Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 37.djvu/99

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centii Regest. x. ep. 113, xi. ep. 211, ap. Migne's Patrol. vol. ccxv. cols. 1208, 1526; Decret. Collect. tit. iv. ap. Patrol. vol. ccxvi. cols. 1193–5.]

MAUGHAM, ROBERT (d. 1862), first secretary to the Incorporated Law Society, was admitted a solicitor in 1817, after serving his articles with Mr. Barrow of Threadneedle Street. In 1825 he urged, in conjunction with Bryan Holme, the formation of the Incorporated Law Society. He became secretary of a committee to report on the scheme, and the formal establishment of the society (1827) and its incorporation (1831) were the outcome of his labours. He continued to act as secretary and solicitor to the society during the rest of his life. He endeavoured in other ways to advance the interests of his profession, and was the author of several treatises which obtained a wide popularity. In 1830 he founded the ‘Legal Observer,’ of which he continued sole proprietor and editor until 1856, when it was merged in the ‘Solicitors' Journal and Reporter.’ He did much to promote the Attorneys and Solicitors Acts (1843 and 1860), and he was examined by the select committee on legal education (1846). In 1856 the members of the Law Society subscribed 600l. for a testimonial to him. He died on 16 July 1862, and was buried on 22 July at Nunhead cemetery.

Maugham's best-known works are: 1. ‘A Treatise on the Principles of the Usury Laws; with Disquisitions on the Arguments adduced against them by Mr. Bentham and other Writers, and a Review of the Authorities in their Favour,’ London, 1824, 8vo. See also the ‘Pamphleteer,’ vol. xxiii. 2. ‘A Treatise on the Laws of Literary Property, comprising the Statutes and Cases relating to Books, Manuscripts, Lectures,’ &c., London, 1828, 8vo. He published also: 3. ‘A Treatise on the Law of Attornies,’ &c., London, 1825, 8vo. 4. ‘A Complete Collection of the Statutes and Rules and Orders of Court relating to Attornies,’ &c., London, 1839, 8vo.

[Solicitors' Journal and Reporter, vi. 699, 727; Report from Select Committee on Legal Education, 1846, pp. 158–68.]

MAULE, FOX, second Baron Panmure (of the United Kingdom), and eventually eleventh Earl of Dalhousie (in the peerage of Scotland) (1801–1874), was the eldest son of William Maule, first baron Panmure [q. v.] His mother was Patricia Heron, daughter of Gilbert Gordon of Halleaths, N.B. Born on 22 April 1801 at Brechin Castle, Forfarshire, he was educated at the Charterhouse under Dr. Russell, and entered the army at the usual age, but after twelve years' service retired as captain from the 79th highlanders in 1831–2. He was known as a spendthrift in youth. He sat in the House of Commons in the liberal interest in 1835–7 as M.P. for Perthshire, and afterwards represented the Elgin burghs, 1838–41, and the borough of Perth from the latter date until 1852, when his father's death raised him to the peerage. He was one of the under-secretaries of state in Lord Melbourne's ministry in 1835–41, and vice-president of the board of trade for a few months in the last-named year. He became secretary at war on 6 July 1846 in Lord John Russell's administration, and remained in office until 6 Feb. 1852. When Lord Palmerston formed an administration in February 1855, Panmure took office as secretary for war, and it was thus under his direction that the Crimean war reached its termination. Although he was in no way responsible for the errors for which his predecessor in the department, the Duke of Newcastle, was so freely blamed by the press, all Panmure's acts were rigorously scrutinized. While holding office he addressed a despatch to the military authorities in the Crimea, asking them to pay special attention to his nephew, a young officer named Dowbiggin; and the despatch gave birth to a long popular phrase, ‘Take care of Dowb.’ Panmure was one of the few Scottish noblemen who supported the free church at the date of the disruption of 1843. In December 1860 he succeeded to the earldom of Dalhousie on the death of his cousin, James Andrew Ramsay, tenth earl and first marquis of Dalhousie [see Ramsay]. In the following year, by royal licence, he assumed the additional name of Ramsay, as head of the ancient house of Dalhousie. He was a knight of the Scottish order of the Thistle, a knight grand cross of the Bath (civil division), a privy councillor, keeper of the privy seal of Scotland, lord-lieutenant of Forfarshire, a commissioner of the royal military asylum, and a governor of the Charterhouse. He married in 1831 Montagu Abercromby, daughter of George, second Lord Abercromby, but died without issue on 6 July 1874, when the earldom passed to his cousin, George Ramsay, admiral R.N., the barony of Panmure becoming extinct.

[Burke's Peerage; Dod's Peerage; Dod's Parliamentary Companion; personal knowledge and personal information.]

MAULE, HARRY, titular Earl of Panmure (d. 1734), was the third son of George, second earl of Panmure, by his wife Lady Jean Campbell, eldest daughter of John, earl of Loudon, lord high chancellor