Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 50.djvu/432

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SCHNEBBELIE, JACOB (1760–1792), topographical draughtsman, was born in Duke's Court, St. Martin's Lane, London, on 30 Aug. 1760. His father, who was a native of Zürich and had served in the Dutch army at Bergen-op-Zoom, settled in England and became a confectioner in Rochester. Jacob, after carrying on the same business for a short time—first at Canterbury and then at Hammersmith—abandoned it, and, though self-taught, became a drawing-master at Westminster and other schools. Through the influence of Lord Leicester, the president, Schnebbelie obtained the appointment of draughtsman to the Society of Antiquaries; and the majority of the excellent views of ancient buildings published in the second and third volumes of ‘Vetusta Monumenta’ were drawn by him. He also made many of the drawings for Gough's ‘Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain’ and Nichols's ‘History of Leicestershire.’ In 1788 he published a set of four views of St. Albans, drawn and etched by himself and aquatinted by Jukes. In 1791 Schnebbelie commenced the publication of the ‘Antiquaries' Museum,’ illustrating the ancient architecture, painting, and sculpture of Great Britain, a series of plates etched and aquatinted by himself; but he lived to complete only three parts. The work was continued by his friends, Richard Gough [q. v.] and John Nichols [q. v.], and issued as a volume, with a memoir of him, in 1800. He was also associated with James Moore and J. G. Parkyns in the production of their ‘Monastic Remains,’ 1791, his name appearing as the publisher on some of the plates. A view of the Serpentine river, Hyde Park, etched by Schnebbelie in 1787, was aquatinted by Jukes and published in 1796. Schnebbelie died of rheumatic fever at his residence in Poland Street, London, on 21 Feb. 1792, leaving a widow and three children, for whom provision was made by the Society of Antiquaries.

Robert Bremmel Schnebbelie (d. 1849?), his son, also practised as a topographical artist, occasionally exhibiting views of old buildings at the Royal Academy between 1803 and 1821. He made the drawings for many of the plates in Wilkinson's ‘Londina Illustrata’ (1808–25), Hughson's ‘Description of London,’ and similar publications, but died in poverty about 1849.

[Gent. Mag. 1792, i. 189; Nichols's Lit. Anecdotes, vol. vi. passim; Antiquaries' Museum, 1800; Redgrave's Dict. of Artists.]

SCHOLEFIELD, JAMES (1789–1853), regius professor of Greek at Cambridge, was born on 15 Nov. 1789, at Henley-on-Thames, where his father was an independent minister. He was educated at Christ's Hospital, where he won many distinctions. In October 1809 he was sent by the governors to Trinity College, Cambridge (Lockhart, Exhibitioners of Christ's Hospital, p. 39), and in 1812 was elected scholar of the college. He was Craven scholar in 1812, graduated as a senior optime in 1813, won the first chancellor's medal, 1813, and the members' prize, 1814 and 1815.

He was ordained before taking his degree, and in October 1813 became curate to Charles Simeon [q. v.] at Trinity Church, Cambridge. He won a fellowship at Trinity in October 1815, and from 1815 to 1821 took resident pupils at Emmanuel House. He proceeded M.A. in 1816.

In July 1823 he accepted the perpetual curacy of St. Michael's, Cambridge, and under his ministry the church became a favourite resort of undergraduates preparing for orders. He examined in the first classical tripos held at Cambridge (1824); and on the death of Peter Paul Dobree [q. v.] in 1825, he was appointed regius professor of Greek (cf. Trollope, Hist. of Christ's Hospital, p. 174).

In 1826 Scholefield produced a new edition of Porson's ‘Four Tragedies of Euripides,’ the first book in which the Porsonian type was used (2nd edit. 1829; 3rd edit. 1851). To 1828 belongs his edition of Æschylus (2nd edit. 1830; appendix, 1833). He there showed a scrupulous regard for manuscript authority, and kept the notes within narrow limits. The text is mainly a reprint of Wellauer's edition, and the book affords little evidence of original research. The collection and publication (1831–5) of the works of Peter Paul Dobree [q. v.] was the chief service rendered by Scholefield to classical literature, and his later work on Æschylus shows that he gained much from a study of Dobree's notes.

He resigned his fellowship in 1827, and married, 27 Aug., at Trinity Church, Harriet, daughter of Dr. Samuel Chase of Luton, Bedfordshire. In 1837 he accepted the living of Sapcote, Staffordshire; but having conscientious scruples whether he could retain St. Michael's and his university connection with a distant benefice, he resigned Sapcote without entering on the work. In 1849 he succeeded Dr. French, master of Jesus, as canon of Ely, a preferment that had recently been attached to the Greek chair. Without it the regius professorship was worth only 40l. a year. Scholefield at once abolished fees for admission to the professor's lectures.

On 11 Nov. 1849 St. Michael's was seriously damaged by fire, and from this time