MATILDA, MAUD, MAHALDE, MOLD (1080–1118), first wife of Henry I, king of England [q. v.], was a daughter of Malcolm III, king of Scots, and Margaret, grand-daughter of Eadmund Ironside [see Margaret, Saint]. She was probably born in the autumn of 1080, as her godfather was Robert, duke of Normandy, who was in Scotland then, and, so far as is known, at no other time. She was baptised Eadgyth (Edith), but Matilda or Maud, in various forms, is the name by which she is known in history. Her education was entrusted to her mother's sister Christina, who was a nun at either Romsey or Wilton. Christina compelled the girl to wear a nun's black veil, as a protection against ‘the brutality of the Normans, which was then raging;’ according to another account, it was the abbess who made her wear it for fear of William Rufus. ‘I trembled under my aunt's rod,’ said Matilda long afterwards; ‘when I threw off the veil, she tormented and insulted me with sharp blows and shameful words, so that in her presence I wore it, groaning and shuddering, but whenever I could get out of her sight I flung it on the ground and trod it under foot.’ Once Malcolm came to visit his daughter, found her wearing the veil, and pulled it off angrily, swearing that he intended her not for a nun, but for the wife of Count Alan, i.e. Alan II. of Richmond; and it seems that he took her back with him to Scotland. This was apparently in 1093. Before the end of that year, Alan, Malcolm, and Margaret were all dead, and Donald, the new king of Scots, drove Margaret's children out of his realm. Matilda seems to have found a shelter in England by the help of her uncle, Eadgar the Ætheling [see Edgar Atheling]. Earl William of Warren sought her hand, but it was reserved for a loftier bridegroom. Henry I was no sooner king (August 1100) than he set himself to win the attachment of his English subjects in various ways, and among others by a marriage with Matilda, the child of ‘Margaret the good queen, king Eadward's cousin, and of the right kingly kin of England.’ She was quite willing to marry him, but objections were raised against the marriage of one who, being known to have worn the black veil, was supposed to be a professed nun. Matilda went straight to Archbishop Anselm [see Anselm, Saint] and told him her story; he and an assembly of bishops, nobles, and clergy, decided, after careful inquiry, that the story was true, that she had never taken the vows, and was therefore free to marry. Matilda received their verdict ‘with a happy face,’ and on 11 Nov. (1100) she was married and crowned by Anselm in Westminster Abbey. Her first child seems to have been born at Winchester, at the end of July or beginning of August 1101 (Wace, Roman de Rou, ed. Pluquet, vv. 15453–5), and to have died an infant. A daughter, Matilda [see Matilda, 1102–1167], was born in London (W. FitzStephen, in Robertson, Materials for Hist. Becket, iii. 13) before 5 Aug. 1102, and a son, William, before 5 Aug. 1103 (Gerv. Cant., ed. Stubbs, i. 91–2). In that year Matilda persuaded Duke Robert of Normandy to give up the pension from England secured to him by his treaty with Henry in 1101. In 1105, when Henry exacted heavy sums from the English clergy, they begged the queen to intercede for them; she burst into tears, but dared not meddle in the matter. She kept up an affectionate correspondence with Anselm throughout his exile (1103–6), and when he came back in autumn 1106 she gave him an eager welcome; ‘neither worldly business nor worldly pleasure could keep her from hastening to every place through which he was to pass,’ hurrying to prepare him a lodging, and to be always the first to meet him. In 1111 she was present at the translation of St. Ethelwold's relics at Winchester. On 28 Dec. 1116 she was with
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iii. 1 sq.; Archæologia, 1847, xxxii. 108; Sir G. F. Duckett's Sussex Archæol. Collections, 1878, p. 114, and Charters and Records of Cluny, i. 1, 43, 49, ii. 72; Chester Waters in Academy, 28 Dec. 1878, 24 May 1879, and his Gundrada de Warrenne; Green's Lives of the Princesses, i. 4; Rule's Life and Times of St. Anselm, i. 415–421. For impediment to marriage: Norman Conquest, u.s.; Rule's St. Anselm, i. 419; Palgrave's England and Normandy, iii. 264; D'Achery's Spicilegium, iii. 390; Labbe's Concilia, xix. 741, ed. Cossart; Richer, vol. i. c. 5, ed. Pertz; Rer. Gall. Scriptt. iii. 344; Helgald's Vita Roberti ap. Recueil des Historiens, x. 99, see also Pref. i–xviii, and 74, ix. 273 n., xi. 130 n.; L'Art de Vérifier les Dates, x. 95; Guardian, 28 Nov. 1883, p. 1803, 19 Dec. p. 1919, 30 Jan. 1884; Will. of Jumièges, vol. vii. c. 26, vol. viii. c. 32 (Duchesne); Orderic, pp. 510, 527, 571, 603, 648 (Duchesne); Will. of Poitiers and Brevis Relatio, ap. Scriptt. Rerum. Gest. Will. I, pp. 22, 155, 167, ed. Giles; Will. of Malmesbury's Gesta Regum, vol. iii. cc. 234, 267, 273 (Rolls Ser. ii. 291, 327, 331, 332), Vita Lanfranci ap. B. Lanf. Op. i. 288, 293, ed. Giles; Alberic ap. Recueil, xi. 361; Chron. Turon. ap. Recueil, xi. 348; Wace's Roman de Rou, l. 6959 sq., ed. Pluquet; Anglo-Sax. Chron. ann. 1067, 1083; Dugdale's Monasticon, ii. 60, iii. 485, v. 12, 14, vi. 1100; Ellis's Introd. to Domesday, i. 6, 7, 328, 393, ii. 55; Laing's Sea Kings, iii. 76; Hist. Dunelm. Eccl. vol. iv. c. 2, ap. Symeon of Durham (Rolls Ser.), i. 121; Turner's Cotman's Antiq. of Normandy, i. 27; Pignot's Ordre de Cluni, ii. 503, iii. 34; Liber de Hyda, pp. 286, 296 (Rolls Ser.); Neustria Pia, p. 625; Gallia Christiana, xi. 61; Hist. Monast. de Abingdon, i. 485, 491 (Rolls Ser.)]