Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 37.djvu/107

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Banks of Euphrates at Beer and to Mesopotamia,’ appeared in 1714. Hedges had given the manuscript to the university without any restrictions, and when the third impression was required he was asked for Maundrell's ‘inscriptions and some other improvements’ in his possession, but he declined, as the authorities had ‘not sent him so much as one copy for his former present,’ an omission, says Hearne, not to be imputed to Aldrich, who had supervised the impressions (Collections, ed. Doble, iii. 117). Numerous impressions came out in later years, and it was issued in 1810 in a volume with Bishop Robert Clayton's ‘Journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai,’ and with the remarks of Joseph Pitts on the Mahometans, to which was prefixed Maundrell's print, ‘from an original drawing’ belonging to Richard Dagley. It was also included in the collections of Harris, Pinkerton, and Moore, in the ‘World Displayed,’ vol. xi., and in H. G. Bohn's ‘Early Travels in Palestine,’ edited by Thomas Wright in 1848. A French translation appeared at Utrecht in 1705 and at Paris in 1706. A Dutch translation was inserted in ‘Kanaan en d'omleggende Landen,’ Leeuwarden, 1717, pp. 455–520; a rendering from French into German, by Louis Fr. Vischer, was published at Hamburg in 1737, and it formed part of volume i. of Paulus's ‘Collection,’ issued at Jena in 1792. The journals of his companion, Richard Chiswell (1673–1751) [q. v.], and a copy of Maundrell's ‘Journey,’ with a few manuscript notes, are in British Museum Addit. MSS. 10623–4.

Maundrell is entitled to considerable praise as a judicious and careful traveller, but it is insinuated in the Rawlinson MSS. ii. 81, that he had taken one of his views from the ‘Histoire et Voyage de la Terre Sainte par Père Jaques Goujon’ (Lyon, 1671), and Alexander Drummond in his ‘Travels’ (1754) censures some of his suggestions. He was also the author of ‘A Sermon preach'd before the Company of Levant Merchants at St. Peter Poor, Dec. 15, 1695,’ and an inscription from Syria, sent by him to Bishop Lloyd of Worcester, is illustrated with critical observations in Samuel Jebb's ‘Bibliotheca Literaria’ (1722), pp. 2–6.

[Boase's Exeter Coll. pp. 82–7, 213, 229; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Dunkin's Bromley, p. 27; Pearson's Levant Chaplains, pp. 18, 24–5, 58; Addit. MS. 24107, Brit. Mus. (with many letters from Hedges to Maundrell); Biog. Univ.; information from the Rev. Vincent F. Ransome of Compton Bassett.]

MAUNSELL, ANDREW (d. 1595), bibliographer and publisher, was at the beginning of Elizabeth's reign probably a member of the Drapers' or Grocers' Company, but as early as 1578 he undertook, in addition to his other business, the publication and sale of books, although he did not join the Stationers' Company (Arber, Stationers' Reg. ii. 28). On 6 Nov. 1578 he obtained a license to publish a work entitled, ‘The State of Swearinge and Swearers’ (ib. p. 340), and until 1595 he was busily occupied in selling or publishing books, chiefly theological (cf. ib. pp. 381, 402). In 1583 he joined with H. Denham, T. Chard, and W. Broome, in bringing out in folio a translation by Anthony Martin [q. v.] of Peter Martyr's ‘Commonplaces,’ and he undertook the publication of many works by Archbishop Bancroft's well-known chaplain, Thomas Rogers [q. v.] He at first dwelt at the sign of the Parrot in St. Paul's Churchyard, but by 1595 had removed to Lothbury. His device was a pelican with its offspring, rising out of the flames, which was formerly employed by Richard Jugge [q. v.], and his motto was ‘Pro lege, rege, grege.’ He took a genuine interest in his profession, and finding the need of a general catalogue of English printed books, set about preparing one. Nothing quite similar had been previously attempted in this country, although Bale had made efforts in the direction in his ‘Scriptores.’ Maunsell designed a catalogue in three parts, the first embracing divinity, the second, science in all its branches with music, and the third, literature, including logic, law, and history. The entries were arranged under authors' surnames, but many general headings, like ‘Sermons’ or ‘Music,’ were introduced, and gave the work something of the character of a subject-index. The first two parts were alone completed, and both appeared in folio in 1595. The first part, entered on the ‘Stationers' Register’ 8 May 1595, was entitled ‘The First Part of the Catalogue of English Printed Bookes: which concerneth such Matters of Divinite as have bin either written in oure Tongue or translated out of some other Language, and have bin published to the Glory of God and Edification of the Church of Christ in England. Gathered into Alphabet and suche Method as it is by Andrew Maunsell … London, printed by John Windet for Andrew Maunsell,’ fol. This is dedicated to Queen Elizabeth, and there follow the dedication addresses to the members of the Stationers' Company, and to ‘the reverend divines and lovers of divine books.’ Maunsell warns the latter that he has omitted the works ‘of fugitive papistes’ or printed attacks on the existing government. Both defects are supplied in manuscript by a contemporary in a copy of the catalogue in Trinity