He was admitted at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, on 30 June 1730, and graduated B.A. in 1733 and M.A. in 1737. From 1735 to 1738 he was a fellow of the college. He boasted in later life of his intimacy with Bentley during this period. Afterwards he became domestic chaplain to the first Lord Hardwicke and tutor to his son. He contributed while at Cambridge to the ‘Athenian Letters,’ which are mainly the work of the latter [Yorke, Philip, second Earl of Hardwicke], and were first published in 1741. Through the influence of his patron, Salter was named prebendary of Gloucester on 21 Jan. 1738, rector of Burton Coggles, Lincolnshire, in 1740, and prebendary of Norwich, where he was installed by his father on 9 March 1744. In 1750 he also became minister of Great Yarmouth, and in the following July received the Lambeth degree of D.D. from Archbishop Herring. In 1756 Salter was further presented to the rectory of St. Bartholomew's, near the Royal Exchange, by Lord Hardwicke, then lord chancellor. He had been preacher at the Charterhouse since January 1754, and became master in November 1761. He died in London on 2 May 1778, and was buried, by his own wish, in the common burial-ground at the Charterhouse. He married, on 2 Nov. 1744, Elizabeth Secker, a relative of the archbishop, and left, with two daughters, a son Philip, who was vicar of Shenfield, Essex.
Salter was a classical scholar, and versed in modern literature. He preached extempore, and two of his sermons were printed. He also published: 1. ‘A Complete Collection of the Sermons and Tracts of Dr. Jeffery, with Life,’ 1751, 2 vols. 8vo. 2. ‘Some Queries relating to the Jews, occasioned by a late Sermon,’ 1751. 3. ‘The Moral and Religious Aphorisms on B. Whichcote;’ a new edit. 1753, 8vo. 4. ‘Extracts from the Statutes of the House and Orders of the Governors respecting the Pensions of Poor Brethren’ (Charterhouse), a large folio sheet, 1776. He revised some of the Rev. H. Tayler's ‘Letters of Ben Mordecai’ in 1773–4, and in 1777 corrected for Nichols the proof-sheets of Bentley's ‘Dissertation on Phalaris,’ in which the peculiarities of spelling and punctuation provoked criticism (Nichols, Lit. Anecdotes, iii. 25). In Dawes's ‘Miscellanea Critica’ (1781, pp. 434–9) are reprinted some philological and Homeric exercises by Salter which he privately printed in 1776. Some of Salter's anecdotes concerning Bentley were printed in the ‘Gentleman's Magazine’ (1779, p. 547, cf. ib. p. 640; Swift, Works, ed. Scott, i. 98–100; Gent. Mag. 1790, i. 157, 352; Tatler (annotated), 1786, v. 145).
[For the elder Salter, see Noble's Continuation of Granger's Biogr. Hist. iii. 105; Masters's Hist. of Corpus Christi, Cambridge, ed. Lamb, p. 486; Luard's Grad. Cant.; Blomefield's Norfolk, iii. 646, 671, iv. 150, 514, viii. 175; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, iii. 221 n., ix. 779, 787. For the Master of the Charterhouse, see Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, iii. 221–5, and Illustrations, i. 142, 150, 154, iii. 44, viii. 79, 84, 160; Add. MS. 5880, f. 91 (Cole); Charterhouse Registers (Harl. Soc.); Harris's Life of Hardwicke, i. 290; Blomefield's Norfolk, iii. 663; Le Neve's Fasti Angl. Eccles. i. 450; Masters's Hist. of Corpus Christi, ed. Lamb, p. 393; Watt's Bibl. Brit. i. 829; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Chalmers's Biogr. Dict.]
SALTER, THOMAS (fl. 1580), author, is said by Ritson to have been a schoolmaster. If so, he is probably the Thomas Salter, schoolmaster, of Upminster, Essex, who married, on 14 March 1583–4, Johanna, daughter of John Welshe, yeoman, of Thurrock in the same county (Chester, London Marriage Licenses), and not the Thomas Salter, minister, who matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, on 24 Nov. 1581, aged 33, and was rector of St. Mellion, Cornwall, till his death in 1625 (Clark, Reg. Univ. Oxon. II. ii. 106; Parochial Hist. of Cornwall, iii. 306). His leanings were towards puritanism, and in 1579 he issued ‘A Mirrhor mete for all Mothers, Matrones, and Maidens, intituled the Mirrhor of Modestie,’ London, 8vo, n.d. (Brit. Mus. and Bodleian). It was licensed on 7 April 1579 to Edward White (Arber, ii. 351), who dedicated it to Anne, wife of Sir Thomas Lodge [q. v.], and mother of Thomas Lodge [q. v.] the poet. The publisher White has been erroneously credited with its authorship. The book was reprinted in ‘Illustrations of Old English Literature,’ 1866, vol. i., edited by Payne Collier, who erroneously described the copy in the British Museum as the only one extant. It contains much curious and amusing information about the habits and education of girls of the period, and protests against allowing them indiscriminate use of the classics. Robert Greene (1560?–1592) [q. v.] in 1584 issued a book of entirely different character under the same title, ‘A Mirrhor of Modestie.’
In 1580 Salter published ‘The Contention betweene Three Brethren, the Whoremonger, the Drunkard, and the Dice-player, to approve which of the three is the worst,’ 16mo; licensed to Thomas Gosson, 3 Oct. 1580 (Arber, ii. 378). A copy of this edition—the only one known—was bought by Heber in 1834. Hazlitt erroneously says another