Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 39.djvu/427

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dropped, and on 3 June 1648 he was allowed to be released on bail (ib. v. 584). He now devoted his energies to 'discovering' delinquents and seeing that they compounded for their estates to the utmost value (Proc. of Comm. for Advance of Money, p. 87). He boasted that in this way he brought a yearly revenue of 13,000l. into the state. On 27 Aug. 1649 Musgrave, with Crackenthorpe and others, complained to the council of state that the Cumberland and Westmoreland militia was not placed in trusty hands (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1649-50, p. 291), and in consequence was challenged by Charles Howard, afterwards first earl of Carlisle [q. v.], to make good his accusation (ib. p. 455). He next took exception to the persons nominated by Sir Arthur Hesilrige [q. v.] to be commissioners for the northern counties, and was ordered to formulate his charges against them (ib. pp. 461, 499). Thereupon he attempted to create a diversion by laying, on 19 June 1650, an information against six prominent Cumberland gentlemen, including Howard and Sir Wilfrid Lawson, for delinquency (Cal. of Committee for Advance, &c., p. 1237). Hesilrige, having been ordered to investigate the matter, reported that there was no truth in the charge. Musgrave attacked him in a pamphlet, which the council of state, on 19 Dec., ordered to be seized (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1650, pp. 473, 568). In the event Musgrave's imputations upon Howard and Hesilrige were declared by the council of state, in January 1651, to be 'false and scandalous,' and Hesilrige was recommended to institute proceedings against him (ib. 1651, pp. 21, 23). He was now mistrusted by all parties. On 3 Feb. the committee for advance of money obliged him to enter into a bond in 1,000l. to prosecute several Cumberland men for alleged undervaluations in their composition at Goldsmiths' Hall (Cal. of Proc. p. 1238). Musgrave made a last attempt to gain the ear of the public, by describing himself in a pamphlet as an 'innocent Abel,' Cain being represented by his two brothers and sister-in-law. It appears that his mother having married for her second husband John Vaux, a violent quarrel over some property between Musgrave and the Vaux family ensued, and in the end recourse was had to the court of chancery.

Musgrave wrote: 1. 'A Word to the Wise, displaying great augmented grievances and heavie pressures of dangerous consequence,' 4to [London], 1646, in which he complains of illegal imprisonment. 2. 'Another Word to the Wise, shewing that the Delay of Justice is great Injustice,' 4to [London], 1646. 3. 'Yet another Word to the Wise, shewing that the grievances in Cumberland and Westmoreland are unredressed,' 4to [London], 1646. 4. A Fourth Word to the Wise; or, a Plaine Discovery of Englands Misery,' 4to [London, 1647], addressed to Ireton. 5. 'A Declaration of Captaine J. Musgrave . . . vindicating him against the misprisians and imputed reasons of his sad imprisonment for High Treason,' &c., 4to, London, 1647. 6. 'A True and Exact Relation of the great and heavy Pressures and Grievances the well-affected of the Northern Bordering Counties lye under by Sir Arthur Haslerigs misgovernment,' &c., 4to, London, 1650. A reply, entitled 'Musgrave Muzl'd,' appeared in 1651, which was answered by Musgrave in 7. ' Musgraves Musle Broken . . . wherein is Discovered how the Commonwealth is abused by Sub-Commissioners for Sequestrations,' &c., 4to, London, 1651. 8. 'A Cry of Blood of an Innocent Abel against two Bloody Cains,' &c., 4to, London, 1654, addressed to General Lambert. Musgrave also published a letter signed T. G. entitled 'A Plain Discovery how the Enemy and Popish Faction in the North upholds their Interest,' 4to, London, 1649. An extract attributed to Francois Balduin, from Edward Grimstone's 'History of the Netherlands,' 1608, p. 356, which he read in prison, he published under the title of 'Good Counsel in Bad Times,' 4to, London, 1647 3 and prefixed to it a characteristic 'Epistle.'

[Musgrave's pamphlets; Cal. of Committee for Compounding; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1651, p. 266.]

MUSGRAVE, Sir PHILIP (1607–1678), royalist, born on 21 May 1607, and descended from Thomas, baron Musgrave (d. 1384) [q. v.], was the son of Sir Richard Musgrave, bart., of Hartley, Westmoreland (d. 1611), by Frances, daughter of Philip, lord Wharton. He was educated at Peterhouse, Cambridge, and Trinity College, Oxford, and was admitted to Gray's Inn on 2 Feb. 1626-7 (Foster, Gray's Inn Register, p. 180). He represented the county of Westmoreland in the two parliaments elected in 1640, declared for the king at the outbreak of the civil war, and became governor of Carlisle and commander-in-chief of the royalist forces in the counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland. Musgrave joined Montrose in his first attempt to penetrate into Scotland, and was with him at the capture of Dumfries (Mercurius Aulicus, 28 April 1644). After the surrender of Carlisle he joined the king at Cardiff, and was taken prisoner in September at the battle of Rowton Heath (Walker