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translated by Mr. Pope,' first four books, 1716. The next three volumes appeared in 1716, 1717, and 1718, and the last two together in 1720, each containing four books. 13. 'A full and true Account of a horrid and barbarous Revenge by Poison on the Body of Mr. Edmund Curll, Bookseller, with a faithful copy of his last Will and Testament. Published by an eye-witness,' 1716. 14. 'The Worms: a Satyr by Mr. Pope,' 1716. 15. 'A Roman Catholic Version of the First Psalm, for the use of a young Lady. By Mr. Pope,' 1716. (This and the preceding, attributed to Pope by Curll and others, were not acknowledged nor disavowed by him; see Carruthers, pp. 1634, and Works vi. 438). 16. 'Epistle to Jervas,' prefixed to an edition of Fresnoy's 'Art of Painting,' 1716. 17. Pope's works in 1717 included for the first time the 'Elegy to the Memory of an Unfortunate Lady,' and the 'Eloisa to Abelard,' which were published separately in 1720, with poems by other authors, as 'Eloisa to Abelard, second edition.' The works also included the 'Ode on St. Cecilia's Day,' republished, with changes, as 'Ode for the Public Commencement at Cambridge on July 6, 1730,' with music by Maurice Green, 1730. 18. 'To Mr. Addison: occasioned by his Dialogues on Medals,' in Tickell's edition of 'Addison's Works,' 1721. 19. 'Poems on Several Occasions ... by Dr. Thomas Parnell . . . published by Mr. Pope,' with 'Epistle to the Earl of Oxford,' 1722. 20. 'The Dramatic Works of Shakspear . . . collated and corrected by the former editions,' 6 vols. 4to, ed. Pope, 1726. 21. 'The Odyssey of Homer,' vols, i., ii., and iii. 1726, iv. and 1726. 22. 'Miscellanea,' including 'Familiar Letters written to Henry Cromwell, Esq., by Mr. Pope,' was published by Curll in 1720, dated 1727. 23. 'Miscellanies,' with preface signed by Swift and Pope; vols. i. and ii. in 1727; vol. iii., called 'the last volume,' in March 1727–8; a fourth volume was added in 1732. 24. 'The Dunciad: an heroic poem, in three books, Dublin printed; London reprinted for A. Dodd,' 1728, 12mo. Three more editions, with an owl on the frontispiece, were printed in London in 1728, and one with no frontispiece and with Pope's name at Dublin. 'The Dunciad Variorum, with the prolegomena of Scriblerus, London, printed for A. Dod, 1729,' 4to, was the first complete edition. It has a vignette of an ass and an owl. Four other octavo editions are dated London, 1729, with varying frontispieces of the owl and the ass. There is another edition without date (which cannot have appeared till 1733), and another dated 1736, with the ass frontispiece. In 1736 appeared also a different edition as vol. iv. of Pope's 'Works.' The ass and owl have now disappeared. 'The New Dunciad: as it was found in the year MDCXLI, with the Illustrations of Scriblerus and Notes Variorum,' 4to (i.e. the fourth book of 'The Dunciad'), appeared in 1742; another edition, with the same title, in the same year. 'The Works of Alexander Pope,' vol. iii. pt. i., contains the first three books, and vol. iii. pt. ii. the fourth book. The 'Dunciad in Four Books, printed according to the complete copy found in the year 1742 ... to which are added several Notes now first published, the Hypercritics of Aristarchus, and his Dissertation on the Hero of the Poem,' 1743, is the poem in its final form with an 'advertisement' signed W. W[arburton]. An edition, 'with several additions now first printed,' appeared in 1749. A full account of these editions was given by Mr. Thoms in 'Notes and Queries,' Nos. 268–70, and is reprinted by Mr. Courthope in 'Works,' iv. 299-309. Mr. Courthope adds an account of four other editions printed at Dublin (1728, two in 1729, and one without a date). 26. Wycherley's 'Works,' vol. ii., with Pope's 'Letters,' 1729, has disappeared (see above). 27. 'Of Taste: an Epistle to the Rt. Honble. Richard, Earl of Burlington, occasioned by his publishing "Palladio's Designs," etc.,' 1731; afterwards called 'Of False Taste,' and finally 'Of the Use of Riches' (fourth moral essay). 27. 'Of the Use of Riches: an Epistle to the Rt. Honble. Allen, Lord Bathurst,' 1732 (third moral essay). 28. 'An Essay on Man addressed to a Friend,' 1733, fol., no date. Quarto and octavo editions were also printed. The second and third epistles appeared in 1733, and the fourth in January 1734, in the same forms. They were all anonymous. The 'Universal Prayer' was added, and also published separately, in 1738. An edition, with an excellent commentary by Mark Pattison, was published at the Clarendon Press in 1866. The 'Satires and Epistles' were edited by Pattison in the same year. 29. 'Of the Knowledge and Characters of Men: an Epistle addressed to the Rt. Honble. Lord Viscount Cobham,' 1733 (first moral essay). 30. 'The First Satire of the Second Book of Horace, imitated in a Dialogue between Alexander Pope . . . and his learned counsel,' 1733. 31. 'The Second Satire of the Second Book of Horace,' 1734. 32. 'Epistle from Mr. Pope to Dr. Arbuthnot,' 1736. 33. 'Sober Advice from Horace to the Young Gentlemen about Town: as delivered in his second sermon; imitated in the manner of A. Pope' (n.d.), 1734; (included also