- tima, a Collection of Public Instruments on Prize Law,’ 1801.
- ‘Reports of Cases argued and determined in the High Court of Admiralty, 1799 to 1808,’ 6 vols. 1799–1808; 2nd edit. 6 vols. 1801–8; they were also reprinted at New York in 1800–10, and by George Minot at Boston in 1853 in his series of English admiralty reports.
Robinson's reports were not remunerative, and in some years caused him actual loss.
Robinson's own judgments were contained in volumes ii. and iii. of John Haggard's ‘Admiralty Reports’ (1833 and 1840), and were also published at Boston by George Minot in 1853. A digested index of the judgments of Lord Stowell, as given in the reports of Robinson, Edwards, and Dodson, was issued by Joshua Greene, barrister-at-law, of Antigua, in 1818.
Robinson's second son, William Robinson (d. 1870), matriculated from Balliol College, Oxford, on 25 Jan. 1819, and graduated B.A. on 22 March 1823, M.A. on 2 July 1829, and D.C.L. on 11 July 1829. He was admitted into the college of advocates on 3 Nov. 1830, and reported in the admiralty court. His published volumes of reports commenced ‘with the judgments of the Right Hon. Stephen Lushington,’ and covered the years from 1838 to 1850. The first volume appeared in 1844, and the second in 1848. The third, without a title-page, and consisting of two parts only, was issued in 1852. They were also edited by George Minot at Boston in 1853. Robinson died at Stanhope Villa, Charlwood Road, Putney, on 11 July 1870, aged 68.
[Gent. Mag. 1799 i. 346, 1802 i. 184, 1809 i. 278, 1830 i. 283, 1833 i. 465; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Courtney's Parl. Rep. Cornwall, p. 278; Nichols's Lit. Anecd. ix. 633; Law Mag. x. 485–8, reprinted in Annual Biogr. xviii. 325–31; Notes and Queries, 5th ser. ix. 393; Canning's Official Corresp. (1887), i. 373; Bloxam's Magdalen College, vii. 83–90, 171; [Coote's] English Civilians, p. 137; Times, 12 July 1870, p. 1.]
ROBINSON, CLEMENT (fl. 1566–1584), song-writer and editor, prepared in 1566 ‘A boke of very pleasaunte sonettes and storyes in myter,’ for the publication of which Richard Jones obtained a license in the same year. No copy of this work is extant, although a single leaf in the collection of ‘Bagford Ballads’ in the British Museum may possibly have belonged to one. The book was reprinted in 1584 by the same publisher, Richard Jones, under the new title ‘A Handefull of pleasant delites, containing sundrie new Sonets and delectable Histories in diuers kinds of Meeter. Newly diuised to the newest tunes that are now in use to be sung; euerie Sonet orderly pointed to his proper tune. With new additions of certain Songs to verie late deuised Notes, not commonly knowen, nor vsed heretofore. By Clement Robinson and diuers others.’ A unique imperfect copy of this edition, formerly in the Corser collection, is now in the British Museum library. All the pieces were written for music; several of them had been entered in the Stationers' Register for separate publication between 1566 and 1582. In the case of eight the authors' names are appended. The remaining twenty-five, which are anonymous, doubtless came for the most part from Robinson's own pen. Among these is the opening song, entitled ‘A Nosegay,’ from which Ophelia seems to borrow some of her farewell remarks to Laertes in Shakespeare's ‘Hamlet,’ iv. 5. Another song in the collection, ‘A Sorrowfull Sonet,’ ascribed to George Mannington, is parodied at length in ‘Eastward Ho’ [1603], by Chapman, Jonson, and Marston. The volume also contains ‘A new Courtly Sonet, of the Lady Greensleeues, to the new tune of Greensleeues.’
Robinson's ‘Handefull’ has been thrice reprinted, viz. in Park's ‘Heliconia,’ 1815, vol. ii. (carelessly edited); by the Spenser Society, edited by James Crossley in 1871 (Manchester, 8vo), and by Mr. Edward Arber in 1878, in his ‘English Scholar's Library.’
A unique tract in the Huth Library is also assigned to Robinson. The title runs: ‘The true descripcion of the marueilous straunge Fishe whiche was taken on Thursday was sennight the xvj day of June this present month in the yeare of our Lord God MDLXIX. Finis quod C. R. London, by Thomas Colwell.’ This was entered on the ‘Stationers' Registers’ early in 1569 as ‘a mounsterus fysshe which was taken at Ip[s]wyche’ (Arber, Transcripts, i. 381).
[Introductions to the reprints noticed above of Robinson's Handefull; Hazlitt's Bibliographical Handbook.]
ROBINSON, DANIEL GEORGE (1826–1877), colonel royal engineers, director-general of telegraphs in India, was born 8 March 1826, and entered the military college of the East India Company at Addiscombe in 1841. He was appointed a second lieutenant in the Bengal engineers on 9 June 1843, and, after going through the usual course of instruction at Chatham, embarked for India in 1845. He arrived in time to join Sir Hugh Gough's army and take part in the Sutlaj campaign. He was engaged in the battle of Sobraon, and re-