Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/255

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the introductory plan of a pantomime called 'Harlequin Deserter,' intended for Sadler's Wells. 'Frolics of May,' an interlude of singing and dancing, seems also to have been intended for the stage. 'Fables in Verse,' by T. Mozeen, 2 vols. 1765, dedicated to Richard Grenville Temple, viscount Cobham, possesses little merit. 'The Lyrical Pacquet, containing most of the Favourite Songs performed for Three Seasons past at Sadler's Wells,' &c., London, 1764, 8vo, is mentioned by Lowndes, who, however, leaves unnoticed 'Young Scarron,' London, 8vo, 1752, a rather slavish imitation of 'Le Roman Comique' of Scarron, narrating the adventures of a company of strolling players. Owen Bray, a publican, with whom he lodged at Loughlinstown, Ireland, was associated with Mozeen (to whom the well-known recitation, 'Bucks have at ye all,' has also been assigned) in writing the famous song of 'Kilruddery.' Mozeen died 28 March 1768. Mrs. Mozeen, whose career appears after a time independent of that of her husband, was for some years at the Bath Theatre.

[Genest's Account of the English Stage; Thespian Dictionary; Chetwood's General History of the Stage; Baker, Reed, and Jones's Biographia Dramatica; Tate Wilkinson's Memoirs; Penley's Bath Stage; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. v. 502–4.]

MOZLEY, ANNE (1809–1891), author, sister of Thomas and J. B. Mozley, both of whom are separately noticed, was born at Gainsborough on 17 Sept. 1809, and in 1815 removed with the rest of the family to Derby. She took charge of her brother Thomas's house when he became curate of Buckland in 1832, and devoted herself to literary work. In 1837 she published 'Passages from the Poets,' in 1843 a volume of 'Church Poetry,' in 1845 'Days and Seasons,' and in 1849 'Poetry Past and Present.' From 1847 she reviewed books for the 'Christian Remembrancer.' In 1859 she wrote for 'Bentley's Quarterly' a review of 'Adam Bede,' which George Eliot described as 'the best review we have seen.' From 1861 to 1877 Miss Mozley contributed to the 'Saturday Review,' and two volumes of these essays, one of which reached a fourth edition, were reprinted under the title 'Essays on Social Subjects.' In 1865 she began to write for 'Blackwood's Magazine.' After the death of her mother in 1867, Anne resided with her youngest sister at Barrow-on-Trent. She subsequently returned to Derby, where she died on 27 June 1891. Like her brother Thomas, Miss Mozley suffered from partial loss of sight, which became total two years before her death. Besides the works already mentioned Miss Mozley edited 'The Letters of J. B. Mozley,' 1885, 8vo, and 'The Letters and Correspondence of Cardinal Newman,' 2 vols., 1891, 8vo. A volume of 'Essays from Blackwood' was reprinted in 1892, Edinburgh, 8vo, to which was prefixed a memoir by Dr. John Wordsworth, bishop of Salisbury.

[Works in Brit. Mus. Libr.; Monthly Packet, September 1891; Memoir by Bishop Wordsworth; authorities for Thomas Mozley, and information kindly supplied by H. N. Mozley, esq., King's College, Cambridge.]

MOZLEY, JAMES BOWLING (1813–1878), regius professor of divinity at Oxford, was born at Gainsborough in Lincolnshire, on 15 Sept. 1813. His father, Henry Mozley, was a bookseller, and removed his family and business from Gainsborough to Derby in 1815. James was the fifth son and eighth child. An elder brother, Thomas, and a sister, Anne, are separately noticed. At nine years old he was sent to Grantham grammar school, where he remained till 1828. He was unhappy at school a fact sufficiently explained by his mother, when she says in one of her letters to him, 'There is always much to dread when such tempers as yours and Mr. A's come in contact.' On his leaving Grantham, at the age of fifteen, application was made for his admission to Rugby, where Arnold had just been appointed head-master; but it was refused on the ground that he was too old. After trying for a scholarship at Corpus Christi College, Oxford, in June 1827, he was matriculated as a commoner at Oriel on 1 July 1830, and went into residence in the following October. His brother Thomas was a fellow of the college, and he consequently had the advantage of seeing much of older men. His undergraduate career was creditable, but owing to a certain mental slowness he never distinguished himself in examinations. He obtained only a third class in literæ humaniores in 1834, and failed in several competitions for fellowships. He was, however, successful in 1835 in gaining the prize for an English essay on 'The Influence of Ancient Oracles in Public and Private Life,' which Keble pronounced to be 'exceptionally good, and full of promise.' He continued to reside in Oxford, partly in Dr. Pusey's own house, and partly at the head of a small establishment in a house rented by Dr. Pusey for the use of theological students who had no fellowships to support them; it was called by Newman 'the Cœnobitium' (Letters, ii. 297), and by Mozley himself 'a reading and collating establishment to help in editing the Fathers' (Letters, p. 78). He proceeded M.A. in 1838, B.D. in 1846, and D.D.