Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/206

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daughter. He had formed a similar collection on the heraldry of trees and birds, the manuscript of which was sold with Sir Thomas Phillipps's collection on 21 June 1893. Moule also contributed the letter-press to the following illustrated books:

  1. Hewetson's 'Views of Noble Mansions in Hampshire,' 1825.
  2. Neale and Le Keux's 'Views of Collegiate and Parochial Churches in Great Britain,' 1826.
  3. Westall's 'Great Britain Illustrated,' 1830.
  4. 'The History of Hatfield' in Robinson's 'Vitruvius Britannicus,' 1833.
  5. 'Illustrations of the Works of Sir Walter Scott,' 1834, the following essays being by him: (a) Hall at Branxholm; (b) Lord Marmion's Armour; (c) Ellen Douglas and Fitz-James; (d) The Knight of Snowdoun; (e) The Tomb of Rokeby; (f) The Bier of De Argentine; (g) Ancient Furniture.
  6. Descriptions of seven of the principal cathedrals included in vol. i. of Winkles's 'Cathedral Churches of England and Wales,' 1836, and the descriptions of the cathedrals of Amiens, Paris, and Chartres in the 'Continental Cathedrals' of the same artist.
  7. Shaw's 'Details of Elizabethan Architecture,' 1839.
  8. Descriptions of the arms and inscriptions in Ludlow Castle, in 'Documents connected with the History of Ludlow and the Lords Marchers,' by Robert Henry Clive, 1840.
  9. G. P. Harding's 'Ancient Historical Pictures,' in continuation of the series engraved by the Granger Society.

    [Addit. MS. 22651, f. 94; Gent. Mag. August 1851, p. 210; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn), p. 1624; Martin's Privately Printed Books, 2nd edit, pref. xxi. p. 209 n., 235.]

MOULIN, LEWIS de (1606–1680), nonconformist controversialist, son of Pierre du Moulin [q. v.] and brother of Peter du Moulin [q. v.], was born at Paris on 25 Oct. 1606. He studied medicine at Leyden, taking the degree of M.D., and graduating also at Cambridge in 1634 and at Oxford in 1649. Becoming licentiate in 1640 of the London College of Physicians, he probably practised at Oxford, where in September 1648, as ‘a person of piety and learning,’ he was appointed Camden professor of ancient history in the place of Robert Waring, ejected as a royalist. In 1652 he published his inaugural lecture. Ousted in his turn at the Restoration, Du Moulin retired to Westminster. Wood calls him ‘a fiery, violent, and hot-headed independent, a cross and ill-natured man,’ but on his deathbed, in the presence of Bishop Burnet, he retracted his virulent attacks on Anglican theologians. This retractation was published, under the title of ‘Last Words,’ after his death, which took place at Westminster, 20 Oct. 1680. He was buried at St. Paul's, Covent Garden. Between 1637 and his death he had published upwards of twenty works, the chief of which are:

  1. ‘The Power of the Christian Magistrate,’ London, 1650, 16mo.
  2. ‘Proposals and Reasons … presented to the Parliament,’ London, 1659, 4to.
  3. ‘L. Molinæi Morum Exemplar,’ 1662, 12mo.
  4. ‘Les Démarches de l'Angleterre vers Rome,’ 1679, 12mo.
  5. ‘Considerations et ouvertures sur l'estat présent des affaires de l'Angleterre,’ 1679, 12mo.
  6. ‘An Appeal of all the Non-conformists in England,’ 1681, 4to.

The last work was attacked by Jean Daillé in ‘A Lively Picture of Lewis du Moulin;’ Moulin retorted in ‘A Sober Reply,’ and was also defended by Richard Baxter [q. v.] in ‘A Second True Defence of Nonconformists,’ 1681, 4to. Moulin also wrote under the pseudonyms ‘Christianus Alethocritus,’ ‘Colvinus Ludiomæus,’ and ‘Irenæus Philadelphus.’ One of his last works was ‘Moral Reflections upon the Number of the Elect, proving plainly from Scripture evidence, &c., that not one in a hundred (nay, not probably one in a million), from Adam down to our time, shall be saved,’ London, 1680, 16mo. In the Harleian MS. 3520, fol. 5, British Museum, is an unpublished manuscript by him entitled ‘New Light for the Composition of Church History.’

[Album Studiosorum Lugdunæ, the Hague, 1875; Haag's La France Protestante; Wood's Athenæ Oxon.; Munk's Coll. of Phys., London, 1878; Agnew's Protestant Exiles from France, 1886; Reg. of Visitors of Oxford, p. 492 (Camd. Soc.), 1881; Brit. Mus. Cat.]

MOULIN, PETER du (1601–1684), Anglican divine, son of Pierre du Moulin [q. v.], was born at Paris on 24 April 1601. After studying at Sedan and Leyden, he repaired to Cambridge, where he received the degree of D.D. About 1625, after an imprisonment at Dunkirk, he was appointed to the living (refused by his father) of St. John's, Chester, but there is no trace in the church books of his having resided there. In 1640, however, on becoming D.D. at Leyden, he described himself as holding that benefice. Wood could not ascertain whether he held any English preferment prior to the civil war, but he was rector of Witherley, Leicestershire, in 1633, and of Wheldrake, Yorkshire, in 1641. During the civil war he was first in Ireland as tutor in the Boyle family, and was next tutor at Oxford to Richard Boyle and Lord Dungarvan, frequently preaching at St. Peter-in-the-East. He was rector of Adisham, Kent, from 1646 (with a short intermission in 1660 on the reinstate-