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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 45.djvu/208

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Gen. viii. 6–9,’ London, 1594, 8vo. 2. ‘Gods General Summons to his last Parliament, a sermon on 2 Cor. v. 10,’ London, 1595, 8vo. 3. ‘A Peril of the Church, a sermon on Acts v. 17–19,’ London, 1596, 8vo. 4. ‘The Effect of the Last Daie, wrote in Latyn by Dyionisus Carthusianus, and Englished,’ licensed to William Leake, 1596. 5. ‘The Embasse of Gods Angel, a sermon on Acts v. 20, 21,’ London, 1597, 8vo.

‘A Preparative to the Lordes Supper, with an Exercise thereof,’ was licensed to Thomas Gosson, and also to William Leake, 1597.

[Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert), pp. 1032, 1339, 1370, 1371; Crowe's Catalogue, pp. 5, 62, 126, 193, 243, 251.]

PHILLIPS, GEORGE (1593–1644), nonconformist divine and colonist, was born in Rainham, Norfolk, of ‘honest parents,’ in 1593, and went to Caius College, Cambridge, in 1613. After graduating B.A. in 1617, he became a curate at Boxted in Essex. On 27 April 1630 he sailed for Massachusetts on the Arabella under Winthrop's auspices. He landed in June. On the voyage out he subscribed his name with others to a letter of ‘those who esteem it an honour to call the Church of England, from whence we rise, our dear mother.’ But he personally inclined to the congregational form of church government. ‘There is come over,’ says a correspondent of Governor Bradford, ‘one Mr. Phillips (a Suffolk [sic] man) who hath told me in private that if they will have him stand minister by that calling which he received from the prelates in England, he will leave them.’ To this attitude he did not adhere.

In company with Sir Richard Saltonstall and others, Phillips, on disembarking, formed a settlement on the Charles River, which they named Watertown. There, on 30 July 1630, they ‘observed a day of solemn fasting and prayer … organised themselves into a church, and built a house of God before they could build many houses for themselves.’ On 23 Aug., at the first court held at Charlestown, the first business was to arrange for building a house for the minister and to vote Phillips a stipend of 30l. a year as from 1 Sept.

At Watertown Phillips remained as pastor, declining an offer of preferment in Virginia. A man of decided force of character, he proved a learned scholar and able disputant. In 1631 a deputation from the church at Boston came to expostulate with him and his elder for disseminating certain opinions friendly to the church of Rome. His knowledge of the scriptures was profound; he read them through six times yearly. He was author of a tract on ‘Infant Baptism,’ published apparently posthumously (1645). He died on 1 July 1644. He married in England, but lost his wife soon after his arrival in Massachusetts. His eldest son, Samuel Phillips, obtained some reputation as a divine, and his descendants included many men distinguished in America ‘by their civil stations and munificent patronage of institutions of learning and benevolence.’

[Collections of Massachusetts Historical Society, especially Winthrop's Journal.]

PHILLIPS, GEORGE (1804–1892), oriental scholar, third son of Francis Phillips, farmer, was born at Dunwich in Suffolk on 11 Jan., and baptised at Westleton on 5 Feb. 1804. His father removed soon afterwards to Otley, where, in 1887, Phillips placed a clock, to be called ‘the Phillips clock,’ in the tower of the parish church, in remembrance of the early years of his life. After spending his early years in farmwork, and acquiring a knowledge of mathematics in his leisure, he became a master in the grammar school of Woodbridge, whence he removed to the grammar school of Worcester. While at Worcester he published ‘A brief Treatise on the Use of a Case of Instruments,’ 1823, and ‘A Compendium of Algebra,’ 1824. In 1824 he resigned his appointment at Worcester in order to enter Magdalen Hall, Oxford, on 19 June 1824, but after a short residence migrated to Queens' College, Cambridge, on 25 Oct. 1825, and matriculated on 14 Feb. 1826 as a pensioner. He graduated B.A. 1829, when he was eighth wrangler, M.A. 1832, B.D. 1839, and D.D. 1859. In 1830 he was elected fellow of his college, and took holy orders. Before long he was invited to assist in the tutorial work, and subsequently became senior tutor. In 1846 he was presented by the college to the living of Sandon in Essex. He proved himself an energetic parish priest; he built a school and schoolhouse, restored the church, and improved the parsonage. He held this living until 1857, when, on the death of Dr. Joshua King, he was elected president of Queens' College, and returned to Cambridge.

In 1861–2 Phillips was vice-chancellor, a year memorable for the presence of the Prince of Wales as a student, and for the installation of William Cavendish, seventh duke of Devonshire, as chancellor. On the latter occasion he entertained the duke and the recipients of honorary degrees at dinner in the president's lodge.

Phillips began to work at Oriental lan-