Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 53.djvu/485

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  1. ‘Power in Weakness: Memorials of W. Rhodes of Damersham,’ 1858; 3rd edit. 1870.
  2. ‘Home and Church: a Chapter in Family Life at Old Maze Pond,’ 1871.
  3. ‘Philip Doddridge, D.D.’, 1880 (‘Men Worth Knowing’ series).
  4. ‘A Memorial of the Rev. E. Steane,’ 1882.
  5. ‘The Wit and Humour of Life; being Familiar Talks with Young Christians,’ 1886.

[Charles Stanford's Memories and Letters, edited by his wife, 1889, with a portrait; Baptist Handbook, 1887, pp. 120–2.]

STANFORD, STAMFORD, or STAUNFORD, Sir WILLIAM (1509–1558), judge, born at Hadley, Middlesex, on 22 Aug. 1509, was son of William Stanford, mercer, of London, and his wife Margaret Gedney. His grandfather was Robert Stanford of Rowley, Staffordshire. After being educated at Oxford William entered Gray's Inn in 1528, where he was called to the bar in 1536. In 1538 he was employed in dissolving the Austin Friars at Stafford, and on 15 Dec. 1541 he was returned to parliament as member for that borough. In 1544 he was appointed autumn reader in his inn, but owing to the plague did not deliver his lectures until the following Lent (Dugdale, Orig. Jurid. p. 293). He again represented Stafford borough in the parliament which met in January 1544–5, and was dissolved by Henry's death in January 1546–7. In Edward VI's first parliament Stanford represented Newcastle-under-Lyme (13 Oct. 1547 to 15 April 1552). He was double reader at Gray's Inn in the spring of 1551, and on 6 Oct. following was placed on a commission ‘to resolve uppon the reformacion of the Canon Lawes’ (Acts P. C. iii. 382). In the following year he was one of the commissioners empowered to examine and deprive Cuthbert Tunstall [q. v.], bishop of Durham. On 17 Oct. he was made serjeant-at-law (Machyn, Diary, p. 27). A year later (19 Oct. 1553) he was promoted queen's serjeant. In April 1554 he conducted the crown prosecution of Sir Nicholas Throgmorton [q. v.], and on 17 May he received 26l. 13s. 4d. for his ‘travayle and paynes taken in the two late Parliamentes’ (Acts P. C. v. 22). In the same year he was raised to the bench of common pleas, and on 27 Jan. 1554–5 was knighted by Philip (Harl. MS. 6064, f. 80 b). He died on 28 Aug. 1558, and was buried in Hadley church on 1 Sept. (ib. 897, f. 18). By his wife Alice, daughter of John Palmer, he had issue six sons and four daughters. His widow subsequently married Roger Carey of Hadley (Lansd. MS. 874, f. 60).

Stanford was author of: # ‘Les Plees del Coron: divisees in plusiours titles & common lieux … composees per le tres reverend judge Monsieur Guilliaulme Staunforde, chivaler …’ R. Tottel, London, 1560, 4to; subsequent editions appeared in 1567, 1574, and 1583. # ‘An Exposicion of the Kinge's Prerogative; collected out of the great abridgement of Justice Fitzherbert … by Sir William Staunford,’ 1567, 4to; other editions 1568, 1577, and 1590. It was much used by later legal writers (see Arcana Parliamentaria, by R. C., 1685, pref. p. 1). Stanford is also said to have edited the earliest printed version of Glanville's ‘Tractatus de Legibus’ [see Glanville, Ranulph de], which was published by Tottel about 1555, 8vo (Wright, Biogr. Brit. Litteraria, ii. 279).

[Works in Brit. Mus. Libr.; authorities cited; Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, ed. Gairdner; Acts of the Privy Council, 1542–58; Dugdale's Orig. Jurid. and Chron. Series; Lit. Rem. of Edward VI (Roxburghe Club), passim; Machyn's Diary (Camd. Soc.), passim; Official Return of Members of Parliament; Rymer's Fœdera; Lloyd's State Worthies; Fuller's Worthies, ii. 188; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 691; Wood's Athenæ Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 262–3; Strype's Works; State Trials, i. 869; Foss's Lives of the Judges, v. 390–2; Shaw's Staffordshire, ii. 108; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500–1714; Gray's Inn Reg. pp. x, 6; Simms's Bibl. Staffordiensis; Chalmers's Biogr. Dict.]

STANGER, CHRISTOPHER (1759–1834), physician, son of a merchant of Whitehaven, was born in 1759. His family had for several centuries owned estates near Keswick, and a township to the west of Derwentwater once bore their name (Nicolson and Burn, History of Westmoreland and Cumberland, ii. 68). Stanger, after having been apprenticed to a surgeon at Newcastle-on-Tyne, graduated M.D. at Edinburgh on 24 June 1783. His dissertation bore the title ‘De iis quæ ad Sanitatem conservandam plurimum conferre videntur.’ He next studied for four years at the chief medical schools of the continent, including Paris, Vienna, Montpellier, Gottingen, and Leyden. On his return he established a practice in London, and was admitted L.R.C.P. on 30 Sept. 1789. Next year he was appointed Gresham professor of medicine, and in 1792 became physician to the Foundling Hospital.

In June 1793 Stanger was chosen to act with John Cooke (1756–1838) [q. v.] and William Charles Wells [q. v.] on a committee formed by the licentiates of the Royal College of Physicians to present an address