of his pupils. The new college languished for a time, and was dissolved through insufficiency of endowments in 1805. After some years the premises were occupied by Magdalen Hall, but that in turn was dissolved in 1874, when Hertford College was reconstituted [see under Michell, Richard].
In 1712 Newton offered himself for the post of public orator, but was defeated by Digby Cotes, his chance having been spoilt by the contention of the then vice-chancellor that, as a doctor of divinity, he was ineligible for the post. Newton's sole preferment in the church was a canonry at Christ Church, into which he was installed on 5 Jan. 1752–3, the excuse given by Henry Pelham for the neglect of his old tutor and friend being that he never asked for anything. Most of his spare time was passed at Lavendon Grange, an estate which his father had purchased, and he often took the undergraduates of his college there to stay with him. He died there on Easter eve, 21 April 1753, and was buried in the chancel of Lavendon Church, a mural monument to his memory being placed on the north wall of the chancel. His first wife was Catherine, daughter of Andrew Adams of Welton, Northamptonshire, by whom he had one daughter, Jane, who married the Rev. Knightley Adams. He married secondly Mary, fifth daughter and ninth child of Sir Willoughby Hickman of Gainsborough, by Ann, daughter of Sir Stephen Anderson, and by her had no issue. She died 5 July 1781, aged 82.
Newton was a good classic, and was well versed in modern languages. His life ‘exhibits an example of independence, honesty, and disinterestedness, rare indeed among the churchmen of his time.’ His portrait, a Kit-Cat, given to the university in 1772, was placed with the founders of the other colleges in the picture gallery.
Newton was the author of: 1. ‘A Scheme of Discipline, with Statutes intended to be established by a Royal Charter for the Education of Youth in Hart Hall,’ 1720. 2. ‘University Education; or an Explication and Amendment of the Statute which prohibits the Admission of Scholars going from one Society to another,’ 1726 and 1733. This was occasioned by the admission of commoners from Hart Hall into Oriel and Balliol Colleges. A large extract from it is printed in L. M. Quiller Couch's ‘Oxford Reminiscences’ (Oxford Hist. Soc.), pp. 57–67, and it was commented upon in Amhurst's ‘Terræ Filius, or the Secret History of the University of Oxford, to which are added Remarks upon a late Book entitled “University Education” by R. Newton,’ 1726; 3rd edit. 1754. A caustic epigram on this complaint of Dr. Newton is printed in the ‘Reliquiæ Hearnianæ,’ ii. 546, but the work was much praised by Gilbert Wakefield in his ‘Memoirs,’ i. 157. 3. ‘The expence of University Education reduced. In a Letter to A. B., fellow of E. C.’ [anon.], 1733; 4th ed. 1741. Attributed to Newton in Halkett and Laing's ‘Dictionary of Anonymous Literature,’ i. 859. 4. ‘A Letter to Dr. Holmes, Vice-Chancellor of the University, and Visitor of Hart Hall,’ 1734; 2nd ed. 1734. This dealt with the action of Exeter College against the proposed incorporation of the hall as Hertford College, and the rector of Exeter thereupon retorted with ‘Calumny refuted, or an Answer to the Personal Slanders of Dr. Richard Newton,’ 1735, and Newton replied with (5) ‘The Grounds of the Complaint of the Principal of Hart Hall concerning the Obstruction by Exeter College and their Visitor,’ 1735. 6. ‘Rules and Statutes for the Government of a College intended to be incorporated as Hertford College,’ 1739. Reissued as (7) ‘Rules and Statutes for the Government of Hertford College,’ 1747. 8. ‘Pluralities Indefensible. By a Presbyter of the Church of England,’ 1743; 3rd ed., with very large additions, 1745; abridgement from the third edit. 1829. 9. ‘A Series of Papers on Subjects the most interesting to the Nation in general and Oxford in particular. Containing well-wishers to the University of Oxford and the Answers,’ 1750. The series of letters entitled ‘Well-wishers to the University of Oxford’ appeared in the ‘General Evening Post,’ January to April 1750, and were probably written by Newton. They were against the luxury which had crept into the university, and the election of the heads of colleges by the fellows. 10. ‘The Characters of Theophrastus, with a strictly literal Translation of the Greek into Latin, and with Notes and Observations on the Text in English. For the benefit of Hertford College,’ 1754. The proposals for issuing this work, in four thousand copies, were distributed in 1752. 11. ‘Sermons preached before the University of Oxford by Richard Newton, D.D. Published by his grandson, S. Adams, LL.B. With four other sermons included by particular request,’ 1784. Several sermons by Newton were inserted in ‘Family Lectures,’ 1791–5, ii. 638–62.
Several single sermons, including one before the House of Commons and another before Queen Anne, were preached and printed by Newton. He was an effective preacher, and Hearne highly praised his discourses at St. Mary's, Oxford, early in 1712–13, on prayer. Some of his correspondence in manuscript is among the Newcastle Papers, Additional