Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/195

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taxes him with 'studied impropriety of speech.' His syllables are said to have 'fallen from him like minute-guns,' while the nick-name of the 'teapot actor' referred to his favourite attitude, with one arm on his hip and the other extended. Hitchcock, a somewhat prejudiced judge, declares him admirable in many heroic characters Macbeth, Hotspur, King John, Ventidius, Cato, &c. Victor (Works, i. 158) describes Mossop as an actor of some promise, but an imitator of Quin.

[The best account of Mossop's life is given in the Theatrical Recorder, Dublin, 1821, and following years. Hitchcock's Historical View of the Irish Stage supplies an elaborate account of his management, which is condensed in Genest's Account of the English Stage. The Garrick Correspondence; Davies's Life of Garrick; Fitzgerald's Life of Garrick; Victor's Works; Dibdin's Hist. of the Stage, v. 205; the Preface to the Modish Wife, by F. Gentleman; Theatrical Review; Churchill's Rosciad; Lee Lewes's Memoirs; O'Keeffe's Memoirs; Bernard's Retrospections; Doran's Annals of the Stage, ed. Lowe, ii. 353; and Tate Wilkinson's Memoirs supply anecdotes and references. The following pamphlets deal with Mossop: ‘A Letter to David Garrick on opening the Theatre, 1769,’ should be 1759; ‘An Attack on Mossop by Edward Purdon,’ for which a public apology had to be made; ‘An Estimate of the Theatrical Merits of the Two Tragedians at Crow Street (Mossop and Barry),’ 1760; ‘Zanga Triumph,’ by Charles McLoughlin, 1762.]

MOSSOP, WILLIAM (1751–1804), medallist, was born in 1751 in Mary's Parish, Dublin. His father, a Roman catholic named Browne, died when he was young, and his mother, on her second marriage to W. Mossop, a relative of Henry Mossop [q. v.] the actor, changed his name to Mossop in order to procure him admission to the Dublin Bluecoat School, a protestant institution. On leaving this school about 1765 Mossop was apprenticed to Stone, a die-sinker, who made seal-dies for the Linen Board. On Stone's death through intemperance Mossop contributed to the support of the family, and continued to work for the Linen Board till 1781, when he lost his employment on a change of management. In 1784, and afterwards, he lived at 13 Essex Quay, Dublin, describing his occupation as that of 'letter-cutter and die-sinker.' A chance purchase of a collection of medals turned his attention to medallic work, and in 1782 he produced his first medal, that of Ryder the actor. He was encouraged by Henry Quin, M.D., of Dublin. In 1793 he was employed by the firm Camac, Kyan, & Camac to superintend their private mint, and in making the dies for the 'Camac' halfpenny tokens. The failure of the firm cost him his appointment and involved him in pecuniary losses, and in 1797 he returned to his business as a private die-sinker. Besides designing medals, Mossop prepared the dies of numerous seals of various public bodies in Ireland. He also engraved a few compositions in cornelian and ivory. He died in Dublin in 1804, after a few hours' illness, from paralysis and apoplexy, aged 53. Mossop married (about 1781?), and had a family. William Stephen Mossop [q. v.] the medallist was his son.

Before cutting the steel die for his medals Mossop made a large model in wax. Some of the dies passed into the possession of Mr. J. Woodhouse, medallist, of Dublin. The following are the chief medals produced by Mossop : Thomas Ryder, 1782, signed w. m.; Right Hon. John and Mrs. Beresford, 1788, signed w. mossop; Henry Quin, signed w. mossop; David La Touche, 1785 (?); William Alexander, 1785; William Deane, 1785 (?); Edmund Sexton, viscount Pery (Lord Pery paid forty guineas for this medal, Mossop having asked only twenty); Cunningham prize medal of Royal Irish Academy (with portrait of Lord Charlemont, who gave Mossop access to his library and collection of coins and medals); Down Corporation of Horse Breeders, about 1787; Primate Robinson, Lord Rokeby, about 1789; medals given at the commencements, Trinity College, Dublin, about 1793; medal of the Friendly Brothers of St. Patrick; Dr. Barrett's school medal; Tyrone regiment, 1797 (?); Bantry Bay medal; Order of Orange and Blue (badge); Orange Association, 1798; Hon. Henry St. George Cole; Dublin Masonic School medal; College Historical Society, Dublin University; Mossop's medal, about 1801; Dublin Society medal, about 1802; medals of the Farming Society of Ireland; Navan Farming Society, 1802 (?); Irish Ordnance medal. Mossop, like his son, was an able medallist. His works are usually signed Mossop.

[The best account of Mossop is that given in the Medallists of Ireland and their Work, by Dr. William Frazer, of Dublin.]

MOSSOP, WILLIAM STEPHEN (1788–1827), medallist, born in Dublin in 1788, was the son of William Mossop [q. v.], medallist. He was educated at the academy of Samuel White in Dublin, and in 1802 entered the Art Schools of the Royal Dublin Society under Francis West, the master of the figure school, who also gave him instruction privately. His first medal, that of the Incorporated Society for Charter Schools,