Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/357

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in June 1743, was on 22 June 1745 appointed governor of Plymouth, and raised to the rank of full general. William, the third son, who became third Earl of Dunmore on the death of his brother in 1752, had been concerned in the rebellion of 1745, and sent a prisoner to London, but pleading guilty received a pardon.

[Balcarres's Memoirs and Leven and Melville Papers (both in the Bannatyne Club); Lockhart Papers; Luttrell's Short Relation; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 483-4.]

MURRAY, Lord CHARLES (d. 1720), Jacobite, was the fourth son of John, second marquis and first duke of Atholl [q.v.], by Lady Catherine Hamilton. Some time before the rebellion in 1715 he had been 'a cornet beyond sea' (Patten, History of the Rebellion, pt. i. p. 57). With his brothers, William, marquis of Tullibardine [q. v.], and Lord George Murray [q. v.], he, in opposition to the wish of his father, took part in the rising; and he held command of the fifth regiment in the army which crossed the Forth from Fife and marched into England. Like his brother Lord George he won the strong affection of his men by his readiness to share their hardships as well as their perils. While on the march he never could be persuaded to ride on horseback, but kept at the head of his regiment on foot in the highland dress (ib.) At the battle of Preston, Lancashire, 12-13 Nov. 1715, he commanded at the second barrier, at the end of a lane leading into the fields, and maintained his position with such determination that the enemy were driven off. Being taken prisoner after the defeat, he was treated as a deserter on the ground that he was a half-pay officer and being found guilty was condemned to be shot. He, however, pleaded that he had placed his commission in the hands of a relative before he joined the rebellion, and having on this account been granted a reprieve, he ultimately, through the intercession of his father, obtained a pardon (Hist. MSS. Comm. 12th Rep. App. pt. viii. p. 70). He died without issue in 1720.

[Patten's History of the Rebellion; Hist. MSS. Comm. 12th Rep. App. pt. viii.; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), i. 150.]

MURRAY, CHARLES (1754–1821), actor and dramatist, the son of Sir John Murray of Broughton [q. v.], was born in 1754 at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, stayed for some time in France, studied pharmacy and surgery in London, and took as surgeon's mate some voyages to the Mediterranean. After playing as an amateur in Liverpool he went, with an introduction from Younger, the Liverpool manager, to Tate Wilkinson of the York circuit, making, under the name of Raymur, at York his first professional appearance on the stage as Carlos in 'Love makes a Man, or the Fop's Fortune,' by Colley Cibber, an important part which he took at short notice. Attending assiduously to his profession, he made steady progress. A quarrel in a tavern in Wakefield in September 1776, in which he resented some contemptuous treatment on the part of a man of position, led to a scene in the theatre, renewed on the following evening, when an apology was demanded from Murray and refused. A large portion of the audience took his part, compelled him to go in private dress through a character he had resigned, and escorted him in triumph to Doncaster. After one or two further trips to sea he acted in his own name with Griffiths at Norwich, where he is believed to have produced a poor farce entitled 'The Experiment,' 8vo, 1779. This Genest classes among unacted plays. Murray is also credited in the 'Dramatic Mirror' with the 'New Maid of the Oaks,' said also to have been acted in Norwich, 8vo, 1778. This wretched tragedy is in the 'Biographia Dramatica' assigned to Ahab Salem, and is said to have been acted near Saratoga. On 8 Oct. 1785, as Sir Giles Overreach in 'A New Way to pay Old Debts,' he made his first appearance in Bath, where he played Joseph Surface, and was the original Albert in Reynolds's 'Werter' on 3 Dec. 1785. Here or at Bristol he played in his first season Macbeth, Clifford in the 'Heiress,' Evander in the 'Grecian Daughter,' Shylock, Iago, Iachimo, Pierre, Lord Davenant, Mr. Oakly, several French characters, and other parts, appearing for his benefit as Gibbet in the 'Beaux Stratagem,' with his wife as Cherry. Genest chronicles that they did not sell a single ticket. Here he remained until 1796, playing a great variety of parts, including King John, Osmyn, Adam in 'As you like it,' Sir Peter Teazle, Old Dornton in the 'Road to Ruin.' Mrs. Murray was occasionally seen, and on 1 July 1793, for the benefit of her father and of her mother, who played Queen Elinor, his daughter, subsequently Mrs. H. Siddons, made as Prince Arthur her first appearance on any stage. She subsequently played Titania, and on Mrs. Murray's final benefit in Bath on 19 May 1796, Fine Lady in Garrick's 'Lethe.' On this occasion Murray spoke a farewell address. The occasion only produced 64l, while the average receipts were 150l.

Murray came to Covent Garden with a good reputation, though Genest holds his coming to have been too long delayed. His