and to the ‘Aspilogia,’ edited by Biss. Faithorne's engraving was subsequently copied by White, and appears in the collected works edited by Gibson. A third portrait in oils belongs to the Earl of Hardwicke, and a fourth was in the Fountaine collection at Narborough. There is an engraved portrait in Blomefield's ‘History of Norfolk.’
Spelman's chief works were: 1. ‘De non temerandis Ecclesiis: a Tracte of the Rights and Respect due unto Churches,’ London, 1613; other editions, Edinburgh, 1616; London, 1616; Oxford, 1646, 1668, 1676, 1704, 1841. 2. ‘Archæologus in modum Glossarii ad rem antiquam posteriorem continentis Latina Barbara, peregrina, obsoleta … quæ in Ecclesiasticis, profanis Scriptoribus, legibus, antiquis chartis et formulis occurrunt,’ vol. i. 1626; the second volume, which is inferior to the first, appeared in 1664, edited by Dugdale, who was encouraged to undertake the work by Lord Clarendon and Archbishop Sheldon; there appears to be no evidence in support of the charge against Dugdale of interpolating this volume to gratify his political prejudice (Dugdale, Life, p. 29; cf. art. Dugdale, Sir William; Brady, Jani Anglorum facies Antiqua, 1683, p. 229). 3. ‘Concilia Decreta Leges Constitutiones in re Ecclesiarum orbis Britannici,’ vol. i. to 1066, London, 1639. The second volume appeared in 1664, edited by Dugdale, again at the instigation of Clarendon and Archbishop Sheldon; of the two hundred sheets in this volume, Dugdale declares that all but fifty-seven were of his own collecting (Dugdale, Life, p. 12). A later edition, dated 1736–7, was revised and expanded by David Wilkins [q. v.] into four folio volumes, and this work formed the basis of ‘Councils and Ecclesiastical Documents’ (1869–73), by Dr. William Stubbs, now bishop of Oxford, and Arthur West Haddan [q. v.] 4. ‘The Growth, Propagation, and Condition of Tenures by Knight Service,’ London, 1641. 5. ‘De Sepultura,’ 1641. 6. ‘A Protestant's account of his Orthodox holding in matters of Religion at this present Indifference in the Church,’ &c., Cambridge, 1642; reprinted in ‘Somers Tracts,’ iv. 32, ed. Scott. 7. ‘Tithes too hot to be touched,’ ed. Jeremy Stephens, 1646; the title was subsequently altered to ‘The larger Treatise on Tithes,’ 1647; the work was presumably written in support of Richard Montague [q. v.], and in opposition to Selden. 8. ‘Apologia pro tractatu de non temerandis & De alienatione decimarum,’ edited and completed by Jeremy Stephens, 1647. 9. ‘Aspilogia,’ edited with notes by Ed. Biss, fol. London, 1650. 10. ‘Villare Anglicum, or a View of the Towns of England,’ by Spelman and Dodsworth, 1656, 4to. 11. ‘De Terminis Juridicis: of the Law Terms; wherein the Laws of the Jews, Grecians, Romans, Saxons, and Normans relating to the subject are fully explained,’ 1684. 12. ‘The History and Fate of Sacrilege,’ London, 1698; this work appears to have been left incomplete by Spelman; in 1663 J. Stephens began to print it, but the impression was destroyed in the fire of London before it was finished. Bishop Gibson discovered the main portion of the manuscript in the Bodleian Library, but did not include it in his ‘Reliquiæ.’ The unknown editor of the 1698 edition, however, describes himself as ‘a less discreet person who will een let the world make what use of it they please.’ The aim of the work—‘published for the terror of evil-doers’—was to emphasise the ancient principle that church property could never be justly alienated. In 1846 and 1853 new editions appeared. In 1895 it was re-edited by the Rev. C. F. S. Warren. An abridged translation was made into French, 1698, and was reprinted at Brussels in 1787; it has also been translated into German (Regensburg, 1878). A collection of Spelman's posthumous works on the laws and antiquities of England, ‘Reliquiæ Spelmanniæ,’ was edited by Bishop Gibson in 1695. This volume contains, among other hitherto unpublished pieces, discourses ‘Of the Ancient Government of England’ and ‘Of Parliaments;’ ‘An Answer to a short Apology for Archdeacon Abbot touching the death of Peter Hawkins;’ ‘Of the Original of Testaments and Wills and of their Probate;’ ‘Icenia, sive Norfolciæ Descriptio topographica;’ ‘De Milite Dissertatio;’ ‘Historia Familiæ de Sharnburn;’ ‘A Dialogue concerning the Coin of the Kingdom;’ and two discourses ‘Of the Admiral-jurisdiction and the Officers thereof,’ and ‘Of Ancient Deeds and Charters.’ David Wilkins first printed in his ‘Leges Anglo-Saxonicæ’ (1721, fol.) Spelman's ‘Collection of the old and statute laws of England from William I to 9 Henry III.’ Another volume of selections from Spelman's works appeared in 1723 (London, fol.; 2nd edit. 1727). Among extant unpublished manuscripts of Spelman are: ‘Archaismus graphicus,’ written for the use of his sons in 1606, in the Bodleian Library, Rawl. B. 462, and ‘Magnæ Chartæ Origo,’ Rawl. C. 917, 548. Many of Spelman's manuscripts were sold with the library of Dr. Cox Macro in 1820.
[No good biography of Spelman exists; the lives by Bishop Gibson prefixed to his edition of the Collected Works and by J. A. in Latin pre-