the Eastern church [see Collier, Jeremy]. This discourse on ‘reunion’ was reprinted in 6. ‘Miscellanea,’ London, 1686, 8vo, and 1692, 2 vols. 4to, with other essays in ecclesiastical history and biblical criticism. 7. ‘Gulielmi Camdeni Vita,’ London, 1691, 4to. 8. ‘Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum Bibl. Cottonianæ,’ Oxford, 1696, folio; very valuable as affording a clue to the manuscripts burned in the fire at Ashburnham House on 23 Oct. 1731 (cf. Notes and Queries, 2nd ser. xi. 382; Nichols, Lit. Anecd. v. 114). 9. ‘Roberti Huntingtoni necnon E. Bernardi Vitæ,’ London, 1704, 8vo. 10. ‘Vitæ quorundam Eruditissimorum et Illustrium Virorum’ (i.e. James Ussher, J. Cosin, Henry Briggs, John Bainbrigge, John Greaves, Sir Patrick Young, Patrick Young, junior, and Dr. John Dee), London, 1707, 4to. 11. ‘Collectanea de Cyrillo Lucario …’ (including a dissertation on some old orthodox hymns), London, 1707, 8vo. Besides some minor discourses and sermons, he edited ‘S. Ignatii Epistolæ Genuinæ Annotationibus illustratæ,’ Oxford, 1709, 4to, and translated from the French ‘The Life of St. Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, a Carmelite Nun,’ London, 1687, 4to. In addition to the letters already mentioned, several are printed in ‘Letters from the Bodleian Library,’ 1813, and in the ‘European Magazine,’ vol. xxxii.
[Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, iv. 598; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; Bloxam's Regist. of Magdalen Coll. Oxford, iii. 182 et seq., and Magdalen College and James II (Oxford Hist. Soc.), passim; Aubrey's Bodleian Letters, 1813, 8vo; Hearne's Collections, ed. Doble, passim; Trivier's Un Patriarche de Constantinople, Paris, 1877; Oxoniana, iii. 114–20; Nichols's Literary Anecd. i. 14 sq., vi. 298; Wilmot's Life of Hough, p. 53; Macray's Annals of the Bodleian Library; Darling's Cyclopædia, p. 2752; Biogr. Britannica; Chalmers's Biogr. Dict.; Brit. Mus. Cat.]
SMITH, THOMAS (d. 1762), admiral, by repute the illegitimate son of Sir Thomas Lyttelton, bart., and half-brother of George, first lord Lyttelton [q. v.], was on 6 Feb. 1727–8 appointed by Sir Charles Wager [q. v.] to be junior lieutenant of the Royal Oak. In June he was moved to the Gosport, with Captain Duncombe Drake. In November 1728 the Gosport was lying off Plymouth, inside Drake's Island, when on the 23rd, the French corvette Gironde came into the Sound, apparently to avoid a fresh southerly gale, and to pick up any news that she could about the anticipations of a war. Smith was sent on board her, as officer of the guard, to ask whence she came and whither bound, and was told from Havre to Rochfort. Smith proceeded to ask the captain of the corvette ‘if it was not usual to pay some acknowledgment on coming into our ports,’ and was answered, ‘No, unless to flags.’ As Drake was on board the Gosport, Smith pressed the matter no further and returned to his ship. After six days in Hamoaze the Gironde came out on the 29th, and as she passed the Gosport, Smith, who, though her junior lieutenant, happened to be commanding officer, in the absence of Drake and the other lieutenants, hailed her in French and desired her captain ‘to haul in his pennant in respect to the king of Great Britain's colours.’ The Frenchman answered that he would not, but would salute the citadel; on which Smith told him that was nothing to him, but that if he did not haul down his pennant he should be obliged to compel him. On this the Frenchman hauled down his pennant and shortly afterwards fired a salute of eleven guns, which Smith, not knowing of any agreement between him and the citadel, answered, gun for gun, the citadel also answering it, as had been previously arranged. The French captain afterwards complained of the insult to which he had been subjected, and Smith, Drake, and the captain of the Winchester in Hamoaze were called on for an explanation. On their reports, which are in virtual agreement with the Frenchman's letter, Smith was summarily dismissed from the navy, 27 March 1729, by the king's order, for having ‘exceeded his instructions.’ On 12 May following he was restored to his rank and appointed second lieutenant of the Enterprise, from which on 14 Oct. he was discharged to half-pay, and on 5 May 1730 he was promoted to be captain of the Success. The circumstances of this incident were, even at the time, grossly exaggerated by popular report. Smith was described as having been commanding officer of the Gosport when the Gironde came into the Sound, and as having fired into her at once to compel her to lower her topsails to the king's flag. By the popular voice he was dubbed by the approving name of ‘Tom of Ten-thousand’ (a title which had fifty years before been conferred on Thomas Thynne [q. v.]); and it was said that, though, in deference to the French ambassador, he was tried by court-martial and dismissed the service, he was reinstated the next day, with the rank of post-captain.
From May 1732 to October 1740 Smith commanded the Dursley galley on the home station and in the Mediterranean; from January 1740–1 to April 1742 he was captain of the Romney, for the protection of the