predestination as destroying all hope among men and denying free-will. He argued that, though apostolic poverty was better than wealth, the possession of wealth by the clergy was not sinful, and it was capable in their hands of beneficial application. Wycliffe's scheme for changing the church's constitution he considered foolish and wrong because impracticable. Strode took his stand with Jerome and St. Augustine in insisting that the peace of the church must be maintained even at the risk of tolerating abuses. None of Strode's theological writings survive, but they evoked a reply from Wycliffe. This is extant in ‘Responsiones ad Rodolphum Strodum,’ a manuscript as yet unprinted in the Imperial Library of Vienna (No. 3926). Wycliffe's ‘Responsiones’ define Strode's theological position. The tone of the discussion was, it is clear from Wycliffe's contribution, unusually friendly and courteous. The reformer reminds Strode that he was ‘homo quem novistis in scholis’ (i.e. at Merton College).
Wycliffe was not the only distinguished writer of the time with whom Strode was acquainted. At the end of Chaucer's ‘Troylus and Cryseyde,’ written between 1372 and 1386, the poet penned a dedication of his work to the poet John Gower and the ‘philosophical Strode’ conjointly. Chaucer's lines run:
O moral Gower, this booke I directe
To thee, and to the philosophical Strode,
To vouchensauf ther nede is to correcte,
Of youre benignetes and zeles gode.
There is every reason to doubt the accuracy of the oft-repeated statement that Strode was tutor to the poet's son Lewis while the latter was a student at Merton College in 1391. For this son Chaucer wrote his ‘Treatise on the Astrolabe’ in that year, and in one manuscript of the work (Dd. 5, 3, in Cambridge University Library) the colophon at the end of pt. ii. § 40 recites: ‘Explicit tractatus de conclusionibus Astrolabi compilatus per Galfridium Chaucier ad Filium suum Lodewicum Scholarem tunc temporis Oxonie, ac sub tutela illius nobilissimi philosophi Magistri N. Strode.’ These words were evidently added towards the end of the fifteenth century, long after the manuscript was written. The script is ornate, and, although the initial before Strode's name is usually read ‘N,’ it might stand for ‘R.’ In any case it seems probable that the reference, though a mere erroneous guess, was to Ralph the logician, and may be explained as an attempt to throw light on the ‘Troylus’ dedication.
Lydgate and others of Chaucer's disciples, as though merely following Chaucer's precedent in the dedication to ‘Troylus,’ often linked Strode's name with Gower's, but Strode himself seems to have essayed poetic composition. The ‘Vetus Catalogus’ of the fellows of Merton College, written in the fifteenth century, adds to Strode's name the gloss: ‘Nobilis poeta fuit et versificavit librum elegiacum vocatum Phantasma Radulphi.’ No mention is made in the catalogue of Strode's logical or theological work. John Leland (1506–1552) [q. v.], who had access to the Merton ‘Vetus Catalogus,’ expands, in his ‘Commentarii’ (Oxford, 1709), its description of Strode into an elaborate statement of Strode's skill in elegiac poetry, but does not pretend that he personally had access to his work, and makes no mention of Strode in any other capacity than that of an amatory poet. Bale, in the first edition of his ‘Britanniæ Scriptores’ (1548), treats Strode exclusively as a logician and a depraved adversary of Wycliffe. Incidentally he notes that Strode was an Englishman, though John Major had erroneously introduced his name into his ‘History of the Scots’ in 1521. In the next edition of Bale's ‘Scriptores’ (1557), where Strode's biography was liberally expanded, he was described as a poet of eminence. Chaucer was credited with having designated him as an English poet at the close of ‘Troylus.’ To Strode Bale now allotted, in addition to his logical and theological tracts, two new literary works, viz. the ‘Phantasma Radulphi’ and (on the authority of Nicholas Brigham [q. v.], in a lost work, ‘De Venatione rerum Memorabilium’) an ‘Itinerarium Terræ Sanctæ’ (Bale, Scriptores, edited by R. L. Poole from Selden MS. Sup. 64, f. 107). Pits and Dempster recklessly amplified, after their wont, Bale's list of Strode's compositions. Neither of the literary works assigned to Strode by Bale is known to be extant. The present writer has suggested as possible that the fine fourteenth-century elegiac poem ‘The Pearl’ (printed in 1891) may be identical with the ‘Phantasma Radulphi.’ The author of ‘The Pearl’ was also responsible for three other poems—‘Cleanness,’ ‘Patience,’ and the romance of ‘Sir Gawayne and the Green Knight.’ The poet was clearly from a west midland district, and, although Strode's birthplace is not determined, he doubtless belonged to one of the Strode families near that part of the country.
It is noteworthy that soon after the references to Strode cease in the Merton records, a ‘Radulphus Strode’ obtained a reputation as a lawyer in London. He was common