Llwvd, Sir Gniflyd>l ( fl, 1333) . LlwVd,flrarrvdd(^, 137O-14S0I . LlwVd, IIi«h or Huw (15S3-M820) LIwTtf, Hmnphrav ( 1537-1568) . liwTd or LlOTd. John ( iaSS?-1603).
andcr Llwrd, HamphrF;. JJWTd, Hoigan (161»-16aS) . Utrjd, Richud (1T&3-18S5) . Llrwarcb ab Llyii ' — -■■■ '— ' — ~-
��UwdjD ab lonrcrth, (
breat |d. 1S40} . IJ.rwel;a ab GmiTydd (r£ 1383)
��__jD'{itl817) - Lljvdvn of LUagewvdd, or L
(ISST'f-lSlS) UAb, Emmuiiel (1594-I671).
��Lobb, Stfpbed (d.l69»)
��,_ . . S« Lran, Hart.
Loch, Itavld (i 1780) SB
Lwh, GnnTillflGi>wer(IS13-186S) . 55
Loch. Jama C'^*'-!*'**) **
��r LochoK, Rabcrt (>i<u-ic4»i ....
Lock. See Locke incl Lok. I Locke. SnalaoLok.
I LoiAe, Johntlesa-ITM) . . . .
' Locke, Jabn(l806-lS«0) . . . .
Locke, JoMph (ISOS-lMo) .... Locke, Uattbew ( 1 650 ?-16T7) Loekeoi Lack,WtU)ain (tT83-lS10) . Locke, WiLi«B, the third (l^MH-ISSS). 5tt under Locke or Lock, WiUiaiD (17S^ 1810). LocIlc. William, the Toanger (lTfi7-1MT). See under Idcke at Lock, Williui (ITS!- IHlH) Locker Edirard lUwke n77T-lM») . , Locker, Jntao (1I>9»-I7G0> . . . . I Locker, WilUuii(I73l-IW«) . . . .
��( ie03-l«79) Lockhart, David (d. IMfl) Lockfaart or Lokerl. George C/f. IS30) . I.ock hart. Sir G«Dnte (iaS0?-ie89) Loekhan, George (1673-1731) {.ockhart. Sir James, Lord Lee((l. 1<74). Lockhan, John Gibson (I7M-I6M) Lockhart, Laurence WilUam MaxweU (ISSt-
Lockhart, Philip (1G30 ?-17l5]
Lookhart, Kr Williai "
LoeUurt, WillUoi (I
��lain (1631-1676)
(1840-1898) ,
Lockbon-BoM, Sr John (1731-1790).
��Lockier, Francis (1667-1740) . Lockman, John (1698-1771) . Lackfcr.N'khoUi (1611-1686) Locock, Sir Charles (17»9-187e) , Loder, Edward Jams (18IS-186a) , LDder,Geoi^(IS16P-I868} .
��Loder, John Darid. Lodge, Edmund (ITiS-lSas) . Lodtte, Jolin (il. 1774) ..... LodKe.Johii (IWI-lt'^)- !we EIlerMn, John
L<^ Lodge, Sir Thomas (d. 1&84) . Lodge. Thomas (1568 ?-1635) .
���(rf, IMol.
Loer, William (it IMS) . .
Loeghaiie(if.458). See Laccbaii
Loewe, Louis (1809-1888)
Loewenlhal oi Lti««athai, Johaim Jacob (1810-187«)
UA, Capell (nai-lSM)
LaBt,CapeU,the>-uuDgeTliaoe-18T>) .
LaftboDH.UarT(1U£.lS8&) . . .
Lofting or Loltingh. John <1659?-I74:)
LuftiH,Adam(153S?-160S) . . . _
Lottos, Adam, lint Vboouot Loftus of E^
r (lS«g?-1643)
I LoftBs, Dudlar (1619-1696) .
40 Loftas. WilUam KenoelU 18X1 ?-iee8) .
41 Logan, George (Ifl;ii-i756) . 41 Logan, Jaiiia>(I<i74-lIil) . . .
�� �