Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 56.djvu/306

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time of the mutiny, Lord Lawrence made Rawul Pindi his headquarters. Thornton was constantly with him, ably seconding his measures, and he afterwards gave interesting details of Lawrence's conduct at that anxious time, which have been preserved in Bosworth Smith's ‘Life of Lord Lawrence.’ After Lawrence had denuded the Punjaub of troops to assist in the operations against Delhi, Thornton was called on to exercise more independent authority. In the beginning of September 1857 the intelligence reached Lady Lawrence at Murri that the tribes in the lower Hazarah country contemplated revolt. She communicated the intelligence to Thornton, who succeeded in arresting the leaders of the conspiracy within a few hours, and by this prompt action prevented any attempt at rebellion. On the conclusion of the mutiny Thornton was appointed judicial commissioner for the Punjaub, and on 18 May 1860 he was made a companion of the Bath in recognition of his services. He retired from the Indian service in 1862.

Thornton's industry was not confined to the discharge of his administrative duties. He possessed considerable ability as an author. In 1833 he published ‘A Summary of the History of the East India Company’ (London, 8vo), and in 1835, a treatise entitled ‘India, its State and Prospects’ (London, 8vo). In 1837 appeared ‘Illustrations of the History and Practices of the Thugs’ (London, 8vo), and in 1840 ‘Chapters of the Modern History of British India’ (London, 8vo), a work which received much praise. During his furlough in England between 1842 and 1845 he completed two works of greater importance. One of these, ‘History of the British Empire in India,’ London, 1841–5, 6 vols.), was written in a lively and interesting manner, and on the whole in an impartial spirit, though sometimes with a bias in favour of the company. A second edition in one volume appeared in 1858. In 1844 he issued in two volumes a ‘Gazetteer of the Countries adjacent to India on the North-West’ (London, 8vo), which was followed in 1854 by a ‘Gazetteer of the Territories under the Government of the East India Company’ (London, 8vo). This work passed through several editions, the last, revised by Sir Roper Lethbridge and Mr. Arthur Naylor Wollaston, appearing in 1886. Thornton also contributed to the eighth edition of the ‘Encyclopædia Britannica’ the articles on Bombay, Bengal, Ganges, Nepaul, and, in conjunction with David Buchanan, those on Afghanistan and Burmah.

Thornton died in London at Warwick Square on 10 Dec. 1893. In 1840 he married Louisa Chicheliana, the daughter of R. Chichely Plowden, by whom he had four sons and two daughters.

[India Lists; Burke's Landed Gentry; Times, 12 Dec. 1893; Annual Register, 1893, p. 210; Kaye and Malleson's Hist. of the Indian Mutiny, 1889, i. 39, v. 211; Bosworth Smith's Life of Lord Lawrence, 1885, i. 25, 358, 377, 509, 511, ii. 10, 123, 505.]

THORNTON, GILBERT de (d. 1295), judge, was engaged as a crown advocate in 1291. Pursuant to the statutes of Gloucester, 1278, all who claimed liberties and franchises were called upon to prove their claims before the justices in eyre. Among the professional lawyers to whom was entrusted the protection of the interests of the crown was Gilbert de Thornton, who received in 9 Edward I (1280–1) the sum of 10l. for the prosecution and defence of matters concerning the king (Liberate Roll, 529). On 2 Oct. 1284, on being sent to Ireland on the king's service, Thornton appointed Hugh de Cardoyl to be his attorney. Five days later he was granted letters of protection during his absence. For his expenses in Ireland he was allowed the sum of 20l. (Liberate Roll, 542). On his return in 1285 he was again employed as one of the king's advocates, and received an annual salary of 20l. No entry of any payment of this sum appears on the liberate rolls after that which records the payment of the half-yearly instalment due at the beginning of the Michaelmas term of 15 Edward I (1286–1287). It is possible, however, that it was paid to him otherwise than by writ of liberate. Early in 18 Edward I (1289–90) Hengham, chief justice of the king's bench, with nearly all the judges of that court and of the common bench, was dismissed from office, and Thornton was appointed to be his successor. The writ appointing him and his colleagues is not enrolled, but the appointment was probably made about 16 Jan. 1290, on which day the new judges of the common bench were appointed.

Thornton presided over the king's bench until the end of Trinity term in 1295, when he was succeeded by Roger de Brabazon. He was never a justice in eyre, and, although sometimes placed in special commissions of oyer and terminer, he was but very rarely assigned to take particular assizes. After his elevation to the bench he received an annual salary of sixty marks.

Thornton was summoned to parliament on 7 June 1295 (Close Rolls, 117), and probably died a few months later, as his name does not appear on any of the public records after