Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 38.djvu/323

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Melville [q. v.], chiefly on account of his moderate opinions, was preferred, Montgomery, although offered the office of lord justice clerk, so deeply resented the supposed slight that he determined at all hazards to have revenge, and immediately set himself to organise a political society called The Club, the main purpose of which was to concert measures against the government. In parliament he led with great ability and eloquence the opposition against Sir John Dalrymple, the two, according to Balcarres, frequently scolding each other 'like watermen' (ib. p. 59). Towards the close of the session he went to London with his closest confederates, the Earl of Annandale and Lord Ross, to present a declaration of Scottish grievances to the king, but the king declined to listen to their complaints. Thereupon Montgomery entered into communication with the Jacobite agent, Neville Payne [q. v.], and they concerted together a plot for the restoration of King James, known as the Montgomery Plot, each being, according to Balcarres, more or less the dupe of the other (ib. p. 57). Montgomery's coalition with the Jacobites proved to him rather a hindrance than a help in parliament, and as soon as his influence began to wane the Jacobites revolted against him. A quarrel ensued, and soon afterwards Lord Ross made confession of his connection with the plot to a presbyterian minister, who informed Melville. On learning this Montgomery went to Melville, and on promise of an indemnity confessed all he knew, making it, however, a condition that he should not be obliged to be 'an evidence or legal witness' (Leven and Melville Papers, pp. 457, 479, 520). Melville sent him, with a recommendation in his favour, to Queen Mary, to whom he pleaded for 'some place which might enable him to subsist with decency' (Macaulay, History, ed. 1883, ii. 224). She wrote on his behalf to King William, but the king had conceived such an antipathy to him that he declined to utilise his services on any consideration (Balcarres, Memoirs, p. 66). According to Burnet, Montgomery's ' art in managing such a design, and his firmness in not discovering his accomplices raised his character as much as it ruined his fortunes' (Own Time, ed. 1838, p, 561). After lying for some time in concealment in London, he passed over to Paris, where he was well received by the Jacobites (Balcarres, Memoirs, p. 66). Some time afterwards he returned to London, and on 11 Jan. 1693-4 was taken into custody, on the accusation of being the author of several virulent papers against the government (Luttrell, Short Relation, iii. 252); but on the 18th he made his escape from the house of the messenger where he was confined, the two sentinels who guarded the door leaving their arms and going with him (ib. p. 255). He escaped to the continent, reaching Paris by 15 Feb. (ib. p. 269), and he died at St. Germains before 6 Oct. 1694 (ib. p. 380). By Lady Margaret Johnstone, second daughter of James, earl of Annandale, he had two sons, Robert (1680-1731) [q. v.] and William.

Montgomery was the author of 'The People of England's Grievances to be enquired into and redressed by their Representatives in Parliament,' reprinted in 'Somers Tracts,' x. 542-6. The authorship of other political pamphlets attributed to him has been claimed by Robert Ferguson [q. v.] the Plotter, and in some instances there may have been a joint authorship. A portrait of Montgomerie in armour has been engraved.

[Balcarres's Memoirs, Lauder of Fountainhall's Historical Notices, and Leven and Melville Papers, all in the Bannatyne Club; Burnet's Own Time; Luttrell's Short Relation; Carstares State Papers; Macaulay's Hist. of England; Ferguson's Robert Ferguson the Plotter; Noble's Continuation of Granger, i. 219-20; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 509; Sir William Fraser's Montgomeries, Earls of Eglinton, i. 162-5.]

T. F. H.

MONTGOMERY, JAMES (1771–1854), poet, was born at Irvine in Ayrshire, 4 Nov. 1771. His family, originally Scottish, had for several generations been settled in Ulster, where his great-grandfather is said to have possessed and dissipated a landed estate. His father, John Montgomery, had at all events been born in the condition of a labourer at Ballykennedy, co. Antrim, in 1733. Having embraced the tenets of the Moravians, who had founded a settlement in the neighbourhood, to which they had given the name of Grace Hill, the elder Montgomery became a minister; married a member of the Moravian community in 1768, and at the time of his son's birth had just arrived at Irvine to take charge of the Moravian congregation, at that time the only one in Scotland. He returned to Ireland in 1775, and in 1777 James was sent to school at the Moravian establishment at Fulneck, near Leeds. His parents proceeded in 1783 as missionaries to Barbados, and there his father died of yellow fever in 1791. His mother, Mary Montgomery, had died at Tobago in the previous year.

Meanwhile James had met with some adventures. Neglecting the studies considered essential at Fulneck, he employed himself in the composition of two epic poems, one on Alfred, the other entitled 'The World,' in the manner of Milton. The principal incident in the latter was the Archangel Michael