Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 56.djvu/247

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‘Aγυρτο-Mαστιξ,’ provoked ‘Πλανο-Πνιγμος, or a Gag for Johnson, that published Animadversions upon Galeno-pale, and a Scourge for that pitiful Fellow Mr. Galen, that dictated to him a Scurrilous Greek Title’ (London, 1665, 8vo), which was published, together with a eulogy of ‘Galeno-pale,’ by George Starkey [q. v.] In the following year Thomson pursued the subject in ‘Λοιτομία, or the Pest anatomised’ (London, 8vo), which was translated into Latin by his assistant, Richard Hope, in 1680 (London, 8vo), and into German by Joachim Biester (Hamburg, 1713, 4to).

In 1670 he published a treatise against blood-letting under the title of ‘Haimatiasis, or the true Way of preserving the Bloud’ (London, 8vo), which plunged him into a new controversy with Henry Stubbe (1631–1676) [q. v.], who replied in ‘The Lord Bacon's Relation of the Sweating-Sickness examined, in a Reply to George Thomson, Pretender to Physick and Chymistry, together with a Defence of Phlebotomy’ (London, 1671), 8vo. Thomson rejoined in ‘Mισοχυμίας Ἔλεγχος, or a check given to the insolent garrulity of H. Stubbe’ (London, 1671, 8vo). Letters were interchanged and published by Thomson in the following year (London, 4to). In 1673 he published ‘Epilogismi Chymici Observationes necnon Remedia Hermetica Longa in Arte Hiatrica exercitatione constabilita’ (London, 8vo), and in 1675 ‘Oρθο-μέθοδος ἰατρο-χυμική, or the direct Method of Curing Chymically’ (London, 8vo), which was translated into Latin by Gottfried Hennicken, and published at Frankfort-on-Maine in 1686 with a preface by Thomson dated 1684. If this date be correct, he was then living, though there are some grounds for believing that he died before 1680. His portrait, engraved from life in 1670 by William Sherwin, is prefixed to several of his works.

Thomson was twice married: first, on 2 Nov. 1667, to Abigail, daughter of Hugh Nettleshipp, salter, of Wandsworth, Surrey; and secondly, on 31 Oct. 1672, to Martha Bathurst of Battersea, Surrey.

[Thomson's Works; Granger's Biogr. History of England, iv. 21; Chester's London Marriage Licences, col. 1331.]

THOMSON, GEORGE (1782?–1838), tutor in the household of Sir Walter Scott and supposed original of ‘Dominie Sampson,’ son of George Thomson (1758–1835), by his wife Margaret, daughter of Robert Gillon of Lessudden, Roxburghshire, was born about 1782. The father was licensed by the presbytery of Dunblane on 4 July 1786, and was called to Melrose about two years later. He caused the church to be moved from the abbey and a new building erected near at hand in 1810. Like his son, he was distinguished by his independence and his simplicity. His stipend being extremely small, a substantial subscription was raised for him during the high price of provisions in 1798, but he firmly declined eleemosynary aid from any of his friends. On another occasion he employed a casual stranger, whom he met upon the high road, as a messenger to take his watch into the neighbouring town to be repaired, with the result that might have been anticipated. He died at Melrose on 22 Nov. 1835.

The eldest son, George, from a lad did his utmost to relieve the necessities of his family, not only educating himself with the aid of a bursary, but taking upon himself the education of two brothers out of his small pittance. About 1811 he became domesticated at Abbotsford as librarian and ‘grinder’ of Scott's boys. Scott had a special kindness for him, which was strengthened by Thomson's mishap—he had lost a leg owing to some rough play when a boy, and had refused to utter the name of the companion who had occasioned the accident. Tall, vigorous, an expert fencer, and a dashing horseman, despite his infirmity, Thomson formed ‘a valuable as well as a picturesque addition to the tail of the new laird’ of Abbotsford. Scott often said ‘In the “Dominie,” like myself, accident has spoiled a capital lifeguardsman.’ His upright life and his sound learning were set off by a number of oddities which increased as he grew older. One of the least amiable was after a hard day's hunting to keep the company waiting while he extemporised what he deemed an appropriate form of grace. Scott was the last man to caricature a friend or dependent, but he certainly embodied some of the tutor's traits in Dominie Sampson in ‘Guy Mannering,’ and Thomson seems himself to have encouraged a belief that he was the original of that remarkable character. Scott frequently tried, though without success, to get him a permanent post. Writing in 1819 to the Duke of Buccleuch, he says, ‘He is nearer Parson Adams than any living creature I ever saw—very learned, very religious, very simple, and extremely absent.’ He added that he was a very fair preacher and a staunch anti-Gallican. In 1820 he left Scott to coach the sons of Mrs. Dennistoun of Colgrain, but Scott still hoped to procure him a ‘harbour on his lee.’ He went to see Scott at Christmas 1825, when his kind heart and incorrigible eccentricities