corruptly obtained preferment, Herbert determined in 1094 to visit Rome in order to resign his office. At Hastings he met William, who was aware of his errand and promptly degraded him (Anglo-Saxon Chron.), but Herbert went on to Rome, where he formally resigned his office to Pope Urban and received absolution. The pope at the same time reinstated Herbert, and consented to Herbert's proposal to remove the see from Thetford to Norwich, obviously a more suitable diocesan centre. Before Herbert left Rome the pope is said to have imposed upon him by way of penance the task of erecting various churches and religious houses within the diocese, a task which he zealously performed. To him was due the erection of Norwich Cathedral and the parish churches of Great Yarmouth (St. Nicholas) and King's Lynn (St. Margaret). On 9 April 1094 the see was formally transferred from Thetford to Norwich.
A suitable site for the cathedral buildings at Norwich was soon found in meadow land belonging to the manor of Thorpe, known as the ‘Cowholme’ (the modern cathedral close), and the foundation-stone of the cathedral church of the Holy and Undivided Trinity was laid in 1096, and formally dedicated 24 Sept. 1101. Within these five years the choir and transepts were completed, including the lower stage of the tower and the circular lady-chapel (destroyed by fire in 1171) at the extreme east of the building (opening into the apse). In one of Herbert's ‘Letters’ he alludes, with reference to the construction of the cathedral, not only to his own workmen, but also to those of the king, and the works were probably carried on under the joint control of William II, with whom Herbert had been reconciled, and the bishop. The labour involved was very large. Vessels bringing quarried stone were presumably unloaded at the Staithe on the Wensum, which is in close proximity. The cost was partly defrayed by Herbert out of his private purse, and partly by contributions of the people collected by the monks, whom the bishop energetically stimulated to activity in the matter. Throughout, the bishop's zeal gave the chief impetus. The ground-plan of the building is said to resemble that of Fécamp. Both churches are dedicated to the Holy Trinity, and the arms of abbey and diocese (three mitres) are identical.
The monastery at Norwich (of which important remains still exist) was built at the same time to accommodate upwards of sixty monks of the Benedictine order, who were under the rule of a prior, the first called to that office being one Ingulfus. A charter of William II granted to Herbert certain ‘lands at Norwich Castle,’ and he ratified the bishop's transfer of his Syleham manor, including church, water-mill, fishery, &c., to Roger Bigod in exchange for the church of St. Michael at Tombland, Norwich, with other adjacent possessions, including the church of St. Simon and St. Jude. This property had been settled by Roger on the cathedral at Norwich. In 1101 Henry I granted to Herbert and the monks of his church and their successors the manor of Thorpe, of which the cathedral close formed a part, with all its appurtenances, free from all charges, with free and exclusive warren both there and at Eaton, near Norwich (cf. Goulburn and {{sc|Symonds]], i. 113, 230). Other grants included the churches at Great Yarmouth, Lynn, St. Edmund's chapel at Hoxne, the salt works and mill at Gaywood. The bishop erected the church of St. Leonard in Thorpe wood.
In 1104 Herbert initiated a house of Cluniac monks at Thetford, the former seat of the bishopric. Three years later the foundation was regularly made and richly endowed by Roger Bigod, earl of Norfolk, acting under Herbert's advice, by way of contrition for his past sins. Herbert's first inmates were twelve monks from Clugni, who were in all things subject to the abbot of that place. Within eight days of the foundation ceremonies Roger Bigod died near Norwich. Herbert firmly resisted the entreaty, not only of the monks of Thetford but also of Roger's wife, that the earl might be buried at Thetford according to his expressed wish. By Herbert's order Roger was buried in the cathedral of Norwich.
On the occasion of the removal of the body of St. Etheldreda to the newly erected church of the abbey at Ely, Herbert preached the sermon (cf. Liber Eliensis). He is also said to have attended the council of Westminster held by Anselm in 1102, and to have assisted the archbishop at the consecration of the bishops of Hereford and Worcester at St. Paul's Cathedral. In 1107 he assisted at the consecration of five bishops at Canterbury, including Roger, bishop of Salisbury, the late treasurer. Herbert afterwards wrote to Roger complaining of ill-health, and craving Roger's aid in relieving him of heavy fiscal burdens, especially connected with his manor of Thorpe, although the king presented it to him free from all taxes. In 1101 Herbert was sent to Rome by the king, with Robert of Chester and Gerard of York, to obtain from the pope a decision in his favour in his dispute with Anselm respecting lay-investitures. While travelling through the province of Lyons in advance of his companions, Herbert was de-