portraits: In oils: an anonymous one in the National Portrait Gallery; one in the Bodleian Gallery, attributed to Mytens; one in the Bodleian Library attributed to the same artist; and a second in the same library which is probably the portrait referred to by Hearne as having been placed in the library on 18 May 1708, and also, by Granger, who mentions a portrait by Vandyck as in the Bodleian Library. Among engraved portraits are that prefixed to Pococke's 'Eutychius,' fol. 1658; engraved by J. Chantry, prefixed to the 'Nativity of Christ,' 1661, 8vo; by Van Hove, 1677, 12mo; prefixed to the 'Janus Anglorum,' 1682, fol., engraved by R. White; by Faber after Vandyck, 1713, 4to; by Virtue after Lely prefixed to Selden's works, edited by Wilkins, 1726; by J. Sturt after Faithorne; by Burghers, prefixed to the catalogue of the Bodleian Library; one in Lodge's 'Portraits,' after a Mytens in the Bodleian (see Bromley, Catalogue of Portraits, 1795; Granger's, Biographical History, s.v. 'Selden;' Hearne, Remarks and Collections, under date 19 May 1708).
Alike in his Latin and in his English works, the style of Selden is prolix and embarrassed. He seems to have possessed a vast memory, and as he thought and wrote this memory seems ever to have suggested to him some collateral subject, and thus painfully to have diverted him from the direct course of his statement or argument. He is perpetually overburdened with the weight of his learning. The following is a chronological list of his works: 1. 'Jani Facies,' London, 1610, 12mo; London, 1681, 12mo, englished by Redman Westcott (i.e. Adam Littleton), and published in 'Tracts,' London, 1683, fol. 2. ‘England's Epinomis,’ London, 1610, and in 'Tracts,' London, 1683, fol. 3. 'Duello,' London, 1610, 4to; London, 1771? 4to. 4. 'Notes on Drayton,' 1612, fol. and 1613, fol. 5. 'Titles of Honour,' London, 1614, 4to; London, 1631, fol.; London, 1672, fol.; translated into Latin by Arnold, Frankfurt, 1696, 4to. 6. 'Analecton,' Frankfurt, 1615, 4to; with the 'Metamorphosis,' 1653, and with the 'Janus,' 1653, 12mo. 7. 'Notes on Fortescue,' 1616, 8vo; 1672, 12mo; 1737, fol.; 1775, fol. 8. 'De Diis Syris,' London, 1617, 8vo; Leyden, 1629, 8vo; Leipzig, 1668, 8vo; Amsterdam, 1680, 8vo; in Ugolini's 'Thesaurus,' vol. xxiii., 1744, fol.; Venice, 1760, fol.; translated by Hanson, Philadelphia, 1881. 9. 'History of Tythes,' 1618, 4to; a second edition in the same year and form. 10. 'Eadmer,' 1623, fol. 11. 'Marmora Arundelliana,' London, 1624, 4to; 1628, 4to; London, 1629, 4to. 12. 'De Successionibus,' London, 1631, 4to; London, 1636, fol.; Leyden, 1638, 8vo, with 'Uxor Ebraica,' London, 1646, 4to. 13. 'Mare Clausum,' London, 1635, fol.; London, 1636, 8vo; Leyden, 1636, 4to; Amsterdam, 1636, 12mo; London, 1652, fol.; translated by Needham, London, 1663, fol., in 'Cocceii Anim. ad Grotium,' Breslau, 1752, fol. 14. 'De Successione in Pontificatum,' Leyden, 1638, 12mo, in vol. xii. of Ugolini's 'Thes.' Venice, 1651, fol. 15. 'De Jure Naturali,' London, 1640, fol.; Strasburg, 1665, 4to; Leipzig and Frankfurt, 1695, 4to; in vol. xxvii. of Ugolini's 'Thes.' Venice, 1763, fol. 16. 'Judicature in Parliament,' 1640, 4to. 17. 'Privileges of Baronage,' London, 1642, 8vo; 1689, 8vo. 18. 'Eutychius,' 1642, 4to. 19. 'De Anno Civili,' London, 1644, 4to; Leyden, 1683; in vol. xvii. of Ugolini's 'Thes.' Venice, 1755, fol. 20. 'Uxor Ebraica,' London, 1646, 4to, with the 'De Successionibus,' Frankfurt-on-Oder, 1673 and 1695, both 4to. 21. 'Fleta,' London, 1647, fol.; 1685, 4to; Leipzig, 1734, 4to; translated by Kelham, London, 1771, 8vo. 22. 'De Synedriis,' London, 1650–5, 4to; Amsterdam, 1679, 4to; Frankfurt, 1696, 4to; and epitomised by Bowyer, London, 1785, 4to. 23. 'Decem Scriptores,' London, 1653, fol. 24. 'Vindiciæ,' London, 1653, fol. 25. 'On the Nativity of Christ,' London, 1661, 8vo. 26. 'Of the Office of Lord Chancellor,' edited by W. Dugdale, London, 1671, fol.; 1672, fol.; and London, 1672, 8vo. 27. 'Table Talk,' London, 1689, 4to; London, 1696, 8vo; London, 1716, 12mo; Glasgow, 1755, 12mo; London, 1777, 8vo; London, 1786, 12mo; London, 1797, 16mo; Chiswick, 1818, 12mo; Edinburgh, 1819, 12mo (in 'British Prose-Writers'), 1821, 12mo; London, 1847, 8vo; London, 1856, 8vo; Edinburgh, 1854, 8vo (in Cassell's Library); reprinted by Arber, 1868; London, 1887, 8vo; Oxford, 1892, 8vo.
Selden's works were collected by Dr. David Wilkins, London, 1726, in three volumes, folio (each volume in two parts). In addition to the works collected by Wilkins, there have been attributed to Selden: An essay 'De Juramentis,' published in the twenty-sixth volume of Ugolini's 'Thesaurus,' Venice, 1768, fol.; a work called 'Metamorphosis Anglorum,' London, 1653, 8vo; 'A Brief Discourse concerning the Powers of Peers and Commons, by a Learned Antiquary,' 1640, 4to; and a treatise, 'De Nummis,' London, 1675, which was really the work of Alessandro Sardi.
A 'Discourse on the Laws and Government of England,' by Nathaniel Bacon, was said to be collected from some manuscript notes of Selden, and was published in 1649,