Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 51.djvu/34

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presidency of the Society of Antiquaries in 1862, and to that of the British Association in 1867. The university of Oxford honoured him with the degree of D.C.L. in 1834, and that of LL.D. was added by Cambridge in 1842 and Edinburgh in 1874, while Glasgow University elected him its chancellor in 1877. He also held the offices of high steward of Westminster and lord lieutenant and sheriff of the counties of Midlothian and Roxburgh. He died at Bowhill, Selkirkshire, on 16 April 1884, and was buried on the 23rd in St. Mary's Chapel, Dalkeith, being at the time of his death the senior knight of the Garter (cr. 23 Feb. 1835). His personalty amounted to above 910,000l. By his duchess, Lady Charlotte Anne Thynne, youngest daughter of Thomas, second marquis of Bath, he had, with other issue, the present Duke of Buccleuch and Queensberry.

[The Scotts of Buccleuch, by Sir William Fraser, i. 489–515 (with portraits of the third and fifth dukes and their respective duchesses); Lockhart's Life of Scott, passim; G. E. C.'s Peerage, s. v. ‘Buccleuch.’]

SCOTT, HENRY YOUNG DARRACOTT (1822–1883), major-general royal engineers, fourth son of Edward Scott of Plymouth, Devonshire, was born there on 2 Jan. 1822. Educated privately and at the royal military academy at Woolwich, he obtained a commission as second lieutenant in the royal engineers on 18 Dec. 1840. After going through the usual course of professional instruction at Chatham he was stationed at Woolwich and Plymouth in succession. Promoted to be first lieutenant on 19 Dec. 1843, he went to Gibraltar in January 1844, where he was acting adjutant of his corps. While at Gibraltar he accompanied Arthur Penrhyn Stanley [q. v.], afterwards dean of Westminster, and his two sisters on a tour in Spain. In 1848 he returned to England, and was appointed assistant instructor in field works at the Royal Military Academy at Woolwich. He was promoted to be second captain on 11 Nov. 1851, in which year he married. He was in the same year appointed senior instructor in field works at the Royal Military Academy.

On 1 April 1855 Scott was promoted to be first captain, and was appointed instructor in surveying at the royal engineer establishment at Brompton, Chatham, where he was the trusted adviser of the commandant, Colonel (afterwards General Sir) Henry Drury Harness [q. v.], in the reorganisation of this important army school. At Chatham he had charge of the chemical laboratory, and his experiments enabled him to perfect the selenitic lime which goes by his name. His system of representing ground by horizontal hachures and a scale of shade was perfected at Chatham, and adopted for the army as the basis of military sketching. During his residence at Brompton, Kent, a drought occurred, and he rendered invaluable assistance in establishing the present waterworks in the Luton valley.

On 19 May 1863 Scott was promoted to be brevet major, and on 5 Dec. of the same year to be regimental lieutenant-colonel. On 14 Dec. 1865 he was seconded in his corps, and employed under the commission of the Great Exhibition of 1851 at South Kensington, in the place of Captain Francis Fowke [q. v.] He gained the complete confidence of the commissioners, and on the retirement of Sir Henry Cole was appointed secretary to the commission.

The chief work by which Scott will be remembered was the construction of the Royal Albert Hall at Kensington, with the design and execution of which he was entrusted in 1866. The design of the roof was unique, and there were many predictions that it would fail. Scott, however, had spent much labour in working out all the details, and never hesitated. When the time arrived, in 1870, for removing the scaffolding which supported the roof, Scott sent every one out of the building, and himself knocked away the final support. The acoustic properties were a source of anxiety. At first there was a decided echo with wind instruments, but the introduction of a ‘velarium’ below the true roof cured the defect. On 20 May 1871 Scott was made a companion of the Bath (civil division).

On 7 June 1871 Scott was promoted to be brevet colonel, and on 19 Aug. of the same year he retired from the army as an honorary major-general, but continued in his civil appointment at South Kensington. On 3 Feb. 1874 he became an associate of the Institution of Civil Engineers; on 3 June 1875 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and the same year a member of a select Russian scientific society, on which occasion the czar presented him with a snuff-box set with diamonds.

Scott was for some years examiner in military topography under the military education department. He was awarded medals for service rendered to the Great Exhibition of London in 1862, the Prussian Exhibition of 1865, the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1867, the annual London International Exhibition of fine arts, industries, and inventions, the Dutch Exhibition of 1877, and the Paris International Exhibition of 1878. He received