Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/204

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probably on account of his non-residence in the diocese. He was also suspended from his deanery for preaching, in his cathedral, a sermon in which he ‘inveighed too sharply against the vices of the gentry and clergy, and seemed to prefer the popish’ to the reformed religion. He soon after made a satisfactory explanation in the same place. Both sermons are preserved among the Lambeth manuscripts (No. 113, ff. 69, 79).

On 27 March 1570–1 he was appointed bishop of Sodor and Man, and was granted a dispensation by Parker enabling him to hold in commendam his deanery, archdeaconry, and the rectories of Diss and Thorpe in Norfolk. He does not appear to have visited his diocese, but died at Norwich towards the end of September 1573, and was buried in St. Andrew's Church in that city (Blomefield, Hist. of Norfolk, viii. 255; Ashmolean MS. 792, ii, fol. 64).

Salisbury has occasionally been confounded with William Salisbury (1520?–1600?) [q. v.] Probably as a result of this confusion it has erroneously been stated that Salisbury rendered some assistance in the translation of the New Testament into Welsh; he does not appear to have taken any part in Welsh affairs beyond drawing the emoluments of his archdeaconry. He is said to have been highly esteemed by the Duke of Norfolk. Thomas Tusser [q. v.], who was a chorister in Norwich Cathedral, speaks of him as ‘the gentle dean’ (Suffolk Garland, p. 264).

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ii. 807; Strype's Annals, i. 328, 339, 343, iv. 310 (for other references in Strype's Works see general index); Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. i. 318–19, 560; Browne Willis's Survey of Bangor, pp. 138–9, 262. For an account of Salisbury's various preferments in Norfolk see F. Blomefield's History of Norfolk, iii. 617–18 (and also numerous other references given in general index thereto), and Foster's Alumni Oxonienses (s. v.); biographical memorandum in Lansdowne MS. No. 981, f. 126.]

SALISBURY, JOHN (1575–1625), jesuit and Welsh scholar, born in 1575, is described as a native of Merionethshire, presumably a member of the Rûg branch of the Salisbury or Salesbury family. He entered the Jesuits' College of St. Albans, Valladolid, on 22 June 1595, was ordained priest on 21 Nov. 1600, and in May 1603 was sent to England, where in 1605 he entered the Society of Jesus, being then described as a ‘zealous missioner in North Wales.’ On 6 Dec. 1618 he took the vows of a professed father. On the death of Father Robert Jones, in 1615, Salisbury became superior of the then united North and South Wales district, taking up his residence at Raglan Castle, where he acted as chaplain to Lady Frances Somerset. By adding to some funds which his predecessor had begun to collect, he was enabled to found, in 1622, the college of St. Francis Xavier, of which he became superior. He was appointed procurator of the English province to Rome, but died in England while preparing himself for his journey thither in 1625.

Salisbury translated into Welsh Cardinal Bellarmine's large catechism on Christian doctrine, under the title ‘Eglurhad Helaethlawn o'r Athrawiaeth Gristnogawl.’ This is written in idiomatic Welsh, and was printed anonymously at the English Province press, St. Omer's College, in 1618 (16mo, pp. 348). In the colophon the translation is said to have been completed on 25 March 1618 (Brit. Mus.). Salisbury is said to have composed other works of piety.

He is to be distinguished from John Salisbury (fl. 1627), a member of the English College at Rome, and the author of a Latin poem, which bore the title ‘Panacrides Apes Musicis Concentibus Advocandæ ad Philosophicas Theses,’ which was published at Rome in 1627 (4to), along with three other poems by members of the same college—John Campian, Hadrian Talbot, and Thomas Grine or Grinus (Brit. Mus.).

[Foley's Records of the Jesuits, iv. 335, 392, 471, vii. 681, 1450; Y Cymmrodor, iv. 63–5; Rowlands's Cambrian Bibliography, p. 93.]

SALISBURY, JOHN (fl. 1695), printer. [See under Salisbury, Thomas, 1567?–1620?]

SALISBURY, RICHARD ANTHONY (1761–1829), botanist, only son of Richard Markham, cloth merchant, of Leeds, was born in 1761 at Leeds. His mother was descended from Jonathan Laycock of Shaw Hill, who married Mary Lyte, sister of Henry Lyte [q. v.], the translator of Dodoens's ‘Herbal.’ Salisbury, as he afterwards called himself, seems to have been educated at the university of Edinburgh, where he became intimate with James Edward (afterwards Sir James Edward) Smith [q. v.], and probably studied botany under Professor John Hope (1725–1786). In 1780, according to his own account, he became acquainted with an elderly lady, Miss Anna Salisbury, a connection of his maternal grandmother, Hester Salisbury, and in 1785 she gave him ten thousand pounds in three per cents to enable him to pursue his studies in botany and gardening, on condition of his assuming the sole surname of Salisbury (cf. Banks, Corre-