Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 34.djvu/60

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but, thank God! my name is not at full length in the “Dunciad.”’ His poems are chiefly occasional verses intended to be set to music for Vauxhall. In 1762 he tried, fruitlessly, to get them printed by subscription. He frequently went to court to present his verses to the royal family, and after he became secretary to the British Herring Fishery he tendered gifts of pickled herrings. Both poems and herrings, he declared, were ‘most graciously accepted.’ In France, according to Johnson, he was honoured as ‘L'illustre Lockman,’ in recognition of his translation of Voltaire's ‘Henriade’ (Boswell, Life of Johnson, ed. G. B. Hill, iv. 6). He died in Brownlow Street, Long Acre, on 2 Feb. 1771, leaving a widow, Mary (Administration Act Book, P. C. C., 1771).

Lockman did some creditable work for the ‘General Dictionary,’ 10 vols. fol., London, 1734–41, including a painstaking life of Samuel Butler (Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xi. 102).

He translated many French works, including Voltaire's ‘Age of Louis XIV,’ and ‘Henriade;’ Marivaux's ‘Pharamond;’ and Le Sage's ‘Bachelor of Salamanca;’ and published: 1. ‘The Charms of Dishabille; or, New Tunbridge Wells at Islington,’ a song, fol. (London, 1733?). 2. ‘David's Lamentation over Saul and Jonathan. A Lyric Poem,’ 4to, London, 1736; 5th edit. 1740. 3. ‘Rosalinda, a Musical Drama …’ with an inquiry into the history of operas and oratorios, 4to, London, 1740. It was set to music by John Christopher Smith, and performed at Hickford's Great Room in Brewer Street. 4. ‘To the long-conceal'd first Promoter of the Cambrick and Tea-Bills [S. T. Janssen]: an Epistle [in verse],’ 4to, London, 1746. 5. ‘A Discourse on Operas,’ before F. Vanneschi's ‘Fetoute. Drama,’ &c., 8vo, London, 1747. 6. ‘The Shetland Herring and Peruvian Gold-Mine: a Fable,’ in verse, fol., London, 1751; 2nd edit. 4to, 1751. 7. ‘A proper Answer to a Libel written by L. D. N[elme] … against J. Lockman’ [anon.], 8vo, London, 1753, a ghastly attempt at wit. 8. ‘A faithful Narrative of the late pretended Gunpowder Plot in a Letter to the … Lord Mayor of London,’ 8vo, London, 1755. 9. ‘A History of the Cruel Sufferings of the Protestants and others by Popish Persecutions in various Countries,’ 8vo, London, 1760; besides copies of verses on presenting the Prince of Wales with early Shetland herrings, a few prologues and epilogues, and a number of complimentary addresses to his patrons on birthdays and similar occasions.

Lockman wrote also a ‘History of Christianity,’ which he announced in 1732 as being ready for the press (Note 17 to his translation of Voltaire, Henriade), and he wrote histories of England, Greece, and Rome respectively, by question and answer, which passed through numerous editions. In the British Museum is his correspondence with Dr. Thomas Birch, 1731–58 (Addit. MS. 4311), and a single letter to P. Des Maizeaux (ib. 4284). He was a frequent contributor to the ‘Gentleman's Magazine.’

[Nichols's Lit. Anecd. ii. 45, v. 53, 287, viii. 100, 101; Nichols's Illustr. of Lit. ii. 67; Baker's Biog. Dram. 1812; Gent. Mag. 1792, pt. i. p. 314; Chalmers's Biog. Dict.; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. iii. 330.]

G. G.

LOCKYER, NICHOLAS (1611–1685), puritan divine, born 1611, was son of William Lockyer of Glastonbury, Somerset. On 4 Nov. 1631 he matriculated at Oxford from New Inn Hall, graduated B.A. on 14 May 1633, was incorporated at Cambridge in 1635, and proceeded M.A. from Emmanuel College in 1636 (Foster, Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714, iii. 933). Upon the outbreak of the civil war he took the covenant and engagement, and became known as a fervid, powerful preacher. He was frequently called upon to deliver the 'fast sermon' before the House of Commons. Cromwell made him his chaplain, appointed him fellow of Eton College on 21 Jan. 1649-50, and in November 1651 sent him to Scotland as preacher with the parliamentary commissioners (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1651 pp. 2, 3, 1651-2 p. 28). On 30 June 1653 the council of state resolved to settle lands of inheritance to the value of 200l. a year on him and his heirs for ever out of deans' and chapters' lands, and an ordinance was passed to that effect on 3 Feb. 1651 (ib. 1652-3 pp. 454-5, 1653-4 p. 385). He shrewdly bargained to have the value in money at ten years' purchase, and accordingly received 2,100l., with which he purchased the manors of Hambleton and Blackwell, Worcestershire, by indenture dated 27 Sept. 1654 (ib. 1654, pp. 182, 448). An order in November 1655 to re-convey the manors to the Commonwealth, on condition of his receiving 2,500l. out of any revelations that he might make to the committee for discoveries, did not take effect (ib. 1655-7). In December 1653 Lockyer, being then a preacher at Whitehall (ib. 1655, p, 214), was appointed member of a projected commission for the ejecting and settling of ministers according to the rules then prescribed, but the scheme having failed, he was appointed a commissioner for the approbation of public preachers. As M.A, of twelve years' standing he was created B.D. at Oxford on 5 June 1654 (Wood, Fasti Oxon. ad. Bliss, ii. 185), and became provost of Eton on 14 Jan. 1658-9, from which office he was ejected at the Restoration. He was