Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 53.djvu/124

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Day of Jubilee,’ London, 1628 (4th ed.); 1642, 12mo; 47th ed. 1757, 12mo. 5. ‘The Ethiopian Eunuch's Conversion, the sum of Thirty Sermons,’ London, 1632, 8vo. 6. ‘David's Blessed Man: a short exposition of the First Psalm,’ London, 1635, 8vo; several editions. 7. ‘Malice Stript and Whipt,’ an attack on the Quakers, which called forth in answer ‘Innocency cleared from Lyes, in Reply to “Malice Stript and Whipt,”’ by I. B., London, 1658, 4to, and as a counter rejoinder, ‘Innocents no Saints, or a Pair of Spectacles for a dark-sighted Quaker,’ London, 1658, 4to. 8. ‘A Fold for Christ's Sheep,’ 32nd ed. London, 1684, 8vo.

Wood says he had seen many editions of Smith's ‘Christian's Guide, with Rules and Directions for a Holy Life.’

[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 656; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; Calamy's Nonconformist's Memorial, ed. Palmer, ii. 214, iii. 144; Chambers's Biographical Illustrations of Worcestershire, p. 115; Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. iv. 501, xii. 200, 501; Bodleian Library Cat.]

SMITH, Sir SIDNEY (1764-1840), admiral. [See Smith, Sir William Sidney.]

SMITH, STEPHEN (1623–1678), quaker, born on 19 Sept. 1623, was a foreign merchant, and in the early part of his life lived for a time at Scanderoon, the port of Aleppo in Asia Minor. Returning to England, he married, and lived at Pirbright. There, in 1665, he became a quaker through the preaching of George Whitehead [q. v.] His brother, John Smith of Worplesdon, Surrey, was first convinced. Stephen was imprisoned at Southwark with Whitehead and others for a month in 1668 for holding a meeting at Elsted. In 1670 he was fined 24l. for preaching in the street at Guildford, the quakers being at the time barred out of their meeting-house. George Fox stayed with Smith soon after, and speaks of his losses (Journal, ed. 1891, ii. 130). A few months later, while preaching at Ratcliffe, Smith was arrested by soldiers and sent to Newgate for six months. In 1673 Fox held a meeting of several hundreds of persons at his house. Gabriel or Giles Offley, the vicar of Worplesdon, in which parish he held land, sent him to the Marshalsea prison for six months for non-payment of tithes. Offley also seized his five head of cattle in 1677, in lieu of 50s. tithe due. A few years later Smith travelled with Fox in Somerset, where they drew up ‘a breviat of sufferings’ for that county to present to the judges at Gloucester. Smith died on 22 Sept. 1678; he was buried at Worplesdon on the 26th. His wife Susanna survived him. Three or four children predeceased him. He was author of:

  1. ‘A Trumpet sounded in the Ears of Persecutors,’ 1670, 4to.
  2. ‘A Proclamation to all the Inhabitants of England concerning Fasting and Prayer,’ 1672–3, 4to.
  3. ‘The Blessed Works of the Light of God's Holy and Blessed Spirit,’ 1673, 4to.
  4. ‘Wholesome Advice and Information,’ 1676, 4to; here he contrasts the conduct of the Turks with that of some Christians.

[Whitehead's Christian Progress, pp. 291, 319, 320; Whiting's Persecution Exposed, p. 12; Marsh's Early Friends in Surrey and Sussex, p. 20; Besse's Sufferings, i. 431, 699, 700; Fox's Journal, ed. 1891, pp. 203, 264, 318; Smith's Cat. of Friends' Books, ii. 599; Registers at Devonshire House.]

SMITH, STEPHEN CATTERSON (1806–1872), portrait-painter and president of the Royal Hibernian Academy, born at Skipton in Craven, Yorkshire, on 12 March 1806, was son of Joseph Smith, artist and coach-painter, and Anne, his wife, daughter of Stephen Catterson of Gawflat, Yorkshire. His parents removed early in his life to Hull, and at the age of about sixteen Smith came up to London to support himself by the practical study of art. Obtaining admission to the schools of the Royal Academy, he distinguished himself in the competitions there, and afterwards studied in Paris. He first attracted notice by his skill in drawing portraits in black chalk, many of these being published in lithography by Richard James Lane, A.R.A. [q. v.] He made drawings of this class for H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent, of Queen Victoria (as princess), the duchess herself, the King of Hanover, and other members of the royal family. He then removed for a few years to Yeovil in Somersetshire, returning, however, to London about 1838, when he exhibited some portraits at the Royal Academy. About 1840 he received some commissions to paint portraits in Ireland, which led him to settle first at Londonderry, and afterwards at Dublin, where he spent the remainder of his life. At Dublin Smith quickly became the leading portrait-painter of the day, and was considered very successful with his likenesses both in male and female portraits, painting something in the manner of Sir Thomas Lawrence [q. v.] Nearly every distinguished person in Ireland sat to Smith during his career in Dublin, including all the lord-lieutenants of Ireland for thirty years. In 1854 he painted from the life a full-length portrait of Queen Victoria for the corporation of Dublin. Many of his portraits were engraved. Smith was elected an associate of the Royal Hibernian Aca-