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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/234

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aminations … of some Dangerous Positions delivered … by T. Fuller,’ &c., 1643, 4to (12 Aug.). 5. ‘A Solemne Discourse upon the Grand Covenant,’ &c., 1643, 24mo (12 Oct.; verses at end); 2nd edit. 1644, 4to. 6. ‘A Peace but no Pacification,’ &c., 1643, 4to (23 Oct.). 7. ‘A Voice from Heaven; or, the Words of a Dying Minister, Mr. K[ayes],’ &c., 1644, 4to. 8. ‘Davvnings of Light … with some Maximes of Reformation,’ &c., 1644, 8vo (4 Jan. 1645). 9. ‘A New Quere … whether it be fit … to settle any Church Government … hastily,’ &c., 1645, 4to (30 Sept.); another edition, same year. 10. ‘The Opening of Master Prynnes New Book, called a Vindication,’ &c., 1645, 4to (22 Oct.; a ‘dialogue between P[resbyterian] and C[ongregational],’ with leaning to the latter). 11. ‘Free Grace; or the Flowings of Christ's Blood freely to Sinners,’ &c., 1645, 12mo (30 Dec.); 6th ed. 1649, 12mo; 12th ed. 1814, 12mo (not to be confounded with ‘The Fountaine of Free Grace opened … by the Congregation … falsely called Anabaptists,’ &c., 1645, 8vo, which has been ascribed to Saltmarsh). 12. ‘The Smoke in the Temple … A Designe for Peace and Reconciliation … Argument for Liberty of Conscience … Answer to Master Ley,’ &c., 1646, 4to (16 Jan.), two parts; another edition same year. 13. ‘Groanes for Liberty,’ &c., 1646, 4to (10 March). 14. ‘The Divine Right of Presbyterie … with Reasons for discussing this,’ &c., 1646, 4to (7 April). 15. ‘Perfume against the Sulpherous Stinke of the Snuffe of the Light for Smoak, called Novello-Mastix. With a Check to Cerberus Diabolus … and an Answer to the Antiquæries, annexed to the Light against the Smoak of the Temple,’ &c., 1646, 4to (19 April; in defence of No. 12 against Ley and others). 16. ‘A Plea for the Congregationall Government,’ &c., 1646, 4to (6 May). 17. ‘An End of one Controversy,’ &c., 1646, 4to (answer to Ley). 18. ‘Reasons for Vnitie, Peace, and Love. With an Answer … to … Gataker … and to … Edwards his … Gangræna,’ &c., 1646, 4to (17 June; the reply to Gataker has the separate title, ‘Shadowes flying away’). 19. ‘Some Drops of the Viall, povvred out … when it is neither Night or Day,’ &c., 1646, 4to three editions same date, consists of reprints of Nos. 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, with separate title-pages). 20. ‘Sparkles of Glory; or some Beams of the Morning Star,’ &c., 1647, 12mo (27 May); reprinted 1811, 8vo; 1847, 12mo. 21. ‘A Letter from the Army, concerning the Peaceable Temper of the same,’ &c., 1647, 4to (10 June). Posthumous were 22. ‘Wonderful Predictions … a Message, as from the Lord, to … Sir Thomas Fairfax,’ &c., 1648, 4to (contains account of his death); reprinted in ‘Thirteen Strange Prophecies,’ &c. [1648], 4to, and in ‘Foureteene Strange Prophecies,’ &c., 1648, 4to. 23. ‘England's Friend raised from the Grave … three Letters … by … Saltmarsh,’ &c., 1649, 4to (31 July; edited by his widow). He wrote a preface to Hatch's ‘A Word for Peace,’ &c., 1646, 16mo; and added an epistle to Thomas Collier's ‘The Glory of Christ,’ 1647, 8vo. The list of his publications is sometimes swelled by separately cataloguing the subdivisions of his tracts. His name is used without explanation on the title-pages of two books by Samuel Gorton [q. v.], viz. ‘Saltmarsh returned from the Dead,’ &c., 1655, 4to, and ‘An Antidote,’ &c., 1657, 4to (where Saltmarsh is transposed into Smartlash).

[Saltmarsh's writings; Edwards's Gangræna, 1646, pt. iii.; Mercurius Melancholicus, 18 to 24 Dec. 1647, p. 102; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. (Bliss), iii. 571 sq.; Fuller's Worthies, 1662, p. 212 (Yorkshire); Brook's Lives of the Puritans, 1813, iii. 70 sq.; Davids's Evang. Nonconf. in Essex, 1863, p. 255; Barclay's Inner Life of Religious Societies of the Commonwealth, 1876, pp. 172, 175; information from the Rev. M. Drummond, rector of Wanstead.]

SALTONSTALL, CHARLES (fl. 1642), sea-captain, was probably son of Sir Samuel Saltonstall (d. 1640), and brother of Wye Saltonstall [q. v.], who dedicated to him his ‘Picturæ Loquentes’ in 1631. Charles was the author of ‘The Navigator, shewing and explaining all the Chiefe Principles and Parts both Theorick and Practick that are contained in the famous Art of Navigation …’ (sm. 4to, 1642). The work is extremely rare, and in the British Museum there is only an imperfect copy of the third edition (sm. 4to, 1660?). In the dedication to Thomas, earl of Arundel and Surrey, he describes himself as a stranger to the land and his kinsfolk, many long voyages having banished him from the remembrance of both; and in the body of the work he speaks incidentally of having sailed with the Hollanders. As a treatise on navigation, the little book has considerable merit; it strongly condemns the ‘plaine charts’ then in use; urges the use of the so-called Mercator's charts, the invention of which he correctly attributes to Edward Wright [q. v.], and discusses at some length the principle of great circle-sailing. He may be identical with the Charles Saltonstall who in 1640–1 wrote from Boston in Lincolnshire, condemning the inefficiency of Sir An-