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felt when on 16 Jan. 1846 he followed Newman's example and joined the church of Rome. He resigned his fellowship 24 Jan. 1846, and finally left Oxford a few days later (cf. Newman, Letters, vol. ii.; T. Mozley, Reminiscences, chap. lxx.; Church, Oxford Movement; Mark Pattison, Memoirs, pp. 184, 222).

Ordained priest at St. Mary's College, Oscott, in 1849, Morris was for a short time one of the professors at Prior Park, near Bath, in 1851, and was nominated canon of Plymouth Cathedral by Bishop Errington on 6 Dec. 1853. He was domestic chaplain to Mr. Bastard of Kitley in Devonshire in 1852; to his former pupil, Sir John Acton, of Aldenham Hall, Shropshire, in 1855; and to Mr. Coventry Patmore, at Heron's Ghyll in Sussex, in 1868. For a time, too, he had charge of a small mission at Shortwood in Somerset. He was latterly chaplain to a convent of nursing-nuns at Hammersmith, where he died on 9 April 1880. He was buried at Mortlake. His health was always weak, and probably accounted for much of the peculiarity of his character.

During his residence at Oxford he published, 1843, an 'Essay towards the Conversion of Learned and Philosophical Hindus,' for which he obtained the prize of 200l., offered through the Bishop of Calcutta. It displays both learning and ability, but was not successful in its object, as it had no circulation in India. For the 'Library of the Fathers' he translated St. Chrysostom's 'Homilies on the Romans,' 1841, and 'Select Homilies of St. Ephrem,' from the Syriac, 1846. He published, 1842, 'Nature a Parable,' a poem in seven books, mystical and obscure, but containing passages of much beauty (cf. Mozlet, Reminiscences, vol. ii.)

He also wrote:

  1. 'Jesus the Son of Mary, or the Doctrine of the Catholic Church upon the Incarnation of God the Son: considered in its Bearings upon the Reverence shown by Catholics to His Blessed Mother,' dedicated to Cardinal Wiseman, 2 vols. 1851.
  2. 'Taleetha Koomee: or the Gospel Prophecy of our Blessed Lady's Assumption,' a drama in four acts, in verse, London, 1858.
  3. 'Eucharist on Calvary': an Essay upon the Relation of our Blessed Lord's First Mass to His adorable Passion,' London, 1878.

[C. W. Boase's Registr. Coll. Exon.; George Oliver's Hist, of Catholic Religion, &c., London, 18,57, p. 358; Times, 12 April 1880; Tablet, 17 April 1880; personal knowledge and recollection; information from family. In G. V. Cox's Recollections of Oxford, 2nd edit. p. 328, J. B. Morris is confounded with his younger brother. Thomas E. Morris.]

MORRIS, JOHN CARNAC (1798–1858), Telugu scholar, born 16 Oct. 1798, was eldest son of John Morris of the Bombay civil service, who was subsequently a director and thrice chairman of the East India Company. The son entered the royal navy as a midshipman, and saw active service during the last two years of the French war. On the conclusion of the war in 1815 his father sent the folio wing laconic note to his captain, Sir George Sartorius: 'Your trade is up for the next half-century. Send my son John home by the next coach.'

After a brief period of training he went to the East India Company's college at Haileybury, and afterwards entered the Madras civil service, reaching India in 1818. Five younger brothers obtained similar employment under the East India Company. Morris served for a time at Masulipatam (in 1821) and Coimbore. In 1823 a stroke of paralysis deprived him of the use of his legs; but his energy was not impaired by the misfortune, and his industry in sedentary occupation was exceptional. Most of his time was thenceforth spent at Madras in the secretariat, or board of revenue. He was Telugu translator to the government from 1832, and finally, in 1839, became civil auditor or accountant-general. Among his most successful services at Madras was the establishment in 1834 of the Madras government bank, of which he was the first secretary and treasurer, and in 1835 superintendent. The bank was subsequently transferred by the government to private hands.

Morris devoted his leisure to the study of Sanskrit, Persian, and Hindustani, and became proficient in all; but in Telugu he chiefly interested himself. He was compiler of the well-known text-book 'Telugu Selections, with Translations and Grammatical Analyses: to which is added a Glossary of Revenue Terms used in the Northern Circars,' Madras, 1823, fol. (new and enlarged edition, Madras, 1855); and he was author of an 'English-Telugu Dictionary,' based on Johnson's 'English Dictionary,' and the first undertaking of its kind. It was issued at Madras in two quarto volumes in 1835. It is still a standard work. Morris was also for several years from 1834 editor of the Madras 'Journal of Literature and Science.' While on furlough in England between 1829 and 1831 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society. He was very popular in Madras society, and was an enthusiastic freemason there and in England. On leaving India in July 1846, he received a testimonial from the native population.

Settling in Mansfield Street, Portland