Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 54.djvu/402

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master of the free grammar school at Tunbridge, Kent, by the Skinners' Company of London. It is supposed that Sir Robert Heath [q. v.] (afterwards chief justice) was one of his pupils. He was a celebrated and powerful preacher, and obtained the vicarage of Tunbridge, Kent, in 1585 (Foster, Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714, iv. 1426). At one period he was in great poverty. The records of the corporation of Gravesend show that on 30 Aug. 1594 he received a contribution of forty shillings out of the stock of the chamber of that town, in compliance with a written request from Sir Robert Sidney. He had ceased to be master of Tunbridge school in 1597, when his 'Progymnasma Scholasticum' was published. In the dedication of that work to the Earl of Essex he acknowledges the kindness of that nobleman in relieving his poverty and protecting him from malevolent antagonists. It is believed that he retained the vicarage of Tunbridge till his death. He was buried there on 27 July 1610. Jonathan Stockwood of St. John's College, Cambridge (B. A. 1605-6, M. A. 1609), may have been his son.

His principal works, mainly translations of devotional works by continental reformers, are: 1. 'Common Places of Christian Religion,' London, 1572, 1581, 8vo; translated from the Latin of Henry Bullinger, and dedicated to Henry, earl of Huntingdon. 2. 'The Treasure of Trueth . . . newlie turned into English,' London [1576], 8vo; from the Latin of Theodore Beza; another edition 1581. 3. 'A Shorte . . . Treatize of the Plague,' London, 1580, 8vo; translated from the Latin of Theodore Beza, and dedicated to Sir Henry Sidney. 4. 'A Short Catechisme for House Houlders. With prayers to the same adjoyning [by E. Dering, B.D.]. . . Gathered by J.S.,' London, 1582 and 1583, 8vo. 5. 'Of the Duetie of a Faithful and Wise Magistrate, in preserving and delivering of the comon wealth from infection in the time of the Plague or Pestilence,' London, 1583, 8vo; translated from the Latin (1582) of Johann Ewich. 6. 'A verie profitable and necessarie discourse concerning the observation and keeping of the Sabbath day,' London, 1584, 8vo; translated from the Latin of Ursinus. 7. 'A Right Godly . . . discourse upon the book of Ester,' London, 1584, 8vo; from the Latin of John Brentius; dedicated to Sir Francis Walsingham. 8. 'A godlie and learned Commentarie upon the excellent book of Solomon, commonly called Ecclesiastes, or the Preacher,' London, 1585, 8vo; translated from the Latin of John Serranus. 9. 'An exposition of the 51 Psalme, by Wolph. Musculus, translated,' London, 1586, 8vo. 10. 'A Bartholmew Fairing for parentes, to bestow vpon their sonnes and daughters, and for one friend to giue vnto another; shewing that children are not to marie without the consent of their parentes,' London, 1589, 8vo. 11. 'A plaine and easie laying open of the Meaning and Vnderstanding of the Rules of Construction in the English Accidence, appointed by authentic to be taught in all schooles of hir Maiesties dominions, for the great vse and benefite of young beginners,' London, 1590, 4to; . . . 1703, 8vo. 12. 'A fruitfull Commentarie upon the twelve Small Prophets,' Cambridge, 1594, 4to; translated from the Latin of Lambert Danaeus, and dedicated to the Earl and Countess of Huntingdon. 13. 'Progymnasma Scholasticum. Hoc est, Epigrammatum Graecorum ex Anthologia selectorum ab He. Stephano duplicique ejusdem interpretatione explicatorum Praxis Grammatica,' London, 1597, 8vo; dedicated to the Earl of Essex. 14. 'Disputatiuncularum grammaticalium libellus, ad puerorum in scholis triuialibus exacuenda ingenia excogitatus,' London, 1598, 12mo; 4th edit, 1619 ; again 1650.

[Ames's Typogr. Antiq. (Herbert); Dr. Bliss's Sale Catalogue, i. lot 3986; Churton's Life of Nowell, p. 109; Collier's Annals of the Stage, i. 229, iii. 266; Cruden's Gravesend, p. 257; Hallam's Lit. of Europe, i. 513; Haweis's Sketches of the Reformation; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. (Bohn); Watt's Bibl. Brit.]

STOCQUELER, JOACHIM HAYWARD (1800–1885), compiler, the son of Joachim Christian Stocqueler, an insurance broker of Hatton Garden, who was of Portuguese extraction, by his wife Elizabeth, second daughter of Dr. Francis Hayward of Hackney, was born in London in the year 1800.

About 1821 he sailed for Calcutta, and spent the next twenty years in India. There, in addition to writing a guide to the overland route, Stocqueler did much journalistic work, editing, among other papers, the ‘Bengal Monthly Sporting Magazine,’ the ‘East Indian United Service Journal’ (1833), the ‘Indian Racing Calendar’ (1838), the ‘Calcutta Englishman’ and the ‘English Gentleman.’ He also compiled several works of at least temporary value, including ‘Fifteen Months' Pilgrimage through Khuzistan and Persia’ (2 vols. London, 1832), ‘The Wellington Manual’ (extracted from the Despatches, Calcutta, 1840), and ‘Memorials of Affghanistan’ (illustrative of the British expedition, 1838–42, Calcutta, 1843). He returned to England in 1843 in order to find a wider market for his Indian experience, and, in addition to lecturing on Indian subjects, established an East Indian