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Vaughan. Rowland Vaughan [q. v.] was her near relative, and it was at Salisbury's request that Vaughan translated into Welsh Brough's ‘Manual of Prayer,’ London, 1658, 8vo. Salisbury also bore the expense of its publication. Prefixed to it are some verses addressed to Salisbury by two of his grandsons, John and Gabriel, both of Jesus College, Oxford (see Foster, Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714). Salisbury's eldest son, Owen, predeceased him in 1657. Owen's son William succeeded to the Rûg estate, and in 1662 was nominated a knight of the Royal Oak. A similar honour was bestowed on Salisbury's second son, Charles, whose only daughter (Jane) married Sir Walter Bagot, ancestor of the Lords Bagot.

[Information from D. Lleufer Thomas, esq.; Cal. Comm. for Advance of Money and for Compounding; Commons' Journals; Archæol. Cambr. 4th ser. ix. 284–91; Williams's Parl. Hist. of Wales; Phillips's Civil War in Wales; Yorke's Royal Tribes of Wales, 1887, p. 170; Parry's Royal Progr. 2nd ed. pp. 350–1, 372–9.]

SALISBURY, WILLIAM (d. 1823), botanical nurseryman, has been erroneously described as a brother of Richard Anthony Salisbury [q. v.] He states that from 1791 he was employed by the board of agriculture in conducting experiments on the growth of plants (Preface to his Botanist's Companion, vol. ii.); he may have been previously engaged as a nurseryman. In 1797 he was gardener to J. Symmons, F.R.S., at Paddington House, Paddington, and in the same year entered into partnership with William Curtis [q. v.] at his garden at Queen's Elm, Brompton. After Curtis's death in 1799 he removed the garden to Cadogan Place, Sloane Street, where he held botanical classes. He died in 1823. Salisbury published: 1. ‘Hortus Paddingtonensis, a Catalogue of the Plants in the Garden of J. Symmons, esq., Paddington House,’ London, 1797, 8vo. 2. ‘Hortus Siccus Gramineus,’ 1816, a collection of actual specimens. 3. ‘A General Catalogue of Trees, Shrubs, Flowers, etc., cultivated in England,’ n.d. 4. ‘The Botanist's Companion,’ London, 2 vols., 1816, with a plan of the Sloane Street garden. 5. ‘Hints to Proprietors of Orchards [with] the Natural History of American Blight,’ London, 1816, 12mo, with two copperplates of insects by F. Eves. 6. ‘The Cottager's Companion, or a Complete System of Cottage Horticulture,’ London, 1817, 12mo; 2nd edit. 1822.

[Trimen and Dyer's Flora of Middlesex, p. 395; Gent. Mag. 1815, ii. 103; Britten and Boulger's Biogr. Index of British Botanists.]

SALKELD, JOHN (1576–1660), catholic renegade and author, born in 1576, was descended from the Salkelds of Corby Castle, Cumberland (see pedigree in Nicholson and Burn's Westmoreland and Cumberland, ii. 335; Visit. of Yorkshire, p. 272, Visit. of Cumberland, p. 25, Harl. Soc.), and was fourth son of Edward Salkeld, second brother of Sir George Salkeld. He was possibly of Queen's College, Oxford, but did not graduate, and was soon after sent to Spain, and studied under the jesuits in the university of Coimbra. He studied later at Cordova and after spending six further years in Portugal joined the English mission under the assumed name of John Dalston. He soon fell under the suspicion of the English government, and in March 1612 he was in the custody of Sir William Godolphin as a ‘guest.’ He delivered to Godolphin ‘papers relative to his conversion from Popery’ (State Papers, Dom. James I, lxviii. No. 81, 23 March 1612). Reports of his learning reached James I, who had several conferences with him, and it was stated that the cogency of the king's arguments finally led to his conversion to protestantism. After living for a time at the house of Dr. King, bishop of London (Wood, Athenæ Oxon. ii. 315), he indulged in speculations as to the nature of angels, and dedicated a treatise on the subject to the king in 1613. James presented him to the living of Wellington, Somerset, in November 1613 (Weaver, Somerset Incumbents, p. 462), and subsequently granted him a pardon under the sign manual for having gone beyond sea without license and joined the church of Rome (17 March 1615; Royal Sign Manual, iv. No. 83, Public Record Office). Salkeld was then described as B.D. (Wood, Athenæ Oxon. iii. 488).

In 1616 Salkeld informed against Lord William Howard for recusancy (Hist. MSS. Comm. 12th Rep. pt. vii. p. 15, 12 Nov. 1616). In 1635 he became rector of Church Taunton in Devonshire. In the civil wars he was strongly royalist, and was deprived of Church Taunton about 1646. He subsequently settled at Uffculme in Devonshire, and there in November 1651 and January 1652 he was arrested and examined by the county commissioners on the ground of his royalist sympathies (Cal. Committee for Compounding, iii. 1413; Walker, Sufferings of the Clergy, ii. 353). He died at Uffculme in February 1659–60, and was buried in the church there. He left a son.

Salkeld wrote: 1. ‘A Treatise of Angels, of the nature, essence, place, power, science, will, apparitions, grace, sinne, and all other proprieties of angels collected out of the