Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 54.djvu/275

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of that parish, and of the hospice for pilgrims who came to visit the see at St. Andrews.

The archbishop joined his father in the fatal inroad into England which ended in the disaster at Flodden. While his father dallied in the company of Lady Ford, he is said to have amused himself with an intrigue with the daughter; but the only foundation for the story may have been the fact that he remained in attendance on his father. He was killed at Flodden on 9 Sept. 1513.

[Exchequer Rolls of Scotland; Gairdner's Letters of Richard III and Henry VII; Letters and State Papers of Henry VIII, vol. i.; Martine's Reliquiæ Divi Andreæ; Keith's Scottish Bishops; Crawford's Officers of State.]

STEWART, ALEXANDER, fourth Earl of Moray (d. 1701), secretary of state for Scotland, was the second son of James, fourth earl (who was a grandson of James Stewart, earl of Moray, d. 1592 [q. v.]), by Lady Margaret Home, elder daughter of Alexander, first earl of Home, and coheiress with her sister Anne, duchess of Lauderdale, of her brother James, second earl of Home. He succeeded his father on 4 March 1653. In 1654 he was under Cromwell's act of grace fined 3,500l., which was reduced to 1,166l. 13s. (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1655, p. 72); but in January 1655–6 he presented a petition for the remission of his fine, because he ‘was a child during the late differences,’ and because his estate was ‘small and much charged’ (ib. 1655–6, p. 152). On 22 Jan. 1656–7 it was ordered that, on his giving security to the council of Scotland to pay 500l. before 1 Feb. 1657–8, the residue of his fine should be remitted (ib. 1656–7, p. 248).

He was admitted justice-general on 1 June 1675, appointed a lord of the treasury on 27 Sept. 1678, nominated an extraordinary lord of session on 17 July 1680, and on 2 Nov. of the same year appointed secretary of state in succession to Lauderdale. Previous to his appointment he was known as an active opponent of the covenanters. In 1675 he specially exerted himself in putting down conventicles in Elgin (Wodrow, History, ii. 284), and in March 1678 he was deputed by the council to London to encourage the king in his policy of repression (ib. p. 419). Afterwards he co-operated with James II, not only in his unconstitutional procedure, but in his endeavours to introduce Roman catholicism. In 1686, when an attempt was made to obtain toleration for the catholics, he was nominated for this purpose lord high commissioner to the Scottish parliament, and in the following year he was made a knight of the Thistle. At the Revolution he was deprived of all his offices. He died at Donibristle on 1 Nov. 1701, and was carried to Darnaway and buried in the church of Dyke on 24 Jan. 1701–2. By his wife Emilia, daughter of Sir William Balfour of Pitcullo, lieutenant of the Tower of London, he had four sons: James, lord Doune, who predeceased his father in 1685; Charles, fifth earl, who was created a baronet of Nova Scotia on 23 Sept. 1681, and died on 7 Oct. 1735, aged 75; John; and Francis (d. 1739), who succeeded his brother as sixth earl in 1735.

[Cal. State Papers, Dom. during the Commonwealth; Wodrow's Hist. of the Sufferings of the Kirk of Scotland; Lauder of Fountainhall's Historical Notices; Douglas's Scottish Peerage (Wood), ii. 260.]

STEWART, ALEXANDER, fifth Lord Blantyre (d. 1704), was the son of Alexander, fourth lord Blantyre (grandson of Walter Stewart or Stuart, first lord Blantyre [q. v.]), by Margaret, daughter of John Shaw of Greenock. At the Revolution he raised a regiment for the service of King William, which was at Stirling when Mackay was encamped at Killiecrankie (Melville Papers, p. 206). For his loyalty he received from King William a pension. He was one of those who protested against the meeting of the convention of 9 June 1702, and seceded from the meeting. By the seceding members he was sent as a deputy to Queen Anne, who declined to accept their protest, but permitted Blantyre to wait upon her. Blantyre took the oath and his seat in the Scottish parliament on 9 July 1703. On 11 Aug. a complaint was made against him by the lord advocate for having, before witnesses, called the lord high commissioner ‘a base and impudent liar’ (Hume of Crossrig, Diary, p. 125). He entered the house while the debate was in progress, and having put himself in the lord constable's hands, was placed under arrest in his own chamber. On the 13th a petition from him was read, asking the commissioner and the estates to accept his humble apology. It was agreed that before his liberation he should on his knees crave pardon of the commissioner and the estates, and submit to a fine of 5,000l. Scots; but on his being called in the commissioner dispensed with his making acknowledgments on his knees, and, having promised obedience to the remainder of the sentence, he was dismissed from the bar and reinstated (ib. p. 147). He died on 20 June 1704. He is described by Macky as ‘a little active man, very low in stature, short-sighted, fair-complexioned, towards fifty years old’ (Memoirs, p. 232). By his first wife, Margaret, eldest daughter of Sir John Henderson of Fordel,