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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 40.djvu/455

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Index to Volume XL.

PAGl Neilaon, Peter (1796-1861) . . . .184 Neilaon, Samuel (1761-1808) . . . .185 Neilson, William, D.D. (1760 P-1821) . . 187 Neligan, John Moore (1815-1868) . . .187 Nelson. Sir Alexander Abercromby (1816- ) 188 Nelson, Frances Herbert, Viscountess Nelson (1761-1881) 188 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount Nelson (1758-1805) 189 Nelson, James (1710-1794) . . . .207 Nelson, John (1660-1721) . . . .207 Nelson, John (1707-1774) . . . .209 Nelson, John (1726-1812) . . . .209 Nelson, Richard John (1808-1877) . . .209 Nelson, Robert (1656-1715) . . . .210 Nelson, Svdnev (1800-1862) . . . .212 Nelson, tfhomas (ft. 1580) . . . .218 Nelson, Thomas (1822-1892) . . . .214 Nelson, William (J?. 1720) . . . .215 Nelson, William, first Earl NeUn (1757- ) . 215 Nelson, William (1816-1887). See under Nelson, Thomas (1822-1892). Nelson, Wolfred (1792-1868) .... 216 Nelthorpe, Richard (d 1685) .... 217 Nennius(/f.796) .... .217 Neot, Saint (d. 877?) 221 Nepean, Sir Evan ( 1761-1822) . . .222 Neper. See Napier. Nequam, Alexander( 1157-121 7). See Neckam. Nesbit. See also Nisbet. Nesbit, Alfred Anthony (1854-1894). See under Nesbit, John Collis. Nesbit, Anthonv (1778-1859) .... 228 Nesbit, Charlton (1775-1888) . . . .223 Nesbit, John Collis (1818-1862) . . .224 Neabitt, John (1661-1727; . . . .225 Nesbitt, Louisa Cranstoun (1812 P-1868). See Nisbett. Nesbitt or Nisbet, Robert (d. 1761) . . 225 Nesfield, William Andrews ( 1798-1881 ) . 226 Nesfield, William Eden (1885-1888). See under Nesfield, William Andrews. Nesham, Christopher John Williams (1771- ) 227 Ness or Nesse, Christopher (1621-1705) . . 228 Nest orNestaO?. 1106) 228 Nethersole, Sir Francis (1687-1659) . . 229 Netter or Walden, Thomas (d. 14H0) . . 281 Netterville, Sir John, second Viscount Netter- ville of Dowth (d. 1659) .... 284 Netterville or Nutrevilla, Lucas de (d. 1227) 286 Netterville, Richard (1546 ?-1607) . . 285 Nettles, Stephen ( ft. 1644) . . . .286 Nettleahip, Henry (1889-1898) . . .286 Nettlesbip, Richard Lewis (1846-1892) . . 288 NeuhofT, Frederick de (1725P-1797). See Frederick, ColoneL Nevay, John (rf. 1672) 288 Nevay, John (1792-187)) . . . .289 Neve. See LeNeve. Neve, Cornelius ( ft. 1687-1664) . . .289 Neve or Le Neve, Jeffery (1579-1654) . . 240 Neve, Timothv (1694-1757) . . . .241 Neve, TimothV (1724-1798) . . . .241 Nevell, John Id. 1697) 242 Nevile or Nevyle and NevilL See Neville. Neville, Alan de(£ 1191?) 248 Neville, Alexander (d. 1892) . . . .248 Neville, Alexander (1544-1614) . . .244 Neville, Anne ( 1456-1485). See Anne, queen of Richard III. VOL. XL. Neville, Charles, sixth Earl of Westmorland (1548-1601) 245 Neville, Christopher (ft. 1569) . . .246 Neville, Cuthbert (ft. 1569). See under Ne- ville, Christopher. Neville, Edmund (1560 P-1680 ?) . . .247 Neville, Edmund (1605-1647) . . .248 Neville, Edward {d. 1476), Baron of Berga- gavenny or Abergavennv .... 248 Neville, Sir Edward (d. 1588) .... 250 Neville vert Scarisbrick, Edward (1689-1709) 250 Neville, Geoffrev de {d. 1225) . . . .251 Neville, Geoffrey de (d. 1285) . . .252 Neville, George (1488 P-1476) . . . .252 Neville, George, third Baron of Bergavenny (1471 P-1535) 267 Neville, George (1509-1667). See under Ne- ville, Richard, second Baron Latimer. Neville, George, afterwards GrenviUe (1789- 1864). See under Neville, Richard Aid- worth Griffin. Neville, Grey (1681-1723) . . . .258 Neville, Henry, fifth Earl of Westmorland (1525?-1668). See under Neville, Ralph, fourth Earl of Westmorland. Neville, Sir Henry (1564?-1615) . . .258 Neville, Henry (1620-1694) . . . .259 Neville, Hugh de (d. 1222) . . . .260 Neville, Hugh de (x/. 1234). See under Ne- ville, Hugh de (d. 1222). Neville, Sir Humphrey (M897-1469) . . 262 Neville, John de, fifth Baron Neville of Raby (d. 1888) 262 Neville, John, Marquis of Montagu and Earl of Northumberland (d. 1471) . . .265 Neville, John, third Baron Latimer (1490?- ) 269 Neville, Jollan de (d. 1246) . . . .269 Neville, Ralph (xf. 1244) 270 Neville, Ralph de, fourth Baron Neville of Raby (1291 ?-1867) 271 Neville, Ralph, sixth Baron Neville of Rabv and first Earl of Westmorland (1864-1425') 273 Neville, Ralph, second Earl of Westmorland (d. 1484). See under Neville, Ralph, sixth Baron Neville of Raby and first Earl of Westmorland. Neville, Ralph, fourth Earl of Westmorland (1499-1550) 278 Neville, Richard, Earl of Salisbury (1400-1460) 279 Neville, Richard, Earl of Warwick and Salis- bury (1428-1471) 283 Neville, Richard, second Baron Latimer ( 1468- ) 296 Neville, Richard A Id worth Griffin, second Baron Bravbrooke (1750-1825) . . .296 Neville, Richard Cornwallis, fourth Baron Braybrooke (1820-1861) . . . .297 Neville, Richird Griffin, third Baron Bray- brooke (1783-1858) 298 Neville, Richard Neville Aid worth (1717-1798) 298 Neville, Robert de, second Baron Neville of Raby (d. 1282) 299 Neville, Robert (1404-1457) . . . .800 Neville or Nevile, Robert (d. 1694) . . 802 Neville, Sir Thomas (d. 1642) . . . 302 Neville, Thomas (xL 1615) . . . .302 Neville, Sir William de Of. 1889 ? ) . . .303 NevilIe,Will?am, Baron Fauconberg and after- wards Earl of Kent (d. 1463) . . .304 Neville, William ( ft. 1518) . . . .306 Nevin, Thomas (1686 P-1744) . . .306