the Sailors' Home, New York. He preached there and at Boston, Philadelphia, and Salem.
He died in poverty at Jordan House, Penzance, on 10 Jan. 1863; the coastguard, the naval reserve, and two thousand people attended his funeral on 16 Jan. He married, in June 1808, Theodosia (d 1866), daughter of John Skipwith. By her he had a numerous family.
His name is found on upwards of eighty publications, chiefly small books and tracts. An almost complete bibliography is given in Boase and Courtney's ‘Bibliotheca Cornubiensis’ (pp. 664–9, 1337). Some of his most popular works were: 1. ‘The Boatswain's Mate,’ a dialogue, 1812, many editions. 2. ‘The Prose and Poetical Works of the Rev. G. C. Smith,’ 1819, a collected edition of twenty-four pieces. 3. ‘Intemperance, or a General View of the Abundance, the Influence, and the horrible Consequences of Ardent Spirits,’ 1829. He also edited ‘The Sailor's Magazine,’ 1820–7, and ‘The New Sailor's Magazine and Naval Chronicle,’ 1827, which, under various changes of name, he conducted to 1861.
Theophilus Ahijah Smith (1809–1879), philanthropist, eldest son of the above, was born in Chapel Street, Penzance, on 2 July 1809. In June 1824 he was apprenticed to Thomas Vigurs, a printer. From 1831 to 1837 he was employed under his father in the Sailors' Society, and during that time he assisted in forming the English and American Sailors' Society at Havre. In conjunction with Messrs. Giles and Grosjean, he in 1835 inaugurated the first temperance society in London, and in 1839 formed the Church of England Temperance Society. From 1840 to 1847 he was assistant secretary to the Protestant Association, and from 1847 to 1861 secretary of the Female Aid Society. In 1860 he originated the midnight meeting movement, and was the secretary from 1861 to 1864. Finally he was the secretary of the Protestant Association from 1865 to 1868. He was permanently crippled by a railway accident in 1868, and died at Cardigan Road, Richmond, Surrey on 13 Jan. 1879. He married, first, in June 1836, Annie, daughter of James Summerland; secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Cronk. He published an account of his father in 1874 under the title of ‘The Great Moral Reformation of Sailors.’
[Gent. Mag. 1863, i. 260, 390–1; Congregational Year Book, 1862, p. 223; Cornish Telegraph, 14 Jan. 1863, p. 3, 21 Jan. p. 2; Baptist Mag. 1848, xl. 293, 563, 690; Boase's Collect. Cornub. 1890, p. 907; The Cornishman, 29 Dec. 1881, p. 8.]
SMITH, GERARD EDWARD (1804–1881), botanist and divine, born at Camberwell, Surrey, in 1804, was sixth son of Henry Smith. He entered Merchant Taylors' school in January 1814, and St. John's College, Oxford, as Andrew's exhibitioner, in 1822; he graduated B.A. in 1829. Before being ordained he published his principal botanical work, ‘A Catalogue of rare or remarkable Phanogamous Plants collected in South Kent,’ London, 1829, which is dated from Sandgate. The ‘Catalogue,’ which occupies only seventy-six pages, is arranged on the Linnæan system, deals critically with several groups, and has five coloured plates drawn by the author. Smith was vicar of St. Peter-the-Less, Chichester, from 1835 to 1836, rector of North Marden, Sussex, from 1836 to 1843, vicar of Cantley, near Doncaster, Yorkshire, from 1844 to 1846, perpetual curate of Ashton Hayes, Cheshire, from 1849 to 1853, and vicar of Osmaston-by-Ashbourne, Derbyshire, from 1854 to 1871. He died at Ockbrook, Derby, on 21 Dec. 1881.
Smith was the first to recognise several British plants, describing Statice occidentalis under the name S. binervosa in the ‘Supplement to English Botany’ (1831, p. 63), and Filago apiculata in the ‘Phytologist’ for 1846 (p. 575). His herbarium, which does not bear witness to any great care, is preserved at University College, Nottingham.
Smith contributed ‘Remarks on Ophrys’ to Loudon's ‘Magazine of Natural History’ in 1828 (i. 398); ‘On the Claims of Alyssum calycinum to a place in the British Flora’ to the ‘Phytologist’ for 1845 (ii. 232); a preface to W. E. Howe's ‘Ferns of Derbyshire’ in 1861, enlarged in the edition of 1877; and ‘Notes on the Flora of Derbyshire’ to the ‘Journal of Botany’ for 1881. Besides the South Kent Catalogue and two sermons he published separately: 1. ‘Stonehenge, a poem,’ Oxford, 1823, 8vo, signed ‘Sir Oracle, Ox. Coll.,’ and intended to be humorous. 2. ‘Are the Teachings of Modern Science antagonistic to the Doctrine of an Infallible Bible?’ London, 1863, 8vo. 3. ‘The Holy Scriptures the original Great Exhibition for all Nations,’ an allegory, London, 1865, 8vo. 4. ‘What a Pretty Garden! or Cause and Effect in Floriculture,’ Ashbourne, 1865, 16mo.
[Robinson's Reg. of Merchant Taylors' School, ii. 197; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715–1886; Journal of Botany, 1882, p. 63.]
SMITH, Sir HARRY GEORGE WAKELYN, baronet (1787–1860), the victor at Aliwal and governor of the Cape of Good