of his daughters, Anne and Annabella, are separately noticed [see under Plumptre, Anna].
[Gent. Mag. vol. lviii. (for 1788); Dyer's Hist. of Univ. of Cambridge, i. 125, ii. 158; Cooper's Annals, iv. 370; Wordsworth's Scholae Academicae, p. 106.]
PLUMRIDGE, Sir JAMES HANWAY (1787–1863), vice-admiral, born in 1787, entered the navy in September 1799 on board the Osprey sloop on the home station. He afterwards served in the Leda in the expedition to Egypt, with Captain George Hope, whom he followed to the Defence, and in her he was present in the battle of Trafalgar. He was then for a few months in the Melpomene with Captain (afterwards Sir Peter) Parker (1785–1814) [q. v.], and again with Hope in the Theseus. On 20 Aug. 1806 he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant, and served continuously during the war, in (among other ships) the Melpomene in 1809, and the Menelaus in 1810 (again with Parker) and in the Caledonia as flag-lieutenant to Sir Edward Pellew, afterwards Viscount Exmouth [q. v.] On 7 June 1814 he was promoted to the command of the Crocus sloop, and from her, in July, he was appointed to the Philomel, in which he went to the East Indies. In 1817 he returned to England as acting-captain of the Amphitrite. The promotion was not confirmed, and from 1818 to 1821 he commanded the Sappho brig at St. Helena, and afterwards on the Irish station. He was advanced to post rank on 9 Oct. 1822. From 1831 to 1835 he commanded the Magicienne frigate in the East Indies, from 1837 to 1841 was superintendent of the Falmouth packets, and from 1842 to 1847 was storekeeper of the ordnance. From 1841 to 1847 he was M.P. for Falmouth. In 1847 he was appointed to the Cambrian frigate for service in the East Indies, and on 13 Oct. was ordered to wear a broad pennant as second in command on the station. He returned to England towards the end of 1850, and on 7 Oct. 1852 was promoted to be rear-admiral. In 1854, with his flag in the Leopard, he commanded the flying squadron in the Baltic, and especially in the Gulf of Bothnia. In the following February he was appointed superintendent of Devonport dockyard, and on 5 July was nominated a K.C.B. On 28 Nov. 1857 he was promoted to be vice-admiral. He had no further service, and died at Hopton Hall in Suffolk on 29 Nov. 1863. He was three times married, and left issue.
[O'Byrne's Nav. Biogr. Dict.; Navy Lists; Times, 2 and 3 Dec. 1863; Earp's Hist. of the Baltic Campaign.]
PLUNKET, CHRISTOPHER, second Earl of Fingall (d. 1649), was the eldest son of Lucas Plunket, styled Lucas Môr, tenth lord Killeen, created Earl of Fingall on 26 Sept. 1628, by his second wife, Susanna, fifth daughter of Edward, lord Brabazon. His father died in 1637, and on 20 March that year Plunket received special livery of his estates. He took his seat in the Irish parliament on 16 March 1639, and was a member of several committees for privileges and grievances. On the outbreak of the rebellion in October 1641, he endeavoured, like the nobility and gentry of the Pale generally, to maintain an attitude of neutrality between the government and the northern party, and on 16 Nov. was appointed a commissioner to confer with all persons in arms, ‘with a view to suspend for some time the sad effects of licentiousness and rapine, until the kingdom was put in a better posture of defence.’ His behaviour caused him to be mistrusted by government, and on 17 Nov. he was proclaimed an outlaw. He thereupon took a prominent part in bringing about an alliance between the Ulster party and the nobility and gentry of the Pale. He was present at the meeting at the Hill of Crofty, and subsequently at that at the Hill of Tara, where he was appointed general of the horse for the county of Meath. His name is attached to the principal documents drawn up by the confederates in justification of their taking up arms. He was a member of the general assembly, and, by taking the oath of association against the papal nuncio Rinuccini in June 1648, proved his fidelity to the original demands of the confederates; but otherwise he played an inconspicuous part in the history of the rebellion. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Rathmines on 2 Aug. 1649, died in confinement in Dublin Castle a fortnight later, and was buried in St. Catherine's Church on 18 Aug. He was seven times indicted for high treason, and his estates were confiscated by the act for the speedy settlement of Ireland on 12 Aug. 1652.
Plunket married Mabel, daughter of Nicholas Barnewall, first viscount Kingsland, who survived him, and married, in 1653, Colonel James Barnewall, youngest son of Sir Patrick Barnewall. His eldest son and heir, Luke, third earl of Fingall, was restored to his estates and honours by order of the court of claims in 1662.
[Lodge's Peerage, ed. Archdall, vi. 185–6; Gilbert's History of the Confederation and History of Contemporary Affairs (Irish Archæological Society). In the article in Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography, Plunket is con