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Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 54.djvu/452

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Index to Volume LIV

Streaton. AUn(t8a7-]eC5> .
StevflMOii, David (181(^1886)
SteronMn, (Jeoree (179B-1858)
Sterensoii, (ieorge Jnhn (1818-1888) .
Unii»D, John ( 1778-iaSfi ?)
UTeawD, Sir Jotin Aadrew (17GD7-ISS3)
BteTeusOD, John ll«ll-, origioallv .lohn Uall
StavCDHiii, Joseph (180G-1895)
StantuoD, Maltliew ( ff. lGat-1685)
BterensOD, Robert li7Tl-imi)
StevtaaoD, Hob«rt LodIi (l^'lU-le!)4)
SlBvniMHi. Seth Willinin (1781^1853)
StaTeiuoD, ThomM (1818-1887) .
BMvetuon, WilU«m(l<ia?-lT83) .
BUfenuii, WllliBm {1711-1821}. See
Sl«*«iuoa. Both William.
StoTaiMon, WiUUtn (1772-18:19) .
Stsvmuon, W. B. (Jt. 180a-l8S&) .
SUvMMD, WillUm Flemine (I83S-188<
fUevBrd. Se«al»9teQ«rt,SlewBrl,»ndMtu«rt.
Btawird. Robnt tin (1316-1390). See Bo-
fitawardorSleitBrt,I{ich«rd(IS93?-ISSl) .2
SMwird, Mtvwsrd. or Wella, Robert (li. 16fi7) 3
Steward, Sr Simeon (J. 1629 ? ) . . .8
Steward, Thomaa, D.D. (lliSB ?-176a) . . 2
Stewardson, Thomas (1781-1669) . . . i
Stew&rt. SeealsoSleunrI,Steward,aDdStaart.
Stewart, Alexander, Earl of Dachau and Lord
of Badi'noph (1343 ?-H(l.i ? ) . . .3
Stewart, AI»ander,RarlDfMBr(I3T6P-I4Sa) 2
Stowar', Alexander, Duke of Albanv ( 14M?-
) 2
Stewart, Alexander {USSl-lhlS} . .2
Stawart. Alexaoder, fuurth Earl of Mornv
{J. 1701) .2
Stewart, Alexander, fifth Lord BUntyre <d,
) 2
Stewart, Alexander (d. 1795) .... 3
Stewan.Alcxander Patrick, H.D. (1813-1883) »
Stewart, Andrew, fint Lord Avandale or
ATondale(iJ. 1488) 2
Stewart, Andrew, second Lord Ochiltre* (rt.
M8-IIJ9B) !
i^ewait, Andrew (d. 1C71 ) . . .3
Stewart, AntliDiiv (177B-lStS) . .3
Stewartcn Stuart, LHdv Arabella (1576-1615).
See Arabella.
Stnrart or Stuart, Archibald James Edward
(I748-IB27). ScoDaug]aB.Ari:hlbaldJaD][»
Edward, Snt Baron DiiuKlaaotDaDgliu.
Btewarl, Balfiiur (182S-1887) . . . .2
Stewart, Bernard or Beraalt, third Siear
d'Aiibliniv(1447?-ISlig). SeuStaart.
Stewart, Bernard, titular Eatl of Lichfield
(1638?-ia4a). .S<ieStnarL
Stewart, Cbarlei, third Dake of Lennnx and
thirdDukeofRiBbmond(lG40-167S). See
Stewart, Charles (177M8I2). . . .2
Stewart, Charles (1T84-18S7) .... 2
S'ewart or Staart, Charles Edward < 1720-
S8). Sm Charles Edward Uais PhfUp
Stewart, DsTid (1772-1829) .
•wart, DuRBld (17S3-I8J8) .
Stewart, Esm^, sixth Suif^eur d'Aiibigny and
Duke of Lennox (I54a?-l&ai), See Stuart.
Stewart, FraacesTeress.DuiThHsof Riehmond
and Lenno.x (1648-1702). See Staan.
Stewart or Kluart, Francis, liftb Earl of Both-
well (^1624). S*e Hepburn.
Stewart, Helen d'Arcy Cranatouu (1765-1888).
See under Stewart, Dagald.
SlewarU Henry, first Lord Methven (1495?-
?) 2:
Stewart or Stuart, Ilenrr, Lord Damlev
(154,^-1.167) ',21
Stewart, Henrv. Duke of Gloucester (1G30-
). SeeHenrj-.
Stewart or Stuart, llenrv Benvdlrt Maria
aemeat (1726-1807). l^e Ileacy.
Stewart. SirHerbert (1843-1885) . . .2!
Stewart, Sir Houston ( 1791-1875) . . ,21
Stewart, James (a. 130B) . .31
Stewart, James, Duke of Ross (H76 ?-1504) . « 
Stewart, Janies. Earl ofMorav< 1499 ?-154l). 21
Stewart, Lnrd James, Earl uf Uar. and afler-
WBrdaKarl of Moray (1531 ?-lS70) . .31
Stewart or Stuart, Jameo, Earl oF Hiirav ol a
new line (<l, 1592) . , . '. . »
Stewart, Jam's, of Bolhwellinnir, Earl nf
Arran (dL 1596) 8<
Stewart, James, fourth Duke of Lennox and
DukeofKiebmond(16I2-16.'i5). See Stuart,
Stewart, James (179I-1B63) . . . .81
Stewart or Stnar', James Francis Edward
(168»<1766). See James Francia Edward
Stewart, John. Earl of Buchan (1381 ?-H24) 81
" art.SIr John(13C5?-U29), of Darnley,
it Seigneur of Aubiif — "— •" ■
first (or ninth)' Earl of Lennox (d. 1495) . 8
Stewart, Sit John, of Balreny, tlnl Earl of
Athollof a new Stewart line (1440 MSIS) 8
Stewart, John, tbiid or (eleventh) Eorl of Len-
nox (d. 1526) 3
Stewart, John, Dnke of Albanj- (t4Sl-l.'ise) , s:
Stowan, John, third Earl of Aihnll (<(. 154!).
Seeunder Stewart, Sir John, of Balvenjf.fl ret
Earl of Atholl of a new Stewart line.
Stewart, LordJohn (1531-1666) . . .8;
Stewart, John, fourth Earl of Athnll (d. 1578) S.
'--wart, Sir John, flrat Earl of Traiiuair (rf.
6&9) . 81
Stewart, John, called John Roy ( 1700-1752) . 8:
"tewart, John (1749-182S) . . .8;
tewart or Stuart, Louisa, Connteea of Albany
(1763-18M). See Albany.
Stewart, Ludnvick, atcond Duke of Lennox
and Duke uf Richmond (1674-1624). 6<k
IStswart or Stnart, Maria Clementina (1703-
1735). See nndft James Francis Edward.
Stewart or Stnart, Msry (I542-1S8T). Seo
Stewart, Matthew, seoond (or tenth) Earl of
Lennox (if. 1613). See under .'<tawart or
Stuart, Sir John, Lord Damler and Hnt (or
ninth) Earl of Lennox.
Stewart, Matthew, fourth (or Iwelflh) Earl of
Lennox (16l6-l.'i71) 31
Stewart. Matthew (1717-1785) . .31
Stewart, Murdac er Hurdoch, se«ond Duke oT
Albany (d. 1426) .