Plat or Platt, Sir Hugh ( 1552-1611 ?) . 407
Platt, Sir Thomas Joshua ( 1790 P-1862 ) . 409
Platt, Thomas Pell (1798-1852) . 409
Platfces, Gabriel (ft. 1638) . . 410
Platts, John (1775-1837) . . 410
Plaw, John (1745 P-1820) . . 411
Player, Sir Thomas (1608-1 672) . 411
Player, Sir Thomas (d. 1686). See under
Player, Sir Thomas (1608-1672).
Plavfair, Sir Hugh Lyon (1786-1861) . . 412
PlaVfair, James ( 1738-1819) .... 413
Playfair, John (1748-1819) . . . .413
Plavfair, William (1759-1823) . . .414
Plavfair, William Henry (1789-1857) . . 415
Playfere, Thomas (156r?-1609) . . .416
Playford, Henry (1657-1706?). See under
Play ford, John.
Playford, John (1623-1686?) . . . .416
Playford, John, the younger (1656-1686).
See under Playford, j'ohn.
Pleasants, Thomas (1728-1818) . . . 419
Plechelm, Saint (fi. 700) ... . .420
Plegmund (d. 914) 420
Plessis or Plessetis, John de, Earl of Warwick
(d. 1263) 421
Plessis, Joseph Octave (1762-1825) . . 422
Plesyngton, Sir Eobert de (d. 1393) . . 422
Pleydell-Bouverie, Edward (1818-1889) . 423
Plimer, Andrew (1763-1 837) . . . .424
Plimer, Nathaniel (1751-1822). See under
Plimer, Andrew.
Plot, Robert (1640-1696) -. . . 424
Plott, John (1732-1803) . . . 426
Plough, John (d. 1562) . . . 426
Plowden, Charles (1743-1821) . .426
Plowden, Edmund (1518-1585) . . 428
Plowden, Francis Peter (1749-1829) . .429
Plowden, Walter Chichele (1820-1860) . . 431
Plugenet, Alan de (d. 1299) . . . .431
Plugenet, Alan de (1277-1319).
Plugenet, Alan de (d. 1299).
See under
Plukenet, Leonard (1642-1706)
Plumer, Sir Thomas (1753-1824) .
Plumpton, Sir Robert (1453-1523). See
under Plumpton, Sir William.
Plumpton, Sir William (1404-1480) . . 434
Plumptre, Miss Anna or Anne (1760-1818) . 435
Plumptre, Anuabella (fi. 1795-1812). See
under Plumptre, Anna or Anne.
Plumptre, Charles John (1818-1887) . .436
Plumptre, Edward Hayes (1821-1891) . .437
Plumptre, Henry (d. 1746) .... 438
Plumptre, James (1770-1832 ). . . .438
Plumptre, John (1753-1825). See under
Plumptre, James.
Plumptre, Robert (1723-1788) . . .439
Plumptre, Russell (1709-1793). See under
Plumptre, Henry.
Plumridge, Sir James Hanway (1787-1863) . 440
Plunket, Christopher, second 'Earl of Fingall
(d. 1649) 440
Plunket, John (1664-1734) . . . .441
Plunket, Nicholas (ft. 1641) . . . .442
Plunket, Oliver (1629-1681) . . . .442
Plunket, Patrick (d. 1668) . . . .445
Plunket, Thomas, Baron Plunket of the Holy
Roman Empire (1716-1779) . . .446
Plunket, William Conyngham, lirst Baron
Plunket (1764-1854)' 446
Plunkett, Mrs. Elizabeth (1769-1823). See
under Gunning, Mrs. Susannah.
Plunkett, John Hubert (1802-1869) . . 449
Plymouth, Earls of. See Fitzcharles, Charles
(1657 ?-1680) ; Windsor-Hickman, Thomas,
first Earl (1627-1687) ; Windsor, Henry,
eighth Earl (1768-1843).
Pocahontas, afterwards RoJfe, Rebecca (1595-
). See under Rolfe, John (1562-
Pocklington, John, D.D. (d. 1642) . . .450
Pockrich, Pokeridge, or Puckeridge, Richard
(1690 ?-1759) .... .451