Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 42.djvu/440

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phers, but, according to the report in the ‘State Papers,’ because he was almost starved to death. He was imprisoned in the Tower, and examined on 26 Feb. 1606; he denied having ever known, seen, or heard of Garnett or Oldcorne. Persisting in this denial at a second examination on 1 March, torture was applied, and Owen then admitted his attendance on Garnett at Hindlip, but would not disclose any further knowledge of him. He was threatened with further torture at a subsequent examination, but died before it took place. The official account states that he committed suicide, and at an inquest held on his body in the Tower a verdict of felo de se was returned. But it is not improbable that he died from the effects of torture. Owen must be distinguished from an Irish jesuit of the same name who died in 1646. His brother Henry was a catholic bookseller.

[Cal. State Papers, Dom. Ser. 1603–10, passim; Abbot's Antilogia adversus Apologiam pro H. Garneto, 1613, pp. 114–15; More's Hist. Prov. Anglicanæ, 1660, p. 322, &c.; Tanner's Vita et Mors Martyrum, 1675, pp. 73–9; Law's Catalogue of English Martyrs; Challoner's Martyrs to the Roman Catholic Faith; Oliver's Collectanea; Foley's Records, iv. 245–67, vol. vii. pt. i. 561–2; Morris's Condition of Catholics under James I, including Father Gerard's Narrative of the Gunpowder Plot; Jardine's Gunpowder Plot, published separately and in Criminal Trials, vol. ii.; Gardiner's Hist. of England, i. 272; Hepworth Dixon's Her Majesty's Tower, ed. 1887; J. H. Pollen's Father Henry Garnet and the Gunpowder Plot, 1888; Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. viii. 250.]

OWEN, NICHOLAS (1752–1811), Welsh antiquary, the son of Nicholas Owen, rector of Llandyfrydog, Anglesey, was born in 1752. On 30 June 1769 he matriculated from Jesus College, Oxford, aged 17, and graduated B.A. in 1773, and M.A. in 1776. Soon afterwards he succeeded his father as rector of Llandyfrydog, and about 1800 received the living of Meyllteyrn, Carnarvonshire, together with the perpetual curacy of Bottwnog in the same county. He died unmarried in June 1811.

Besides a sermon preached in aid of the Sunday school at Winslow, Buckinghamshire, in 1788, Owen published:

  1. ‘British Remains; or a Collection of Antiquities relating to the Britons,’ London, 1777, 8vo; this contains a history of the lords-marchers, an account of the supposed discovery of America by Madog ap Owain Gwynedd [q. v.], a biography of Edward Lhuyd [q. v.], and other antiquarian matter.
  2. ‘Select Phrases of Horace,’ London, 1785, 8vo; a collection of phrases not very happily translated, and designed for the use of schoolboys.
  3. ‘Carnarvonshire: a Sketch of its History,’ &c., London, 1792, 8vo.

He is also said to be the author of ‘A History of the Island of Anglesey, with Memoirs of Owen Glendower,’ London, 1775, 8vo.

[Works in Brit. Mus. Library; Halkett and Laing's Dict. of Anon. and Pseudon. Lit. i. col. 297, ii. col. 1159; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886; Watt's Bibl. Brit.; Rowland's Cambrian Bibl. pp. 581–2, 669–70; Cathrall's Hist. of North Wales, ii. 54; Gent. Mag. 1777 i. 449, 1811 i. 682; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. viii. 437, x. 521.]

OWEN, RICHARD (1606–1683), royalist divine, was son of Cadwallader Owen (1562–1617), by Blanche, daughter of John Roberts, younger brother to Lewis Anwyl of Park, Merionethshire (Dwnn, Visitations of Wales, ii. 215). Cadwallader, who was also of Merioneth, matriculated at Jesus College, Oxford, on 24 Nov. 1581; graduated B.A. in 1583, M.A. in 1588, and B.D. in 1603; and was elected fellow of Oriel College in 1585. In 1597 he was acting as Sir Robert Harley's tutor at Oriel College. He was appointed to the rectory of Llanfechain in Montgomeryshire in 1601, made vicar of Llanbrynmair in the same county in 1608, and sinecure rector of the same place in 1610. He was buried at Llanfechain on 6 April 1617 (Parish Register). He is said to have been a great disputant, and to have gone by the name of ‘Sic doces.’ Wood says that he had ‘heard he was a writer,’ but knew nothing of his works.

Richard was born on 3 Oct. 1606 at Llanfechain, and baptised there on 7 Oct. following (par. reg.). He matriculated at Oxford on 28 June 1622, entering Oriel College as a servitor. On 30 March he was elected Dudley exhibitioner, and held the exhibition till 25 Oct. 1626. He was Bible clerk from 25 Oct. 1624 till 2 Feb. 1627, graduated B.A. on 19 Feb. 1624–5, was elected fellow of his college on 21 March 1627–8, and proceeded M.A. on 22 June 1630, and B.D. on 4 Dec. 1638. He became rector of Llanfechain in 1634, was instituted to the vicarage of Eltham in Kent on 10 Feb. 1636, and to the rectory of St. Swithin, London Stone, on 2 Sept. 1639. He resigned his fellowship at Oriel in 1638. In 1643 he was ejected from his livings on account of his adherence to the royalist cause. During his sequestration he resided at Eltham. He was on intimate terms with John Evelyn, at whose house (Sayes Court) he occasionally preached and administered the sacrament. On 13 Nov. 1656 he peti-