Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 37.djvu/465

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Index to Volume XXXVII.

��45 1


Meadows, Sir Philip (1626-1718) . . .192 Meadows, Philip (d. 1757). Sec under

Meadows, Sir Philip.

Meager, Leonard (1624 P-1704?) . . .194 Meagher, Thaddeus or Thade'e de (1670-1765).

See under Meagher, Thomas Francis. Meagher, Thomas Francis (1823-18G7) . .194 Means, Joseph Calrow (1801-1879) . .196 Meara, Derrnod or Dermitius ( ft. 1610) . . 197 Meara or O'Meara, Edmund (d. 1680) . .197 Meares. See also Meres.

Meares, John (1756 P-1809) . . . .198 Mearns, Duncan, D.D. (1779-1852) . . 199 Mears or Mairs, John (1695 P-1767) . . 199 Mears, William (/. 1722). See under Meres

or Meeres, John.

Meath, Lords of. See Lacy, Hugh de, first Lord (d. 1186) ; Lacy, Walter, second Lord (A 1241).

Mechi^John Joseph (1802-1880) . . .200 Medbourne, Matthew (d. 1679) . . . 201 Mede, Joseph (1586-1638). See Mead. Medhurst, George (1759-1827) . . . 201 Medhurst, Walter Henry (1796-1857) . . 202 Medhurst, Sir Walter Henry (1822-1885) . 203 Medina, Sir John Baptist (1659-1710) . . 203 Medina, John (1721-1796). See under Medina,

Sir John Baptist. Medland, Thomas (ft. 1777-1822) . . .204

Medley, Henry (rf. 1747) 204

Medley, John (1804-1892) . . . .205 Medley, Samuel (1738-1799) .... 205 Medley, Samuel (1769-1857) . . . .206 Medows. See also Meadows.

Medows, Sir William (1738-1813) . . .206 Medwall, Henry (ft. 1486) . . . .207 Medwin, Thomas (1788-1869) . . .208

Medwyn, Lord. See Forbes, John Hay (1776-


Mee. Anne (1775 P-1851) . . . .209 Meehan, Charles Patrick (1812-1890) . . 209 Meek, Sir James (1778-1 856) . . . .209 Meeke, Mrs. Mary (d. 1816 ?) . . . .210

Meen, Henry (cZ/1817) 210

Meeson, Alfred (1808-1 885) . . . .211 Meetkerke, Edward (1590-1657) . . .211 Meggot or Meggott, Richard (d. 1692) . .212 Meggott, John (1714-1789). See Elwes. Meidel, Christopher ( ft. 1687-1708) . .212 Meikle, Andrew (1719-1811) . . . .213 Meikle, George (d. 1811). See under Meikle,


Meikle, James (1730-1799) . . . .214 Meilan, Mark Anthony ( ft. 1812) . . .215 Meilyr Brydydd (i.e. the Poet) (d. 1140 ?) .215

Mel (d. 487) 216

Melbancke, Brian (/. 1583) .... 216 Melbourne, Viscounts. See Lamb, William, second Viscount (1779-1848) ; Lamb, Fre- derick James, Baron Beauvale, third Vis- count (1782-1853). Melcombe, Lord (1691-1762). See Doding-

ton, George Bubb.

Meldola, Raphael (1754-1828) . . .216 Moldrum, George (1635 P-1709) . . .217 Meldrum, Sir John (d. 1645) . . . .218 Melfort, first Earl and titular Duke of (1649-

17. 1 4). See Drummond, John. Melia, Pius, D.D. (1800-1883) . . .219 Meliton, Militon, or Milton, William of (d.

1261) 219

Mell, Davis (ft. 1650) 220

��Mellent, Count of (1104-1166). See Beau- mont, Waleran de.

Mellis, Hugh ( ft. 1588) 220

Hellish, Sir George (1814-1877) . . .220

Mellitus (d. 624) 221

Mellon, Alfred (1820-1867) . . . .222 Mellon, Harriot, Duchess of St. Albans

(1777?-1837) 223

Mellor, Sir John (1809-1887) .... 224 Melmoth, Courtney (1749-1814). See Pratt,

Samuel Jackson.

Melmoth, William, the elder (1666-1743) . 224 Melmoth, William, the younger (1710-1799) . 225 Melrose, Earl of (1563-1637). See Hamilton,


Melton, Sir John (d. 1640) . . . .226 Melton, William de (d. 1340) .... 227 Melton, William de (d. 1528) . . . .229 Melun, Robert de (d. 1167). See Robert. Melvill, Henry (1798-1871) . . . .229 Melvill, Thomas (1726-1753) . . . .230 Melville, Viscounts. See Dundas, Henry, first

Viscount (1740-1811); Dundas, Robert

Sa'unders, second Viscount (1771-1857) ;

Dundas, Henry, third Viscount (1801-1876). Melville or Melvill, Andrew (1545-1622) . 230 Melville, Andrew (1624-1706) . . . 237 Melville, David, third Earl of Leven and

second Earl of Melville (1660-1728) . . 237 Melville, Elizabeth (ft. 1603). See Colville. Melville, George, fourth Lord Melville and

first Earl of Melville (1634 P-1707) . . 238 Melville, Captain George John Whyte (1821-

1878). See Whyte-Melville. Melville, Sir James (1535-1617) . . .240 Melville or Melvill, James (1556-1614) . . 241 Melville, Sir John (d. 1548) . . . .244 Melville, Robert, first Lord Melville (1527-

1621) 245

Melville, Robert (1723-1809) . . . .246 Melvin, James (1795-1853) . . . .247 Menasseh Ben Israel (1604-1657). See

Manasseh. Mendes, Fernando, M.D. (d. 1724) . . .247

Mendes, Moses (d. 1758) 248

Mendham, Joseph (1769-1856) . . .249 Mendip, first Baron (1713-1802). See Ellis,


Mendoza, Daniel (1764-1836) . . . .250 Mendoza y Rios, Joseph de (1762-1816) . 251 Mends, Sir Robert (1767 P-1823) . . .251 Menken, Adah Isaacs, formerly Adelaide

McCord (1835-1868) . . " . . .252 Menmuir, Lord (1552-1598). See Lindsay,


Mennes, Sir John (1599-1671) . . .253 Menteith, Earls of. See Comyn, Walter (rf.

1258) ; Graham, William (1591-1661). Menteith, Sir John de (d. after 1329) . . 255 Menteith, Mentet, or Monteith, Robert (/.

1621-1660) 257

Menzies, Archibald (1754-1842) . . .258 Menzies, John (1624-1684) . . . .258 Menzies, John (1756-1843) . . . .259 Menzies, Michael (d. 1766) .... 259 Meopham or Mepeham, Simon (d. 1333) . 260

Merbecke, John ( ft. 1583). See Marbeck. Merbury or Marbury, Charles (ft. 1581) . 263 Mercer, Andrew (1775-1842) .... 264 Mercer, Hugh (1726 P-1777) .... 264 Mercer, James (1734-1804) . . . .265 Mercer, John (1791-1866) .... 265

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