Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 53.djvu/457

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and declared him to be Baron Stafford by a new creation; as such he was summoned to the next parliament on 24 Nov. 1548. In the same year he published ‘The True Dyfferens betwen ye Royall Power and the Ecclesiasticall Power,’ London, William Copland, 16mo. This was a translation of Fox's ‘De Vera Differentia Regiæ Potestatis et Ecclesiæ,’ originally published in 1534 [see Fox, Edward]. It contains a fulsome dedication to Protector Somerset, comparing his furtherance of the Reformation to Solomon's completion of the temple begun by David. A copy of the work was found in Edward VI's library, and, according to Ascham, Stafford was much at the young king's court. Nevertheless he was one of the peers who tried and condemned Somerset (1 Dec. 1551), and, on Mary's accession, he wrote to her recalling the services his father had rendered to Catherine of Arragon. In 1553, according to Strype, in order to show his compliance, he published a translation of two epistles of Erasmus, showing the ‘brain-sick headiness of the Lutherans,’ which was printed in 16mo by W. Riddell (Eccl. Mem. iii. i. 180; cf. Wood, Athenæ Oxon. i. 266: no copy has been traced). On the accession of Elizabeth Stafford was appointed lord-lieutenant of Staffordshire, but in the parliament of 1559 he dissented from the act of uniformity, and from another declaring good the deprivation of popish bishops under Edward VI. He died at Caus Castle, Shropshire, on 30 April 1563 (an erroneous report of his death in 1558, which occurs in the State Papers, Addenda, 1547–65, p. 481, is repeated by Bale and Wood).

By his wife Ursula, who died on 12 Aug. 1570, Stafford had a numerous family; seven children, of whom five were daughters, were born to him before 1529, twelve before 1537, and at least one after (Letters and Papers, XII. i. 638, ii. 1332, XIII. i. 608; Addit. MS. 6672, f. 193). Of these, Thomas is separately noticed, and the youngest daughter, Dorothy, married Sir William Stafford of Grafton, and was mother of Sir Edward Stafford (1552?–1605) [q. v.] and of William Stafford (1554–1612) [q. v.] The second but eldest surviving son, Henry, succeeded his father, but died unmarried on 8 April 1566, being succeeded by his brother Edward, who was born on 17 Jan. 1535–6, and died on 18 Oct. 1603. Edward's grandson Henry died unmarried in October 1637 (see Honour and Vertue, 1640, an account of his life and death by his kinsman, Anthony Stafford [q. v.]), and the barony devolved upon his cousin Roger, who, on account of his poverty, illegally resigned the dignity to Charles I for 800l. Roger died without issue in 1640, but some male descendants of the family are said still to survive in humble circumstances.

Besides the works mentioned above, Stafford translated from the French of Treherne a work on forests, which is extant in Stowe MS. 414, ff. 203–26. According to Bliss, it was through Stafford's influence that the ‘Mirror for Magistrates’ was licensed for press, and he prints an epitaph by Stafford on his sister, the Duchess of Norfolk (Athenæ Oxon. i. 267). Stafford's letter-book, a volume of 434 pages, extending from 1545 to 1553, is among Lord Bagot's manuscripts at Blithefield, Staffordshire (Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. App. p. 328 a). He also made collections on the history of his family, which contain much curious and rare information. They are extant in Lord Bagot's collection, which also contains a ‘Registrum factum memorandorum de rebus gestis,’ compiled by his son Edward (ib.)

[Stafford MSS. described above; works in Brit. Mus. Library; Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Brewer and Gairdner, vols. ii–xv.; Acts of the Privy Council; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547–81, and Addenda, 1547–65; Off. Ret. Members of Parl.; Journals of the House of Lords; Lit. Remains of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club); Ascham's Letters, ed. Mayor; Strype's Works, passim; Wood's Athenæ, ed. Bliss, i. 266–7; Burnet's Hist. of the Reformation, ed. Pocock; Walpole's Royal and Noble Authors, ed. Park, ii. 47; Simms's Bibliotheca Staffordiensis; Cooper's Athenæ Cantabr. i. 216, 553; Long's Royal Descents, pp. 25, 39, 74; Burke's Extinct and G. E. C[okayne]'s Peerages.]

A. F. P.

STAFFORD, HUMPHREY, first Duke of Buckingham (1402–1460), was son of Edmund, fifth earl of Stafford [see under Stafford, Ralph de, first Earl]. His mother, Anne (d. 1438), was daughter and eventually sole heir of Thomas, duke of Gloucester [see Thomas, (d. 1397)], youngest son of Edward III, and his wife Eleanor, coheir of the last Bohun, earl of Hereford, Northampton, and Essex. Born in 1402, Stafford was only a year old when his father's early death in the battle of Shrewsbury made him Earl of Stafford. He served in France in 1420–1, and was knighted by Henry V in the latter year (Gesta Henrici V, pp. 144, 279). In December 1422 he received livery of his lands (Fœdera, x. 259). Young as he was, Stafford appears in the council of Henry VI as early as February 1424, and became one of its more prominent members (Ordinances of the Privy Council, iii. 143). He had a hand in reconciling Beaufort and Humphrey of Gloucester in 1426. Three years later Stafford