Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/320

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said it was much the same that it had always been, Sarsfield answered: “As low as we now are, change kings with us, and we will fight it over again with you.”’ Sarsfield signed the civil articles of Limerick as Earl of Lucan, and the title was allowed during the negotiations, though not by lawyers afterwards. It was mainly through his exertions that so large a proportion of the Irish troops, about twelve thousand, preferred the service of France to that of England, and he himself forfeited his estate by so doing. As became the captain of a lost ship, which he had done his best to save, he did not leave Ireland until he had seen the last detachment on board. He sailed from Cork on 22 Dec. with eleven or twelve vessels, and about 2,600 persons, including some women and children. Some blame perhaps attaches to Sarsfield for not taking more of the women, as promised. Macaulay has described the dreadful scene at the embarkation (chap. xvii.). Ginkel provided as much shipping as Sarsfield required, and a certified copy of the release given by him is extant (Story, Continuation, p. 292; Jacobite Narrative, p. 312). The squadron reached Brest in safety, and James gave his second troop of lifeguards to Sarsfield, the first being Berwick's.

To Sarsfield were entrusted the Irish troops, more than half of the whole force, intended for the invasion of England in May 1692. Marshal Bellefonds, who commanded in chief, praised him as one who sought no personal aggrandisement (Ranke, v. 46). But the battle of La Hague (19 May) [see Russell, Edward, Earl of Orford] put an end to the scheme of invasion. Sarsfield's remaining services were to France, and he was made a maréchal de camp. He distinguished himself at Steenkirk on 3 Aug., and Luxembourg mentioned him in despatches as a very able officer, whose deeds were worthy of his Irish reputation. His affectionate care for the wounded was no less remarkable than his valour. He was mortally wounded at the battle of Landen on 19 Aug. 1693, in the attack on the village of Neerwinden, and died at Huy two or three days later. Berwick describes him as ‘un homme d'une taille prodigieuse, sans esprit, de très-bon naturel, et très brave.’ Avaux says he was ‘un gentilhomme distingué par son mérite, qui a plus de crédit dans ce royaume qu'aucun homme que je connaisse; il a de la valeur, mais surtout de l'honneur, et la probité à toute épreuve.’ He was idolised by all classes of Irishmen, and Macaulay has shown that his reputation in England was very high. Sarsfield was a handsome man. A portrait, believed to be original, was long preserved at St. Isidore's, Rome, but was brought to Ireland in 1870, and is now in the Franciscan convent, Dublin. It represents Sarsfield in full armour, with a flowing wig and lace cravat. Another portrait has been reproduced by Sir J. T. Gilbert as a frontispiece to the ‘Jacobite Narrative.’ A portrait by Charles Le Brun, dated on the frame 1680, belonged in 1867 to Lord Talbot de Malahide (cf. Cat. Second Loan Exhib. No. 19).

Sarsfield married Lady Honora De Burgh, daughter of the seventh earl of Clanricarde. By her he had one son, James, who inherited his title, and who was knight of the Golden Fleece and captain of the bodyguard to Philip V. He went to Ireland in 1715, in hope of a Jacobite rising, and died without issue at St. Omer in May 1719. There was also one daughter, who married Theodore de Neuhof, the phantom king of Corsica. Sarsfield's widow married the Duke of Berwick in 1695, and died in 1698, having had one son by him, who became Duke of Leria in Spain. Sarsfield's mother was living at St. Germains in 1694.

[O'Kelly's Macariæ Excidium, ed. O'Callaghan; Jacobite Narrative of the War in Ireland, ed. Gilbert; Story's Impartial Hist. and Continuation; King's State of the Protestants under James II; Négociations de M. le Comte d'Avaux en Irlande; Mémoires du Maréchal de Berwick; Mackay's Memoirs; De Quincy's Histoire Militaire du Règne de Louis le Grand; Burnet's Hist. of his own Time; Clarke's Life of James II; Berwick's Rawdon Papers; O'Callaghan's Hist. of the Irish Brigades; D'Alton's King James's Irish Army List; Macaulay's Hist. of England; Witherow's Derry and Enniskillen, 3rd edit.; information kindly given by the Rev. T. A. O'Reilly, O.S.F. A worthless book by D. P. Conyngham, entitled Sarsfield, or the last great Struggle for Ireland, appeared at Boston (Mass.) in 1871. A Life of Sarsfield by John Todhunter was published in London in 1895.]

SARTORIS, Mrs. ADELAIDE (1814?–1879), vocalist and author. [See Kemble.]

SARTORIUS, Sir GEORGE ROSE (1790–1885), admiral of the fleet, born in 1790, eldest son of Colonel John Conrad Sartorius of the East India Company's engineers, and of Annabella, daughter of George Rose, entered the navy on the books of the Mary yacht in June 1801. In October 1804 he joined the Tonnant, under the command of Captain Charles Tyler [q. v.], and in her was present at the battle of Trafalgar. He was then sent to the Bahama, one of the Spanish prizes, and in June 1806 to the Daphne frigate, in which he was present at the operations in the Rio de la Plata [see Popham,