and was constituted dean of St. Peter's Church in that city by Philip II, king of Spain, who made him one of the royal chaplains. The new university of Douay was solemnly installed on 5 Oct. 1562, and Smith was appointed chancellor (Records of the English Catholics, vol. i. p. xxvii). He was also professor of theology. He died on 9 July (N.S.) 1563, and was buried in the lady-chapel within the church of St. Peter, Douay.
His works are: 1. ‘The Assertion and Defence of the Sacramente of the aulter,’ London, 1546, 8vo, dedicated to Henry VIII. 2. ‘A defence of the sacrifice of the masse,’ London, 1 Feb. 1546–7, 8vo, also dedicated to Henry VIII. 3. ‘A brief treatyse settynge forth diuers truthes necessary both to be belieued of chrysten people, & kept also, whiche are not expressed in the scripture but left to ye church by the apostles tradition,’ London, 1547, 8vo; to this Cranmer replied in his ‘Confutation of Unwritten Verities,’ 1558. 4. ‘A godly and faythfull retractation made and published at Paules Crosse in London, by mayster Rich. Smyth,’ London, 1547, 8vo. 5. ‘A Playne Declaration made at Oxforde, the 24 daye of July … M.D.xlvij,’ London, 1547, 8vo. 6. ‘A Confutation of a certen Booke, called a defence of the true and Catholike doctrine of the sacramēt, &c., sette fourth of late in the name of Thomas [Cranmer] Archebysshope of Canterburye,’ ff. 166, printed abroad [1550], 8vo; to this Cranmer again replied. 7. ‘Defensio cœlebatûs sacerdotum, contra P. Mart.,’ Louvain, 1550, 8vo. This volume contains also ‘Confutatio quorundam articulorum de votis monasticis Pet. Martyris Itali.’ As the work was disfigured by many typographical errors, both the treatises were reprinted with the following title, ‘Defensio Sacri Episcoporum & Sacerdotum Cœlibatûs contra impias & indoctas Petri Martyris Vermilii nugas & calumnias,’ Paris, 1550, 8vo. 8. ‘Diatriba de hominis justificatione edita Oxoniæ aduersus Pet. Martyrem,’ Louvain, 1550, 8vo. 9. ‘A Bouclier of the catholike fayth of Christes church,’ 2 parts, London, 1555–6, 8vo. Dedicated to Queen Mary. 10. ‘A sermon by Dr. Smith, with which he entertained his congregation in queen Mary's reign,’ was published in 1572 by Richard Tottel, who affirmed that he was both eye and ear witness (Morgan, Phœnix Britannicus, p. 18). 11. ‘De Missæ Sacrificio succincta quædam enarratio, ac brevis repulsio præcipuorum argumentorum, quæ Phil. Melanchthon et alii sectarii objecerunt aduersus illud et Purgatorium,’ Louvain, 1562, 8vo. 12. ‘De Infantium Baptismo, contra Jo. Caluinum, ac de operibus supererogationis, et merito mortis Christi, adversus eundem Caluinum et ejus discipulos,’ Louvain, 1562, 8vo; Cologne, 1563, 8vo. 13. ‘Refutatio luculenta crassæ et exitiosæ hæresis Johannis Calvini & Christop. Carlili Angli, qua astruunt Christum non descendisse ad inferos alios, quam ad infernum infimum,’ printed abroad, 1562. 14. ‘Refutatio J. Calvini erroris de Christi merito et hominis redemptione,’ Louvain, 1562, 8vo. 15. ‘Confutatio eorum quæ Phil. Melanchthon objicit contra Missæ sacrificium propitiatorium … Cui accessit et repulsio calumniarum Jo. Caluini, et Musculi, et Jo. Juelli contra missam, ejus canonem, et purgatorium,’ Louvain, 1562, 8vo. 16. ‘Defensio compendiaria et orthodoxa sacri externi et visibilis Jesu Christi Sacerdotii. Cui addita est sacratorum Catholicæ Ecclesiæ altarium propugnatio, ac Caluinianæ Communionis succincta Refutatio,’ Louvain, 1562, 8vo. 17. ‘Religionis et Regis adversus exitiosas Calvini, Bezæ, et Ottomani coniuratorum factiones, defensio prima,’ Cologne, 1562, 8vo. 18. ‘Refutatio Locorum communium Theologicorum Philippi Melanchthonis,’ Douay (Jacques Boscard), 1563, 8vo; dedicated to Philip, king of Spain. 19. ‘Delibero hominis arbitrio adversus Jo. Caluinum, et quotquot impiè illud auferunt, Lutherum imitati,’ Louvain, 1563, 8vo.
[Bale, De Scriptoribus, ix. 46; Bloxam's Magd. Coll. Reg. viii. 128; Bodleian Cat.; Brodrick's Memorials of Merton College, p. 408; Burnet's Hist. of the Reformation; Chambers's Biogr. Illustr. of Worcestershire, p. 60; Dixon's Hist. of Church of England; Foster's Alumni Oxon. early ser. iv. 1378; Foxe's Actes and Mon.; Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Gairdner; Humfredus, Vita Juelli (1573), p. 42; Lansdowne MS. 981, f. 19; Le Neve's Fasti; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn); Molanus, Historiæ Lovaniensium, ii. 787; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 494; Pits, De Angliæ Scriptoribus, p. 761; Stanihurst's Description of Ireland, prefixed to Holinshed's Chronicle, p. 43; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Strype's Works (general index); Ussher's Dissertation, prefixed to Ignatii Epistolæ (1644), p. 123; Ware's Writers (Harris), p. 96; Wood's Athenæ and Fasti Oxonienses.]
SMITH, RICHARD (1566–1655), bishop of Chalcedon, was born at Hanworth, Lincolnshire, in 1566. He was sent to Trinity College, Oxford, about 1583; but, there becoming a Roman catholic, he repaired in 1586 to Rome, where he entered the English College and studied under Bellarmine. In 1587 he engaged to return to England as a missionary, and in 1592 he was ordained. Arriving at Valladolid in February 1595, he took his doctor's degree and was professor of philosophy till 1598, when he settled at Seville as professor of controversy. In 1602–3 he visited Douay, where an uncle, a