Thought in the Eighteenth Century; Wilson's Memoirs of the Life and Times of Daniel Defoe.]