Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 43.djvu/292

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Virginia Company, and was elected a member of its council on 23 May 1609. He also had shares in the East India and North-west Passage companies (Brown, Genesis of the United States).

Monteagle regularly attended parliament till his death. In 1618, on his father's death, he succeeded to the barony of Morley. In 1621 he was summoned to the House of Lords as Lord Morley and Monteagle.

He died at his residence at Great Hallingbury or Hallingbury Morley, Essex, on 1 July 1622, and was buried in the church there. His executors declared that his pension was in arrears to the extent of 1,750l. (Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. p. 70). A portrait by Van Somer belonged to Mr. John Webb in 1866. A few of his letters are at Hatfield.

By his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Tresham, he had three sons (Henry, William (1607–1637), and Charles) and three daughters (Frances, a nun, Katherine, and Elizabeth). The eldest son, Henry, who succeeded his father as Baron Morley and Monteagle, had been made K.B. at the creation of Prince Charles as Prince of Wales in 1616; was vice-admiral of the fleet which brought Prince Charles from Spain in 1623; was implicated with Captain Lewis Kirke and one Johnson in the murder of Captain Peter Clarke in 1640 (ib. pp. 45, 51, 70, 76, 96), and died in 1655. He married Philippa, daughter and coheiress of Sir Thomas Carryl of Shipley, Surrey, leaving a son Thomas, who died without issue in 1686. Thereupon the titles fell into abeyance between the issue of the last lord's aunts Katherine, wife of John Savage, earl Rivers, and Elizabeth, wife of Edward Cranfield (Brydges, ed. Collins, vii. 319–95). The house at Great Hallingbury passed, on the death of the last Baron Morley and Monteagle, into the hands first of Lord-chief-baron Sir Edward Turner and afterwards of James Houblon.

[Jardine's Gunpowder Plot, 1857, p. 78 et seq.; Archæologia, xxix. 80, 110; Gardiner's History, i. 247, &c.; Brydges's Peers of the Reign of James I, pp. 287–90; Muilman's History of Essex, iv. 137; Correspondence of Jane, lady Cornwallis; Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 307; Collins's Peerage, ed. Brydges, vii. 345 sq.]

PARKER, WILLIAM, D.D. (1714–1802), divine, son of Moses Parker, plebeius, of St. Michael's, Coventry, was born in that city in 1714, and was matriculated on 6 July 1731 from Balliol College, Oxford, whence he graduated B.A. in 1735, M.A. in 1738, B.D. in 1751, and D.D. in 1754 (Foster, Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886, iii. 1069). On 19 Feb. 1746 he was admitted a fellow of the Royal Society (Thomson, Hist. of the Royal Society, App. p. xliv). On 14 March 1757 he was collated to the prebend of Pratum Minus in the church of Hereford; he obtained the rectory of Bockleton in that diocese; on 23 April 1760 he was appointed treasurer of Hereford Cathedral; on 28 Sept. 1776 he was installed prebendary of North Kelsey in the church of Lincoln (Le Neve, Fasti, i. 491, 526, ii. 199), and on 18 Nov. 1763 he was presented to the rich rectory of St. James, Westminster, in succession to Dr. Samuel Nicolls (Nichols, Lit. Anecd. vi. 365). He was also one of the chaplains in ordinary to George II and George III, and chaplain to Dr. Richard Osbaldeston [q. v.], bishop of London. He married Mary Griffen, who on the death of her brother, Lord Howard of Walden, in 1797, succeeded to a large fortune, and who died at Bath on 18 Nov. 1799, aged 70 (Gent. Mag. 1799, pt. ii. p. 1005). He survived her three years, dying at his house in Piccadilly on 22 July 1802 (ib. 1802, pt. ii. p. 694). He was buried in a vault under St. James's Chapel, Hampstead Road (ib. 1842, pt. ii. p. 488). As he and his wife were entitled to the family estates for their joint lives, it was not until his death in 1802 that Richard Aldworth Griffin Neville, second baron Braybrooke [q. v.], became actually possessed of Audley End, Essex, although he had resided there from 1797, under an arrangement suggested by Lord Howard of Walden, whom he succeeded at the end of that year as lord lieutenant of Essex. A portrait of Parker is preserved at Audley End (Braybrooke, Hist. of Audley End, pp. 53, 129).

Parker was eminent as a pulpit orator, and his works consist, for the most part, of single sermons, in which he defends revealed religion and the Mosaic history against the attacks of Bolingbroke, Morgan, and Conyers Middleton. Among his publications are: 1. ‘Two Discourses [on 2 Cor. xi. 3] on the Mosaick History of the Fall,’ preached in his Majesty's Chapel, Whitehall, Oxford, 1750, 8vo. 2. ‘A Letter to a Person of Scrupulous Conscience about the Time of keeping Christmas, according to the New-Stile. To which is added, A Dialogue between a Clergyman and his Parishioner, familiarly explaining the Reason and Expediency of the New-Stile,’ London, 1753, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1756. 3. ‘Two Discourses [on John xviii. 38] before the University of Oxford: in which are contained Remarks on some Passages in the Writings of the late Lord Viscount Bolingbroke,’ Oxford, 1754, 8vo. 4. ‘The Scripture Doctrine of Predes-