Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 51.djvu/268

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Miss Setchel died at Sudbury, near Harrow, Middlesex, on 8 Jan. 1894, aged 80.

[Miss Clayton's English Female Artists, 1876, ii. 124–9; Times, 17 Jan. 1894; Athenæum, 1894, i. 90; Exhibition Catalogues of the Royal Academy, Society of British Artists, and New Society of Painters in Watercolours, 1831–1867.]

SETON, Sir ALEXANDER (fl. 1311–1340), keeper of Berwick, was probably a brother of Sir Christopher Seton [q. v.] His name is found among those of the Scottish nobles who, in 1320, signed the letter to the pope asserting the independence of Scotland. From Robert I he received the manor of Tranent and other lands, as well as the fortalice and lands of Fawside. In February 1311–12 he was named prior or inquisitor of forfeited lands in Lothian (Cal. Documents relating to Scotland, 1307–57, No. 245). He had a safe-conduct in September 1322 to go and return from England (ib. No. 767), and on 25 July 1324 he received a safe-conduct to go to Scotland and come again (ib. No. 846). In 1327 he was appointed keeper of Berwick (Exchequer Rolls of Scotland, i. 63), and while it was besieged by the English in 1333 held command of the town, the Earl of March being entrusted with the defence of the castle. After a long blockade, during which provisions ran short, they agreed to capitulate within a certain time unless succour was obtained, giving as hostage, among others, Thomas Seton, son of Sir Alexander. Just before the period expired Sir William Keith succeeded in throwing himself into the town with a body of Scots soldiers. Keith, who was now chosen governor, refused to surrender, whereupon Edward, on the ground that the Scots had broken the stipulations of the treaty, hanged Thomas Seton before the gate of the town in the sight of the garrison. Alarmed for the safety of the other hostages, the Scots renewed negotiations, and signed an agreement to deliver up the town, unless they were relieved before 19 July by two hundred men-at-arms or the English were defeated in pitched battle. It was accordingly surrendered after the defeat of the Scots at Halidon Hill on 19 July 1333.

Seton was present in Edward Baliol's parliament on 10 Feb. following, and witnessed the cession of Berwick to the English. He had a safe-conduct to go into England, 15 Oct. 1337, and he was one of the hostages for John, earl of Moray, on his liberation in August 1340. By his wife Christian, daughter of Cheyne of Straloch, he had three sons and a daughter: Alexander, killed in opposing the landing of Edward Baliol, 6 Aug. 1332; Thomas, put to death by Edward III before the walls of Berwick; William, drowned during an attack on the English fleet at Berwick in July 1333; and Margaret, who being predeceased by her three brothers, became heiress of Seton. She married Alan de Wyntoun, whose son, Sir William Seton of Seton, was created a lord of parliament.

[Calendar of Documents relating to Scotland; Exchequer Rolls of Scotland; Rymer's Fœdera; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), ii. 640–1.]

SETON, Sir ALEXANDER, first Earl of Huntly (d. 1470), was the elder son of Alexander Seton (second son of Sir William Seton of Seton), by Elizabeth Gordon, only daughter and heiress of Sir Adam Gordon, lord of Gordon, killed at Homildon, 14 Sept. 1402. On 20 July 1408 Seton and his wife received from Robert, duke of Albany, a charter, with remainder to their heirs, of the lands and baronies of Gordon, and other lands belonging to the late Lord of Gordon; and Seton was thereafter styled Lord of Gordon and Huntly. The son was one of the Scots nobles who attended Princess Margaret of Scotland to France in 1436 on her marriage to the dauphin Louis, son of Charles VIII; and in the following year he was sent to England to treat of a peace. In January 1445–6 he happened, on his way home from attending the court, to be the guest of the Ogilvys at Castle Ogilvy, when they were preparing for combat against the Crawfords, and shared in their defeat at Inverquaharity. Naturally, therefore, he supported the king against the league of Douglas with the Earls of Crawford and Ross, and, after the assassination of Douglas by the king in Stirling Castle in 1452, he was appointed (having in 1449 been created Earl of Huntly) lieutenant-general of the kingdom, and entrusted with the special task of subduing Crawford. On 15 March he encountered him near Brechin and totally defeated him, but not without severe loss, his two brothers, Sir William and Sir Henry Seton, being among the slain. During his absence his lands were wasted by the Earl of Moray, brother of the late Douglas; but on his return from his victory at Brechin he devastated the lands of Moray, and plundered and burnt the city of Elgin. Ultimately he succeeded in completely restoring order, and, having come to terms with Crawford, contrived during the king's progress in the north in 1453 that Crawford and his followers should appear before the king in beggarly apparel, when he so successfully interceded for them that they received a free pardon,